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The room went silent for a small portion of time, the kids neither denied nor confirmed Dumbledore hypothesis

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The room went silent for a small portion of time, the kids neither denied nor confirmed Dumbledore hypothesis.

"And so," Dumbledore said " We have brought you all here to discuss this matter, but first I should tell you my proof, Mr. Weasley came to me yesterday evening and told me about the book that he and Miss Granger found, I looked through it and then spoke to Mad eye and each one of the house ghosts about the matter, they all agreed with me that you four had a strange... ' presence' compared to the rest of the students and that Mr. Dazai," he turned his head to the brunet "had no presence at all, that was enough proof for me to believe that you four are indeed ability users, please state your ability one by one"

The black haired Ravenclaw boy went first "Well first of all I don't have an ability unless I'm wearing glasses- in that case it would be Ultra Deduction but even without them I'm a total genius" He said smugly, leading against his chair with his hands behind his head.

"Very interesting... Dumbledore said "So Im guessing it allows you to-"

"Solve any mystery is seconds, and my IQ is 215"

"Very nice" Dumbledore said scribbling out everything that Ranpo had said on a sticky note

"Next is Miyazawa" Dumbledore said turning to the blonde "What is your ability?"

"Undefeated by the rain!" He said proudly

"What does it allow you to do?" Dumbledore asked, still scribbling noted down on a pad of sticky notes

"In short terms it's like super strength" he explained

"Very nice, now" He said, what is your ability?" He asked Dazai

"Im not sure if we can answer that" Dazai said thoughtfully "But obviously even if we were to keep the information for ourselves Im sure that our dear professor Snape will concoct a truth potion and even if it might not work on me it will most certainly work on Chuuya, right?"

"Exactly, now ditch your little mind games and tell us your abilities" Mcgonagle snapped

"No need to be so sharp, Im getting to that" Dazai said smoothly "But have you ever wondered if maybe we weren't the only ability users that are hiding within the wizarding community?"

"Even if there were others in for example in BeauBaton, as Hogwarts professors it is not in our place to juge what is going on in different schools" Dumbledore stated smoothly- dodging his question

"But you do want to track down Lee Jordans murderer don't you?" Ranpo said casually, that it why you called us here, not only for the sake of knowing our abilities but also for the sake of the school, that's what any headmaster would do right?" He said twirling a black chocolate chess piece in his hand absentmindedly.

"And if we knew who the killer was" Dazai continued "this debate would be solved much quicker and hogwarts would no longer be in danger. My ability is called no longer human, it nullifies any magic or any other ability that I am in contact with and besides, Edogawa's ability makes him able to solve any case within seconds, and if I'm not mistaken that means he will know wether or not you spike his drink with one of Snapes marvelous truth potions." He added

"Are you saying that you are going to withhold this information!?" Mcgonagle shouted angrily, slamming her hands onto the table "Surley you know something about this Chuuya!" She said, turning her head to the ginger who was watching the situation unfold right in front of him

"Now, now McGonagle" Dazai hushed "I will tell you what Edogawa and I both know if Hogwarts gives us something in extange" He said, sweetly

"Edogawa" Professor flitwick said turning to the student next to him and ignoring Dazais statement "Please don't tell me that you too are going to withhold this information from us?"

"Sorry teach, but this is getting pretty interesting and I haven't received any orders from my boss saying that I can tell you all anything that I know yet" he said teasingly, a hint of mischief sparkeling in his eyes.

"What is it that your boss wants" Dumbledore finally asked turning to Dazai

"I see that you've finally made up your mind!" Dazai said cheerfully "Im not one hundred percent sure so you will just have to figure that out on your own"

"And how do you expect me to do that?" He inquired

"He lives in Yokahoma, don't worry, his house is pretty big and easy to spot, plus the fact that he doesn't move and just stands outside the window polluting the air for days at a time"

"You don't speak very fondly of your boss"

"Of course I don't, he is a moldy sack of dead maggots who looks like he reads hunter x hunter a/b/o" (My insults are getting better 🔥) also, I don't mean to sound rude but the fucker is a loser a cockhead and a coward 

"Very creative" Edogawa stated, pointing a half eaten cookie at him

"And what does your boss want?" Dumbledore asked the Ravenclaw "Nothing" Edogawa said simply "He believes that knowledge is the key to life and that the more Kenji and I know the more we can teach out colleagues so that there are people in out 'groupe' who also know how to do magic for the benefits of Yokohama"

"From what I understood both of your groups don't get along so well, tell me more" Dumbledore ordered

Chuuya crunched on a lollipop "that's something that you should discuss with our boss"

"Very well then" Dumbledore sighed, defeated "I will send each of your bosses here one by one, first Dazais boss will come to my office along with him and Chuuya, this will be next Saturday at 3h00 Followed by a meeting with Ranpos boss with him and kenji the day after, a week will pass and then we will have our last meeting all together, that is the day that all out our deals and rules will be settled, any objections or questions?"

"Do I have to go?" Ranpo asked "I have an in pourtant rendez-vous with one of the beau baton kids, Poe"

Dumbledore sighed "would it work for you if swapped dates, Dazais meeting will be on Sunday and yours will be on Saturday?" He proposed

"That works for me" Ranpoe said

"Any objections?" Dumbledore asked, the room was silent with the only noises audible being Ranpos crunching

"Meeting dismissed" he said standing up everyone left and Dazai followed Snape to his classroom"

Hello! The following chapters will be at least 1000 words (not including the A/N from now on, please comment your thoughts and ideas for soukoku down below, Im bad at writing stuff for ships and want to get better so that I can feed you all with delicious content yet my mind runs blank whenever I think about writing soukoku so please give me ideas in the comment section QwQ

Thank you for reading


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