The slytheryn common room

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Dazais pov

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Dazais pov

The only thing he ate was crab, he was sad he couldn't drink beer being underage in the wizarding world witch was really annoying.

When he finished his 2 centimeter piece of crab he just sat back and waited for the feast to end so he could go to his dorm. he then realized he was bored so, anyone in their right mind would know that that ment annoying chuuya. So he got up from his seat and headed to the Gryffindor table where he saw chuuya messing with his mashed potatoes.

"Waddya want now mackerel" Chuuya said pointing his fork a Dazai

"Why so mean chibi~" Dazai said teasingly

"Whatever get to the point" Chuuya ushered through a mouth full of chicken

"I was bored" Dazai admitted 

"sometimes I think Ive been assigned the role of a baby sitter my Mori" Chuuya sighed

"Chuuya, I dont know if you've realized this or not, but your the same size of a child" Dazai stated crossing his arms

"Whatever" Chuuya said still focusing on his food

"I think the feast is ending, we should go to our groups" Chuuya said once again, shooing the chesnut away

"Ok Chibi, love you" Dazai said 

"Go fuck your self" he shouted.Dazai merely smirked coyly and turned away skipping back to the emerald slytheryn table.

As Dazai steered himself back to the Slytheryn table the girl with the pug like face and the other kid came to talk to dazai.

"What were you doing" She asked accusingly crossing her arms and scowling at the brunette

"Whatever do you mean" Dazai said in a dramatic tone, putting a hand over his heart

"You left for a solid 10 minutes" She pointed out

"I got lost looking for the bathroom, still dont know where it is"The brunette lied, a white lie-couldn't do any harm

"Pansy leave him alone he's new, by they way Im Blaise and this is Pansy"The kid called Blaise said, putting a hand on pansy shoulder.

"A pleasure to meet you, My name is dazai" 

"Oh yeah and you missed a little bit of the assembly, third floor is forbidden as always and the password is lemon juice"

"The password to what? The door to death? I wanna know!" Dazai asked enthusiastically

"To get in the dorm idiot" Pansy said still Scowling at Dazai

"Pansy nock it off... and dazai.. dont make those jokes" blaise said, there there was a hint of uncertainty in his voice

"Don't worry about it" Dazai said innocently "it's just a joke isn't it?"

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