Just one drop

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Shout out to Sidthe_gaysloth, I want to give this person a shout out because 1)He/She/They asked me too and 2) is because sadly, this persons dog was put down

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Shout out to Sidthe_gaysloth, I want to give this person a shout out because 1)He/She/They asked me too and 2) is because sadly, this persons dog was put down...let's raise and imaginary toast to the life of the dog and hope he is doing well where ever he is <3

Dazai pov

The brunette watched mindlessly as Hermione pulled out the series 'from her book bag, realizing that he himself was on the cover, nicely dressed and well...alive made him feel a sense of dread

'Dreams never come true so I guess it's not a big surprise' He sighed softly 

But then he saw something ...particular...He realized that his sense of style was cleaner and brighter in the first set of series and, Mori was not in sight, nor any other port mafia members...

Could he have possibly...escaped?

Quickly regaining consciousness of his formal situation, he discreetly threw a medical instrument at the back of hermiones head that he drew his blood from, it missed by inches, hitting her nape instead, noting happened for a brief moment until, the shock of the needle striking the back of her neck made her still for a while, before making her collapse on the floor, dark crimson fell from her neck down past the collar of her robes, she was still breathing and conscious but the color drained from her face.As the needle fell to the ground she tried to finish her sentance, croaking; they are not to be trusted, or fyodor that's why" where her final words before collapsing to the ground with a thud and loosing grip of the manga that she was clutching, proving, to Dazai that she was still alive, and that they had different blood types

(For those who don't know, if you do a blood transfusion and you do if with the wrong type of blood then you'll die so don't do this at home kids, this acctually happened to my mom when she was younger and handling medical instruments, some blood pricked her and she originally would have died at 40-30 but thankfully she was able to get good treatment and she is doing fine now.

(Harry Ppotter  pov (you gotta really pronounce the p just like Snape)

Mme Pommefresh came rushing in frantically quickly propping hermione up and injecting her with medicine as quickly as she could whilst gesturing the Ron, the visitor was pushed though the door, keeping a firm, but not visible grip on the chapter 109 on dead apple, that wasn't visible to anybody but Harry (though not without a fight)

Hermione was put in a bed right next to Harry's, the curtains wrapped around her, she could feel the rapid footsteps coming from the other side of the room , he felt sort of claustrophobic in the small space, not being able to register anything that was going around him due to nightmares that lead to lack of sleep.Everything just felt like a puzzle with missing pieces. What were Dazai and Chuuya doing in a manga? What was a manga doing in the the wiziarding library of Hogwarts, situated in England?Why was the cover on the back of the book(A/N😭🖐️Harry grew up without mangas okay, don't juge him too hard, it must have been a hard life with out bl)

"She'll be fine" Harry heard Madame pommefresh say to her self "her lifespan may shorten by maybe a year or two but that's the worse that could happen to her medically, unless someone like you-know-who interferes" she mumbled, Harry had never realized hum much the nurse talked to herself, Dazai on the other hand couldn't get her voice out of his head and it came as such a shock to him when she spoke a a normal volume, She even seemed like an NPC her main lines being "where is the pickeled _________" or "This might sting" or even "stop squirming kid!".

Ron pov

He ran to the boys bathroom after getting rudely kicked out, sadly, he only managed to get one of the mangas-and it wasn't even the first one.he got 109.

After locking himself in one of the stalls, he started leafing through the pages, it all seemed very confusing.

A man with shoulder length dark hair was telling another man to touch him before asking him what the other wanted to know.Whith that the other replied "every one of your secrets 

There was a girl who wanted something to yank out a sword so then she started to push a table which confused Ron even more 

He continued rapidly flipping the pages. And that's when he saw...

Chuuya, his pupils nor irises were visible, he had fangs and was pointing a what mr Weasley called a gun at Dazais head.

Merry late Christmas!or Hanukkah or whatever you celebrate, Im sorry this is so late.. I was hoping for it to be able to come out on the 25th but it was a little difficult because of my current state (I have the flue or a fever idk wich one, haven't seen a doc) yeah French kids don't get vaccinated for the flue so they just have to deal with it...the struggle is real lol.I hope all of you had fun with your families because I'm sure I did even though everybody just insulted each other the entire time, love=insults and soukoku is proof...

VERY IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT (Edit): this book is currently under recomstruction because their were a lot of ppl who wanted the Russian rat to be in the fic so I added that... by the time the next chapter is out I'll tell you which chapters to re-read.

Cherry Mhristmas haha

-Sophies 🎄 

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