Leon Kennedy x Male!Reader [Angst]

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Resident Evil

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{Please, let me keep the sad ending T_T I don't like happy endings]

(M/n) pretended like he didn't see the signals, the way too obvious signs of their love falling apart. He just didn't want to acknowledge that what he had with Leon was already gone- that it was never there, to begin with.

He can clearly remember the first time it happened, it came to him one night.

Both he and Leon had come back from a difficult mission, and without much argument, Leon had let him shower first, claiming he had to make a call. (M/n) didn't question it since they usually had to do that anyway, plus he was tired and gross so he was really needing to take that shower and head to bed as soon as he could.

Already in their room, (M/n) plopped face down on the made bed, hearing Leon's footsteps down the hall as he headed to the bathroom, "You're gonna get sick," he called out on his way past the slightly opened door, making (M/n) grunt as he got off the bed and pulled the covers back, getting in properly this time.

Even if he was dead tired, he couldn't sleep unless he knew Leon was next to him, especially after this mission they had, he just wanted to hold Leon close and never let him go, so he waited for him to come in the room.

He heard the water from the shower stop, and a few minutes later, the bathroom light was turned off, followed by quiet steps approaching the door. (M/n) fixed his spot on the bed and patiently waited for Leon to come into the room.

But nothing.

In the quiet of their house, (M/n) heard the couch creaking under Leon's weight, and the clicking sounds of his keyboard. Maybe he had some leftover work to do, maybe Hunnigan asked him to do it now instead of in the morning. He figured it wouldn't take him more than an hour, so he waited.

And waited.

And kept waiting.

And now the clock read 3am. He sighed and kicked the sheets off his legs, standing up and walking to the opened door of the room, his steps quietly hitting the floor. He opened the door and walked out, stepping into the living room.

Leon was sleeping on the couch, the warm glow of the lamp on the table next to the couch cast a glow on him, making shadows around him. (M/n) sighed and smiled, walking closer to him, he probably fell asleep while working on stuff so he didn't blame Leon for not going to bed.

Out of the corner of his eye, (M/n) noticed a blinking light coming from his side, and he realized it was Leon's laptop. The screen was dark, but it was still on. He moved it toward him slightly, touching the pad and soon the screen lit up.

Many png files were opened, shining on the screen with an almost mocking glow, he felt his chest tight when he recognized the woman in the pictures. Ada.

He took a deep breath, not wanting to assume anything yet, if Leon was cheating on him, he'll tell him, right? So maybe he was investigating her because of a mission or something, (M/n) tried to convince himself that's all it was. He closed the laptop, turned the lamp off, and took a deep breath, blinking away the tears that started gathering in his eyes because of his anxiety.

He turned around and stumbled his way back to the room, falling on the bed and staring at the ceiling. He couldn't sleep that night.


The next morning, (M/n) got up from the bed and decided to make breakfast, he kept telling himself that it was nothing and maybe Leon was gonna tell him about it, maybe he just fell asleep working on her file, so he managed to calm down just a bit.

Male Characters x Male!Reader !One-Shots!Where stories live. Discover now