Boarding I

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OK I just want to say that I don't own any of these characters if I did I'd be rich and famous and not stuck here writing a BSD X Harry Potter fanfiction.

Also, for all of you soukoku shippers, this will be a slow burn but it will happen and just to feed you there will  be "wet dreams" you just have to wait.

This book will be:

~40% plot

~35% soukoku (ship) including slowburn 

~15% comedy 

~10% angst 

This book was inspired by Magic and mystery by Allgory_of_Hatred on Ao3

There will probably not be any smut because they are minors (wet dreams not included)

Please tell me if I've written or spelled something that is not grammatically correct.

None of the images or memes are mine 

All of the chapters will be around 700 - 1000 words


There, in the bustling train station of London during the start of September there stood a very confused and skeptical Dazai Osamu.

The cool autumn breeze swept by as Dazai was walking up to were chuuya and him were supposed to meet at the train station 9 and three quarters, instructions given by their current boss; Mori.

He was looking around when at the corner of his eye the brunette saw some bright ginger hair, he turned and saw his beloved chibi wandering around looking about as confused and skeptical as he felt. When the ginger saw Dazai he scowled and walked up to him. 

"Hello Chibi I see your lost" the brunette said slurring his words carefully, like a snake trying to seduce its prey.

Now, one might say that this sort of interaction would be bizarre for two teens-usually they would assume that Kids their age would be filming ticktock dances or roasting people on the internet, usually, people wouldn't slur their words or speak in a tone that implies seduction whilst really just teasing the other person but for Dazai Osamu and Chuuya Nakahara it would be quite the opposite because they didn't grow up in an environment where they were commonly influent by such content.It was because they grew up on the sides in troupes in gangs in the port Mafia...

Chuuya crossed his arms "It's not like your not  in the same situation you waste of bandages"The ginger growled, turning his head to face the grinning brunet.

"That's a mouthful of an insult, why don't you call me by my name or even better a pet name" Dazai said  "Any ways if you ask me I'd believe it would be somewhere hidden, no?"~ Dazai said, a coy expression that Chuuya couldn't exactly read plastered on his face.

The exact moment Dazai finished his sentence he saw a hand reach for Chuuyas shoulder, before baking away in a heist. "Uh"- Chuuya said awkwardly turning towar a plumpish woman with a kind face and blazing red hair, almost matching his own "Do you need something Mrs.?"

The woman gave and awkward, high pitched laugh before apologizing "Im sorry, I just though I may have recognized you, you look quite similar to one of my sons" she paused "are you lost?" She asked eyeing their luggages and pulling her own closer.

"Well, yes, you see we are looking for station 9 and three quarters, we are not sure if it really exists but if it does than apparently take us to our new school" Dazai explained 

"Oh!" The woman smiled "My sons take the same train, come with me"

The two adolescents followed the woman to a wall located In between trains 9 and 10 but then she came to an abrupt stop.

"It's a... wall?" Chuuya said skepticaly"Very perceptive of you" Dazai murmured, Chuuya glared at the taller.

"You must go through it, I tell my kids to run if they're unsure, but when you'll in, you will see the train that will take you to Hogwarts" she said in a matter a fact tone 

"Thank you Mrs." Dazai answered cheerfully "And, in case we ever meet again, Im dazai and this is Chuuya"

"Nice to meet you, Im Molly Weasley" She said "the train leaved in 5 minutes, you two boys should run along now, nice meeting you"

As Chuuya and Dazai ran through the wall they saw the train 9 and three quarters, the pair of them dashed through the doors just in time for the door to close. then, the two started looking for a place to sit. 

Dazais pov

He remembered it clearly, Mori with a smile perfectly painted on his face, it felt like something was crawling up Dazais throat, chocking him, preventing him to breathe(because that's what happens when you choke)He tossed the older a ridiculously thin file that he managed to scrape up-consisting of a bunch of crap that he found in several suspicious burnt and handwritten books that were always squished in the back of the shelf of the library, it was also written in old English .But, Mori took that as enough proof and even sent Chuuya and Dazai out to a place called Diagonal alley in London knowing that it was acctually there made Mori ecstatic.Sooo he was like "okaaaaay so, you guys are going to wizarding school😀 have fun and don't get your asses handed to ya 😘" through text.

Chuuyas pov

As Dazai and Chuuya looked for a place to sit the ginger noticed two empty seats side, it wasn't the ideal seating space, both of them would have preferred two individual seats, far far away from eachother but this will have to do.

Chuuya asked him if Dazai and himself could sit next to them, they agreed.In the compartement that they were in their was the red haired boy who introduced himself as Ron Weasley a girl with bushy hair and brown eyes who introduced herself as Hermione Granger, a plumpish boy with round features as Neville Longbottom and an other red haired girl who Chuuya assume is Ron's sister who introduced herself as Ginny.

"You guys must be the new transfer students, nice to meet you"Hermione greeted taking Dazais hand and shaking it

"Nice to meet you too im dazai osamu and this is chuuya nakahara"Dazai said, the taller a cocked a smile.

"Do you mind explaining to us a little bit about the castle" the ginger asked, struggling to squeeze in the corner not wanting to touch Dazai who was knowingly taking up half of Chuuya seat to annoy the smaller ginger.

"Of course!" Hermione accepted cheerfully "When you enter their will be a feast, Dumbledore usually gives out announcement and then you guys and the first years will get sorted by the sorting hat, you could be in Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw; us three are in Gryffindor. Houses are basically there to determine what what group your gonna be in, they also determine your personality. Gryffindor stands for the brave Hufflepuff; friendship raven claws are usually smart and Slytherin's are usually crever and cunning"

"but normally their a bunch of jerks- they just call themselves clever and cunning to boost their already large ego" Ron added

" thank you for the explanation" Chuuya said

Chuuya, who got the window seat, was starring absentmindedly out the window, he watched the seems change, from mountains to villages to hearts of cows, he wondered about how magic would work and if they would actually succeed in their mission with out spilling more innocent blood. He clutched his head hoping to god that he wouldn't have use ahrabaki.

The next chapters will be longer than this.Thank you for reading <3


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