Ash Lynx x Male!Reader [Fluff&Angst]

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Banana Fish

Requested by Shinya_writes on Wattpad

Warning; slight suggestive content, ooc!ash (maybe).

(M/n) knew. He was so painfully aware of it.

He knew Ash would never want a serious relationship with him, even if he gave him all the love in the world to give to the blond. To Ash, (M/n) was just... to use, just like he had been used so many times before.

Ash also knew. He was also aware of the pain he was putting the (h/c) haired male through, but he craved it. Being held gently, soft words whispered to him, and just for him to hear, he wanted all of him, but he didn't want him.

In the silence of Ash's rented apartment, their naked bodies tangled under the sheets, (M/n) felt goosebumps covering his entire body, his face flushed and his heart pounding in his chest, completely devoted to Ash as he pleased him, giving him what he wanted whenever he asked him.

His frame trembling when Ash would hold onto him tightly, mumbling in his ear how good he was feeling, and the moment (M/n) would open his mouth to whisper an 'I love you, Ash' he would stop completely, biting the tip of his tongue when he recalls that the blond under him does not love him back, almost unable to keep going, more often times than not, he would just end up not cumming, his cock soft as he got dressed and left to grab a wet towel so he could clean up Ash's body.

(M/n) couldn't break off this thing he had with Ash, even if he knew it was going to be his downfall. Getting to make love to the blond without him getting disgusted or angry as a fight-or-flight response was a nice feeling, but a really painful one too. He couldn't break it off because he also knew how he was the first one to fully love and treasure him for who he was and not who he made himself to be.

Ash got drunk on the feeling of (M/n)'s love, and so, the moment the male stopped whispering how much he loves him and would leave in complete silence after cleaning his weak and trembling body, he started to get worried. (M/n) wouldn't even look at him when they were together, either them alone or with the rest of Ash's gang, he would stay completely silent as if he was being forced to be there and wasn't enjoying it.

And one day, (M/n) simply stopped meeting up with Ash.

He had gone back to his old, bad habits, drinking, smoking, and fucking around with people, habits that he got rid of when he fell in love with Ash.

During those alone days, Ash would spend the entire day feeling anxious, wondering over and over where (M/n) and if something had happened to him, he felt weak. He felt pain, sadness, desperation, longing, and finally, determination.

The moment he realized why he was feeling the way he did was thanks to Eiji who, with a dark red colored face, explained to Ash why he had been feeling like that, giving him different types of reasons why it was happening, but only one seemed to be the correct answer.

"Maybe... you were in love with (M/n)?" Of course, how could he have been so stupid?

Well, in his defense, he rarely felt loved by someone and even less loved by someone, the only exception were his elder brother and that girl he liked when he was fourteen years old. But now, it was different, he didn't just 'like' (M/n), and he was hoping he didn't realize it too late.

Running out of his rented apartment, he didn't even bother getting in his car, he just ran to (M/n)'s apartment.

When he got there, he recovered his breath before noticing the door was unlocked, and he reached for his gun just in case, only to realize that he forgot it.

He cursed under his breath and pushed the door open, walking in and fully stopping after taking a single step, the place smelled of cigarettes and alcohol, but his jade-colored eyes got fixated on the bedroom door. He felt sick when he heard another men's voice moaning out (M/n)'s name, barely being able to hear the (h/c) haired male's groans, and that filled him with anger.

Ash stomped to (M/n)'s room and smashed the door open causing the male underneath (M/n) to shriek as he pushed the male off of him, standing up and getting dressed as quickly as he could before he ran away.

(M/n) cursed and sat up, feeling dizzy as he did so, placing a hand on his head in a futile attempt at calming his growing headache. His (e/c) eyes looked at Ash, ready to start cursing him for scaring away such a good fuck, but the blond grabbed him by the wrist and took him to the bathroom.

Harshly, he pushed (M/n) into the bathtub, opening the cold water and grabbing the shower head, spraying water over him in an attempt to make him sober up and talk more coherently.

Whining and whipping his head side to side at the feeling of the cold water on his skin, (M/n) reached for the male's wrist and pushed him away. "Stop, stop! That's enough, okay?!" He yelled, successfully making Ash close the water and set the shower head aside.

(M/n) used his hands to wipe the dripping water from his face and barely opened his eyes, looking up at who just poured water all over him, and he saw the slightly messy blond hair of Ash Lynx.

"What's wrong with you, (M/n)?"

He stayed fully silent and looked away at the dripping wall, ignoring every question Ash had to ask him, but the longer it passed the angrier he got at himself when he felt his heart beating faster when Ash touched him.

The blond sighed and grabbed the male's soap, gently washing his sweaty body, the foul scent of booze washing away with the soft-scented soap. Both of them stayed silent, (M/n) kept his hands between his thighs and kept his body still.

As Ash rinsed the soap from his body and the shampoo from his hair, he asked the question he had been wanting to say.

"Why are you doing this again?" Unfortunately for Ash, his question made (M/n) mad, snapping his head around to stare at him with tears starting to fill his eyes.

"Do you have any idea how long I've been in love with you, Ash?! Do you know how painful it was for me to put up with you when you don't even like me back?!" Ash stared with wide eyes at the tears rolling down (M/n)'s face, hearing and seeing him sobbing. He felt his heart pounding and guilt clouding his thoughts at the amount of pain he put such a sweet and devoted male as (M/n) through.

He bit his tongue when he saw the male wiping his tears away, and he unconsciously let go of the shower head, cupping (M/n)'s face in his hands and leaning closer to join their lips together in a deep kiss.

After a couple of seconds where (M/n) just stared wide-eyed at the blond before he broke their kiss, his serious jade-colored eyes looking right into his shocked (e/c) eyes, before frowning at him in anger. He opened his mouth, about to starry yelling at Ash again, but the blond just kissed him again, only longer this time, slowly dragging his tongue across his bottom lip.

He unbuckled his belt, took his pants off along with his underwear, pulled away, and took his t-shirt off, getting in the bath with (M/n), and straddling his lap. His fingers tangled on (M/n)'s hair, pulling on it and leaning down to kiss him again.

"I like you too, dumbass, now kiss me before I hit you." He mumbled with a smile on his face, causing (M/n) to blush and bite his lip, his heart beating fast against his ribcage, before moving his hands to hold the blond's hips gently, pressing their foreheads together.

"You better not be lying..." Ash chuckled and placed a peck on his lips, staring into his (e/c) eyes with a seductive look, causing (M/n)'s breath to get stuck in his throat.

"Why would I lie about my feelings? I like you, (M/n). It's the truth." (M/n) fought the urge to cry right then and there again, giving the blond a shaky smile before leaning closer to press their lips together, both of them with big smiles plastered on their faces.

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