Gally x Male!Reader [Fluff]

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The Maze Runner

Warning; canon divergence, movieverse.

Boisterous laughs were heard in the Glade, the circle of boys just chillin and playing during their break made others wonder what was happening, causing smiles to grow on their faces again.

They had just heard one of Newt's hilarious stories after he had picked true, and he shook his head with a blush on his face and a small smile, turning to look at the next guy's turn.

And that ended up being (M/n), who made eye contact with the blond almost immediately, "True or dare, (M/n)?"

While everyone calmed down, he was thinking about his choice, always picking true wasn't funny (unless you were Newt) and it's been quite a while since someone picked dare, and that's when he felt Thomas nudging him with a playful chuckle, making you laugh with him.

"Okay, fine... Dare," he said releasing a breath, a faint smile still pulling at the corner of his lip and he saw how Minho leaned closer to Newt's ear to tell him something.

Something that got them both laughing like idiots. And the mischievous look in their eyes worried him for a moment, considering if picking dare was a good idea, this almost seemed planned.

"I dare you to kiss Gally, on the lips," (M/n)'s mouth opened in surprise, speechless for a couple of seconds as he processed Newt's words, hearing everyone around him laughing their ass off like Minho and Newt did, even Alby was having a hard time holding back his laugh.

"You're shucking crazy, Newt?! He's gonna kill me!" He yelled while standing up from his spot on the wooden bench, "If we had a guillotine, my head would be the first one to go there! And all of you after he finds out!" No one paid attention to his words and continued to laugh at his panicked reaction, but Minho seemed to have regained himself enough before everyone else did.

"Come on, it's... just a kiss, it doesn't have to be longer than a second," pushing his hair back in frustration, (M/n) sat back down with a heavy sigh, he looked up at everyone and frowned.

"Has this happened before? Daring someone to kiss Gally?" Fry nodded but didn't add anything after that, not even to reassure him that he'll be fine- which he knows he won't, he sighed and shrugged, "Alright... Where's Gally?"

(M/n) saw Newt wriggling his eyebrows while his eyes were focused on something- someone, behind him, "There he is," he looked over his shoulder, and effectively, Gally was working on something over there, completely silent and focused, looking as serious as always, "Go, your prince is waiting~" Newt said in a teasing voice when (M/n) stood up, everyone chuckled at the idea of Gally being a 'prince'.

He smiled a bit and started walking away, "Shut the hell up, Newt."

His smile was soon wiped off his face, cold sweat running down his spine followed by shivers, his palms felt clammy, making him wipe them on his shirt. He occasionally glanced back at the boys, only to see them chuckling and giving him a thumbs up as a way of encouragement.

Now, (M/n) was within hearing distance of Gally, so taking a deep breath he approached him a few more steps, thinking 'you can do it' to himself a few times, "Uh, Gally?"

Gally looked up at the call of his name, his green eyes looking into his (e/c) ones, the movements his hands did to tie the pieces of wood together momentarily stopping.

"What do you want?" He continued working, sparing a few glances at (M/n), realizing how nervous he looked.

"I..." Nothing, he could barely breathe properly, even less formulate a sentence. Gally frowned when (M/n) simply stayed quiet, and annoyed, he completely stopped working, turning his body to look at him.

"You?" He added with an irritated tone, making (M/n) anxiously shift in place and wipe his hands again, Gally didn't miss that, wondering what was going on with him all of a sudden.

(M/n) looked down at the grass under his feet, "Can you promise me you won't punch me?" Gally pressed his tongue against his cheek, his jaw tensing at the question.

"I wanna punch you right now, (M/n)," he just nodded as he took a deep breath, understanding that he was making the situation worse by behaving like this.

"I can do it," he mumbled loud enough for Gally to hear him.

"Can do what?" (M/n) didn't even bother answering him, mostly because he didn't actually hear him over the sound of his own thoughts, and he quickly approached Gally before he lost all the courage he managed to gather in the past ten seconds.

Everything seemed to going in slow motion in the Glade, Gally watched how (M/n) got closer and closer to him, making him feel nervous and anxious, something not many could say have accomplished. And yet, it seemed like (M/n) didn't have to do much to make him feel like his heart was going to burst out of his chest at any given moment.

Gally shifted in place as he observed (M/n) with uncertainty, but soon, his mind was going numb.

(M/n) had reached his arms up to hold him by the collar of his shirt, pulling him closer and pressing their lips together. Gally's eyes were wide open for a moment, processing what was happening, and yet, his hands went up to gently hold (M/n)'s wrists as his eyes closed, his whole body tingling and face heating up at the feeling of (M/n)'s lips pressed against his.

His sleepless nights imagining, fantasizing, and daydreaming about kissing (M/n) didn't even come close to how he felt right now. It almost felt like they were the only ones around. And he liked that. The small moan he let out was a clear giveaway of the fact.

However, the kiss was cut short when (M/n) backed away. He was caught by surprise at the... Pretty moan he heard from Gally, and now he was really confused.

And seeing Gally blushing made him believe that he was actually knocked down or was killed by him because there was no way that Gally was blushing. He looked taken aback and flustered, his hand reaching up to cover his lips with the back of it, looking away without making eye contact.

(M/n) swears he saw a hint of a smile too.

"Uhm... Gally?" He asked unsure, almost flinching at the soft look in his green eye when he glanced back at him, it was... New and rather nice, it felt good to not be constantly glared at for once.

"We'll talk about this later," and just like that, he left him standing there alone.

(M/n) watched how Gally ran away back to the main building, and he slowly turned around, his steps hesitant as he walked back to the boys, who seemed just as surprised as him.

"What was that?" Thomas asked as soon as he arrived, he opened his mouth to talk but didn't have any answer to that.

He shook his head from side to side and shrugged, "I don't know, Tommy..."

With the tense atmosphere, everyone decided it would be best to stop playing for now and just talk, but (M/n) wasn't feeling like talking at the moment, so he simply excused himself, muttering something about having a headache and he went to the infirmary when Winston told him he could rest there.

Laying on the bed, he racked his brain about the situation, remembering the kiss and Gally's reaction. (M/n) thought that it would've been nice if Gally only pushed him away and left with a threat, but... He was really confused about how Gally reacted.

The last thing he expected was to see him blush and just leave.

He let out a groan and rubbed his face with his hands, deciding that staying in bed wasn't gonna help him, he needed to distract himself with some work. Even if that meant seeing Gally.


Part 2 is being written right now~!

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