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Dazais pov

Dazai was lost in thought looking out the window watching rain, thinking about chuuyas letter and thinking  of Voldemort, from what chuuya said in the letter he didnt seem to be the type of guy to manipulate people in the matter that mori would've chosen, instead it seemed as if he would Torture people to do his dirty work -not the most secretive guy Dazai assumed.And the pink eyed rat, he could be 3 things though the brunette knew that one answer would always be more interesting that the rest:1) he could be just another sewer rat 2)He could be a student who is also an anamagus or, (Dazais personal favorite) 3)he could be an ability user and an anamagus just like Chuuya, but that brings the question...what's his ability and what's he doing in a wizarding school and which one does he belong to.

 His thoughts were interrupted once more by a banging on the window. The barn owl was back with Morris response. Dazai smiled at the owl, teasing it before he let the creature inside the brunette voilantly yanked the letter that was strapped to its ankle. The owl flapped its wings angrily, Dazai wanted to cook the creature but knew it wouldn't be worth it to go down to the cafeteria(wait hogwarts dosent have a cafeteria... were does all the food come from?) Ignoring his own question Dazai unwilling opened Morris letter, the world was ending, Mori doted his i's with stars and hearts. Dazai began to read

Such crule words, I'm going to pretend that I didn't read the first part of your letter however, I heard from a certain sponsor that their is a six wizard tournament coming up, will you be participating in it? I only heard from chuuya once and all he sect me was a drawing on a middle finger...is he alright? On another note  I was able to find the dead rat you instructed your owl in my office, It's amazing that he can understand you


Certain sponser? Dazai thought, is there a spy at hogwarts... Does it have something to do with moody?... No not him, the grunt that he made and the surprised expression on his face during my lessons in Defense against the dark arts is enough proof that he doesn't know about ability users...maybe someone from Beaubaton or Dermstrang, maybe it has something to do with the rat.

He had was a dreamless night witch was probably a good thing, when he got up Blaise was already awake, and dressed.

"Hello Blaise" Dazai greeted politely running his fingers through his hair to make it look a little neater

"Good morning"Blaise said cheerfully "Tomorrow its 1 of September"

"Yeah, so?" Dazai asked curiously 

"Wow Dazai, you should listen to Dumbledors speeches sometimes, tomorrow it's the 1 September-which means that's the day that the goblet of fire will choose who will be participating in the six Wizard tournament" Blaise explained

"Oh cool" Dazai replied, not really caring about the six Wizard tournament

"what do you mean cool?! The six Wizard tournament is the one of the biggest Events that's ever happened at Hogwarts, its a really big deal!" Blaise cried

"Yeah I know but didnt dumbledore mention that the first task starts the 24 of November" the brunette said, Maintaining a bewildered expression "The real stuff happens then, no?"

"Yeah I guess but it's still really cool" Blaise said "anyways I have to finish mr bins assignment on the trolls of the XIX cycle, Have you thought about picking up some homework lately?" Blaise asked 

"Nope!" Dazai said popping the P

Blaise sighed 'I thought so...if you dont mind me asking... why do you wear those bandages over your eye and under your robes, if your hurt, Madame Pomfrey can help you with that." Blaise asked 

"Oh its just a style prefrance" Dazai lied

Blaise gave a sigh of relief "Good, I thought it was something else.."

Your assumption was correct Dazai thought

"Anyways," Dazai said changing the subject "What's our schedule for today?"

"Lemme check" Blaise said Rummaging through his bookcase "OK we have Double divination, potions, transfiguration and care of magical creatures" He frowned at the last part "I wonder what hagrid has in store for us today, he always has incredibly dangerous and gross animals for us to take care of" he explained

"Sounds interesting"

Time skip

The day was pretty boring, Dazai slept through Divination and transfiguration, potions he burned another cauldron and made Snape very annoyed and in care of magical creatures he managed to not get burned or cut by these things that Hagrid called blast-ended-scruits, Dazai had a pretty funny Experience with care of magical creatures because in the second lesson of the year Draco got cut badly by a griffin, to Dazai it was quite amusing. Dazai Got along with Hagrid pretty well but was usually dragged away by Draco or any of the other slytheryns, They all called Hagrid's names such as an outlaw and stuff (dazai didn't care) Hagrid seem to be a pretty good friend of Ron, Harry, Hermione and Chuuya so he made a small effort to become friends with the large man. Plus, in care of magical creatures you didn't really get assigned too much homework,  sometimes you have to write an essay on the diet of the creature but other than that Hagrid didn't assign much which is always great due to the fact that dazai is a professional slacker.

Hope you liked the chapter


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