Leon Kennedy x Male!Reader [Ansgt]

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Resident Evil 4

are y'all ready for this?

Warning; SPOILERS, mentions of blood, wounds, knives, gun, violence, all that stuff, horrible English and bad pacing. Long chapter, 8.5k words.

(M/n) stumbled as he got back on his feet, the wound above his brow was gushing blood very rapidly, making him grow dizzier the longer it passed. He blinked a couple of times, trying to focus his sight ahead, his feet struggling to make him stand up again, his arms trembling as they pushed his torso off the ground.

Grunting in pain, (M/n)'s blurry sight was soon met with a pair of military combat boots, he gritted his teeth as he refused to believe this is where he dies, under the hands of the man he once trusted with his life.

"Poor, poor lieutenant," the man bent his knees and reach his hand to hold (M/n)'s chin in his hand, the sadistic glint in his eyes made (M/n)'s stomach turn, watching how his smirk grew wider, "Time to say goodbye."

The last thing he saw was Krauser's fight inching closer to his face at an alarming velocity, and if he wanted, he couldn't dodge the punch that landed on his face, knocking him unconscious soon after.


The feeling of head throbbing woke him up, but he couldn't open his eyes, and he couldn't move either. The swinging of his body side to side made him realize that he was being carried like a potato sack, hearing the quiet humming of Krauser's voice as he took him somewhere he didn't know.

The sound of a big door reached his ears, soon entered a room with a nice echo, it sounded like the room was pretty much empty, and (M/n) still continued trying to open his eyes, tried to fight Krauser's grip off his body, but it was useless, his body was numb, his head throbbing, he couldn't feel half of his face and he definitely didn't have the energy or strength to take on Krauser at the time.

So he stayed there, completely quiet, trying to remain somewhat conscious.

"Where'd you want 'im?" Krauser asked to someone in the room with them, and (M/n) was frightened for a moment, they hadn't made a single sound so they never made themselves present to (M/n)'s hearing.

"Over there," a raspy, horse voice said, and Krauser groaned a positive response as he continued to take him away to wherever he was taking him. The squeaky sound of wheels echoed in the room, and he soon was laid on what he recognized as a hospital gurney, then footsteps getting closer to him after Krauser walked away got him on edge.

"It's time to join us, my child."

He felt something sharp and cold pressing against his neck, pressing until it pierced the soft skin and he could feel how something slithered its way inside his body.

"It's just a matter of time before you become one of us," he felt an icy cold hand pressing against his forehead, moving his hair away, before turning around and leaving him all alone in that cold room.

He's not sure for how long he remained conscious, but he ended up giving up on keeping himself awake.


The car ride was silent as he looked out the window, getting a view of the place he was approaching.

His mind raced over the same words, like a song getting stuck in your head, one that you can't get rid of.

"Whilst rescuing the president's daughter is your main priority, the higher-ups want you to get any idea as to what happened to Lieutenant Colonel (L/n), Leon, can you do that?" He had responded that he will do what he can, but he knew he was gonna go look for whatever he needed to know his superior's whereabouts.

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