Whiny!Bakugou Katsuki x Male!Reader [Fluff]

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Boku no Hero Academia

Requested by JenyneCruzII on Wattpad.

!Short Chapter!

Bakugou's day started like any other, except, he felt a weird needy feeling in his body. For whatever reason that he couldn't explain, he wanted to be held in his boyfriend's strong arms, he needed his attention.

And that made him quite anxious and grumpy.

Why would he need to have (M/n) hugging him? He's strong and will never admit he's weak, but... the taller male was different. (M/n) was always there for him, encouraging him to keep going or scolding him for not resting properly, at times telling him how proud he was of him and that would end in a flustered yet happy Bakugou.

That was probably the reason why he wanted attention. Last night some old memories came back to him, reminding him how he wasn't as strong as he thought he was, which made him need hugs and cuddles, accompanied by sweet nothings being whispered in his ear.

So, he walked out of his bedroom, ready to jump on his boyfriend and ask for his calming cuddles and safe arms.

But whenever he tried to get (M/n)'s attention, he was ignored, it was annoying him to no end, seeing his (e/c) looking at somebody else but him and how he would laugh brightly in front of those damn extras. And after countless failed attempts, he started to ignore (M/n) too, trying to make him taste some of his own medicine.

...The thing was, it wasn't working. (M/n) never looked in his direction, not even once. It was their day off, and they didn't have any homework so the male didn't have an excuse for ignoring him! But his boyfriend's unphased behavior was starting to make him feel sadder and sadder. Anxiety and worry grew inside his chest, wondering to himself if he did something wrong to cause such behavior in (M/n), but he couldn't think of anything.

Even if he was feeling down, Bakugou kept trying to talk to (M/n), he tried to get his attention, but every time he got closer or tried the taller male would get pulled away or somebody would start talking to him, making the (h/c) haired male completely ignore the ash-blond.

He had a defeated expression throughout the day, lasting until nighttime. They ate dinner happily, while Bakugou just played with his food, eating a piece or two of meat, keeping his crimson eyes on the tall male on the other side of the room.

His friends were making useless attempts at asking him what was wrong, only to receive complete silence from the hot-headed male.

Bakugou never looked away from (M/n) and he stood up as soon as he saw him stand up as well. His feet took him to (M/n), walking behind him as the (raven, brunette, blond, etc) climbed up the stairs while he was humming a melody, completely oblivious of the sad male following him.

The rest of their classmates were staring at them, confused about Bakugou's behavior but also slightly worried about (M/n), but they just let that slide and kept enjoying their dinner.

(M/n) sighed heavily as soon as he reached his bedroom and opened the door, the very moment he took a step inside a weight clung onto his back, hugging him tightly. He yelped in surprise, looking down at the muscular arms that were holding him with such strength, then he heard soft whining.

He looked behind him over his shoulder, seeing the spiky blond hair of his temperamental boyfriend. (M/n) was shocked and slightly flustered at the affection, taken aback by how tight Katsuki was holding onto him as if he was afraid he would leave.

"Katsuki," he whispered in the silent room. The sound of his voice made the smaller male cling tighter around him, mumbling against his back, "I can't understand you, puppy." (M/n) sweatdropped with a tiny smile tugging his lips up, but Katsuki only made him turn around and hiding his face in his chest. "Baby...?"

"Wh-why were you ig-ignoring me all d-day, idiot?" (M/n) could just stare at him, wondering what was he talking about. He placed his hand on his hair, playing with his locks while his free arm wraps around his waist, holding him close.

"I wasn't ignoring you-."

"Yes, you were!" His yell made him shut up, Katsuki looked up at him, with glossy eyes filled with unspilled tears, "I tried to get your attention all day long, but...!" Katsuki rested his forehead on (M/n)'s chest once more, his fists holding tightly onto his clothes, "You didn't even notice it... I don't like it when you are with other people... you're my boyfriend and only I get to make you smile not them... damn it."

(M/n) felt a bit of happiness hearing Katsuki admitting that he needed him, but it also saddened him how genuinely hurt he looked. He took a deep breath and picked him up, closing his dorm's door and sitting on his bed, slowly laying back with Katsuki on top of him.

The blond stayed still, snuggling against his chest while (M/n) stroked his back and played with his hair some more while he whispered to Katsuki how much he loves him, which resulted in a flustered Katsuki, sitting up on his stomach as he whined how cheesy the male was.

"Y-you should just shut already..." his body slouched, his fingers playing with (M/n)'s tee shirt as a dark blush covered his cheeks, "Or you should just... k-kiss me al-already, i-idiot..." he mumbled loud enough for (M/n) to hear him.

The taller male stared at him, feeling his heart flutter at the adorable behavior of the blond, and he sat up, wrapping his arms around him and kissing him deeply, making Katsuki gasp out in surprise before he soon melted in his arms.

Their kiss broke when the oxygen was leaving their lungs, and they stared into each other's eyes, Katsuki blushed a darker red and cover his face with his hand while (M)/n) just chuckled at that and laid back down, snuggling on Katsuki's neck.

They enjoyed their closeness and soon enough, they both fell asleep in their lover's arms.

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