|Part 2.2|Leon Kennedy x Male!Reader [Angst]

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Resident Evil 6

[This has a sort of "open ending" or sum so... Yeah that]

part 2. version 2.

For the first since they started living together, (M/n) felt like he was walking into an unknown house. There was a void in his chest where his usual happiness would be, coming back from a mission, together, was everything for him.

But he had been dreading stepping through the door, knowing he was going to have to do something about it. About... Them. About what they had, or what he thought they had.

He watched how Leon placed his bag next to the couch, shrugging his jacket off, and he stayed there by the front door, his hand grabbing the strap of his own bag, the other one gripping the box he had kept in the pocket of his sweatshirt during the whole trip back.

(M/n) didn't want to, but he knew he had to, there was nothing that could be fixed or solved between them, they were done.

"Leon," he started by calling his name, watching how he stopped on his way to the kitchen and slowly turned around, "This is over," blue eyes watched closely how (M/n) took something out of his pocket.

There was something in him that told Leon to try, it was the least he could do to help (M/n) with the pain he knew he was feeling.

"There's still time, we... We can still fix this, (M/n), okay? We can," he spoke as convincingly as he could, even if he didn't mean his words, which (M/n) realized.

With a dry chuckle, somehow amused at how easily Leon could lie to him in his face, not even a little bit of remorse in his expression, not even a small 'sorry' for hurting him as deep as he did by simply taking Ada's side. But (M/n) had to give Leon credit, he was a better liar than he had anticipated.

"No, Leon, we had plenty of time... And you wasted it," (M/n) said with a frown, tears gathering in his eyes, unable to stop the memories from flooding his mind. All those times he had been there for Leon, only for all of that to mean nothing to him, "Go with Ada, it's clear who you love the most, Kennedy."

Putting the box back inside his pocket, (M/n) turned around and walked away.

Something inside Leon seemed to snap at the sight of (M/n) walking away from him, and he called his name, unconsciously. He didn't dare look back, knowing there was a small chance of falling back into the depths, the bottomless pit that was loving Leon Kennedy. He just walked away back to the van that drove them there, leaving Leon standing by the front door, all by himself.


After that day, Leon had tried countless times to get in contact with (M/n), to get him back, only to get so obviously ignored by him, and most likely pretending Leon never existed or was part of his life.

He was aware that destroyed (M/n)'s trust, and there was nothing he could do about that except live with that pain, with the pain of knowing he hurt the only person that had ever loved him and had remained by his side through thick and thin, realizing how he had never, not even once, been there for (M/n) whenever he needed him.

Leon realized, perhaps too late, how he fucked up big time, and nothing could ever fix that.

But he would... If he could go back in time.

Nonetheless, it was too late.


For years after, Leon had tried to drown with alcohol the memories he had with (M/n), only for those memories to become more painful whenever he spotted a guy he thought was him, only to be disappointed when he realized that in fact, it wasn't him.

But one night, when he walked into the next bar after being kicked out, he saw him. He is sure that (M/n) is there, sitting at a table and surrounded by men and women who seemed friendly, and more than friendly. And fuck, he has no balls to go over there and talk to him that night, but he realized, that he is in deep.

Leon remembered why he even got together with (M/n) in the first place, and it wasn't because he needed to forget about Ada, it was because (M/n) could make his heart pound in his chest just by being in the same room as him.

And even if Leon didn't get to talk to him that night, the next mission he got called from was forcing him to do exactly that.

(M/n) was there. Not even sparing a glance in his direction, and Leon couldn't blame him for doing so, but now, he found himself apologizing and crying while trying his best.

Doing the best he can to keep (M/n) alive.

He tried to talk, tell Leon that he didn't wanna hear him, but Leon made him shut up, forcing him to listen to what he had to say.

"I know... I know I fucked up, okay? And I'm sorry, I... I should've been a better partner for you, (M/n)," Leon's tears dripped down his face, a few of them landing on (M/n)'s skin, "I'm aware of what I did, I betrayed your trust and completely overlooked how much you loved me, but... I didn't feel like I deserved it," his hands shook as he kept the pressure on (M/n)'s wound, trying to stop him from bleeding out, "There's nothing I can do to get you back, but... I just wanted to apologize and tell you that..."

With glossy eyes, Leon looked into (M/n)'s (e/c) ones.

"That I love you, and I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner," (M/n) showed him a weak smile, reaching his hand up to wipe away Leon's tears, in a futile attempt of easing their flow.

"I..." His voice was quiet, weak, and strained, "I still... Love you, Leon... I never stopped... Loving you..."

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