Untitled Part 30

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Hello, so remember Manon Hery who was supposed to be the second champion of Dermstrang... yeah well she no longer exists because the Russian rat is more important and  makes for a much more spicy character in this story.

Dazai, still laying in the common room with no methods of occupation other than a wrinkled copy the daily profit that lay on the cold, wooden hospital floor.Having no choice other than to read it before he started to rot he started flipping through the pages when something caught his eye.

His suspicions were confirmed, there was in fact an other ability user at Hogwarts. One who goes by the name of Fyodor Doevesky. Dazais eyes zoomed from left to right, only reading carefully when the action started.

According to the daily profit, the dragon collapsed but only because, eventually Fyodor could get close to it. Dazai noticed that they also hinted that Victor did absolutely none of the fighting, only trying to fly and dodge the Dragon's attacks while Fyodor kept a firm grip on his wand.Thus indicating that if Fyodore was an ability user Viktor would know and if he knew, it either meant that they were both ability users or Victor was blackmailing Fyodor or, depending on Fyodor's ability, he could be the one manipulating Victor...either for the sake of winning the tournament or for another hidden ambition.Of course, this could all change, depending on Fyodors' assumed ability.

Dazai laid in the hospital will bed, his mind focused on on Fyodor when he heard the sound of footsteps, the sound drew closer and closer. Mme Pommefresh came in, pushing the curtains aside, it's been two days since the tournament and Dazai was told that he would be able to leave the hospital soon, Chuuya already left so that means that the only people remaining more Hermione, Harry and Dazai. Which led to another problem is there could be a chance that Ron was able to see some of the manga that Hermione managed to get from the library but you could also mean that dazai and would be expelled soon- or he could've kept his knowledge to himself, of course meaning that he would be avoiding Chuuya and if that were to happen these Daxai would guess that, like any good dog (cat!?) he would tell him about it which has yet to happen.

"Good morning Osamu Dazai, you originally were supposed to leave this morning, as I told you yesterday, but it seems that Professor Snape wants to have a word with you in his office this evening so you are to wait here and recover just a little bit more before you continue your studies.Also, Severus sent Blaise to give you the worksheets and homework's that you missed this Monday." She paused her face turning from stern to...desperate "I have also sent some of the Slytherins to make sure that you're eating during the dining hours."

"Okay Mme, thank you" 

"It 'twas my pleasure Osamu... and don't forget, if you ever need help with anything you can go to any of the adults for help" She said turning away and closing the hospital curtains that surrounded Dazais bed shut.

Help he thought... what an amusing theory   

Definition: to give or provide what is necessary to accomplish a task or to satisfy a need.

I don't have a given task, and I don't have a need that must be satisfied so, according to a dictionary I don't need help, I don't need to accomplish change or satisfy anything, because I simply will never feel satisfied because satisfaction is only something that a human could feel.

More action will take place in the next chapter. You should probably re-read the chapter untitled part 13 I changed some stuff in that one last week

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