Ike Eveland x Male!Reader [Fluff]

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VTuber/Nijisanji EN Luxiem

The whole trip there, Ike had been worrying about his manuscript, especially about how the edition was gonna go like. Lately, he had been stressing so much, having to do stuff left and right without rest which led him to finish his novel in a rush.

And now, reading it over and over again on the train he realized how bad it turned out, he really wanted to change and fix it but he was already late on the date, so he couldn't do much now, except wait for them to edit stuff and publish it. Well, whether he was regretting every decision that led to him fuck up his manuscript, there's nothing he can do to fix it now.

Once the train stopped at his station, he hopped off and walked the couple of blocks of distance he had to. Entering the building, Ike greeted the woman at the front desk, who smiled at him and saw him rushing to his publisher and editor's office. He knew the way there like the back of his hand, he didn't even have to pay attention since usually there were no people around at that time of day, so he took this chance to pull out his phone and respond to all the texts that he received in the past ten minutes.

Something urgent was happening, and he was needed as soon as possible, handing his manuscript was also urgent and it was related to his carrier as a novelist so he couldn't just ditch it like it was nothing. He had priorities at the moment.

While he texted back, he was about to turn the corner, and because he wasn't looking up, he ended up colliding against a sturdy body.

His manuscript fell, but he managed to not drop his phone in the middle of his startled panic. He heard the other person saying something, but his olive-green eyes were only focused on the ground.

There, on the shiny floor, laid his manuscript, and an empty cup lay beside it, the content of said cup spilled over the pages.

The sight of such a thing filled him with anger and relief. Ike was angry that his hard work was ruined, and relieved that he had an excuse to actually write the novel the way he wanted. He had copies, but it would give him time to fix the other urgent problem he had, and then he'll be able to concentrate and write the end properly. Those two feelings mixed overwhelmed him, and tears soon started to pour from his eyes without him even realizing it.

(M/n) observed how Ike broke down and fell on his knees, his hands shaking as he kept his sight on the manuscript. It made him feel overwhelmed too, and as he knelt on the ground, reaching to hold Ike's hands in his, in an attempt to make them stop shaking.

"I-I'll help you write your manuscript again...! I'll get you more time, my father is the owner of the company, and- and I can tell him what happened and that it's my fault-" (M/n) was freaking out too, running out of air as he blabbered apologies left and right, but Ike was only observing him in silence, his heart beating faster as his belly started feeling tingly.

That's, how they met.


At least six months later, Ike and (M/n) had become friends, both of them having a crush on the other but too scared to say anything about it. Right now, (M/n) was waiting for Ike to be done with his shower, they were gonna start discussing his upcoming novel and there were some things (M/n) wanted to make sure he understood.

He leaned back against the couch, sitting on the wooden floor as he looked around the neat and clean apartment, and he saw the shelf where Ike kept all of his original manuscripts. (M/n) never got to read them, Ike always said they weren't good, but was quite optimistic when it came to writing. After all, no one is born knowing how to write a good story.

(M/n) stood up from his place on the floor and walked over to the shelf, briefly looking while reading anything until one in particular caught his attention.

The one he messed up when they met. As much as he feels guilty and embarrassed every time he remembers that first day at his father's editorial, he never got to read the manuscript, and let's not talk about the published version of it, Ike said that it wasn't worth his time anyway.

Now, he finally got to read it. He grabbed it gently and slowly opened the stained pages, the words were a bit blurry, but they got better with each page, and at one point, he started having a sensation of dèja vú, as if he already read this novel before.

And like that, (M/n) took a few glances at some of the manuscripts Ike had, and when it kept happening, he realized...

Ike Eveland is his favorite author. And not only are they friends and he has a crush on him, but... He has been praising his work nonstop ever since they became close!

The embarrassment he felt was real. And when he heard Ike opening the bathroom door after his shower, he took the cushion on top of the couch and hid his face in it.

Ike raised his eyebrow at the questionable sight of the male, and wondered what happened to him.

"Are you okay? Did something happen?" He asked while drying his hair with his towel, picking up his glasses from the shelf he placed them.

"...didn't tell me..." Pushing his hair back, Ike put his glasses back on and walked to sit next to (M/n), who was kneeling on the ground, "Why didn't you tell me that you were-?" He lifted his head and made eye contact with Ike, only to feel his face heating and quickly look away.

Glancing around his apartment, Ike noticed that some of his manuscripts were moved around, and he guessed what (M/n) had been trying to say. He chuckled, which broke (M/n)'s heart as he thought his favorite novelist was making fun of him. But it was the opposite.

"I didn't tell you cause I didn't want you to look at me differently, (M/n)," slowly glancing back up, he observed how Ike had a content expression on his face, and he sat up, captivated by his beauty as he listened to what he had to say, "And hearing you talk about the goods and bad part of my novels, what it made you feel and how you were sometimes caught off-guard by a scene."

Ike remained silent for a moment, playing with his fingers

"I just wanted to have a real friend, and your opinions and thoughts really helped me improve my writing a lot," he looked at (M/n) straight in his eyes and smiled sweetly, a blush evident on his cheeks, "Thank you for supporting me, (M/n)."

And he couldn't take it anymore.

Getting up from the floor, (M/n) stood in front of Ike, who was now looking at him confused. Before he could say anything, (M/n) gently held his face in his hands and leaned down to kiss him.

"I'm in love with you, Ike."


Letting out a chuckle, Ike remembered those days, taking the manuscript that started it all out of the cardboard box. (M/n) glanced over his shoulder at the cute sound coming from his fiance.

"What? You remembered a meme or something?" He asked with a chuckle while he walked toward Ike, who only shook his head and showed the manuscript to (M/n).

"This manuscript is what brought us together... And what made you realize I am your favorite-"

"Can we not talk about that?!" (M/n) exclaimed with a shaky voice as he turned around to go back and do his thing. Ike laughed and placed the manuscript on the top shelf.

That novel became his best-seller once it was published, so it really means the world to Ike.

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