Untitled Part 23

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After a brief moments of silence chuuya finally broke it saying "I don't know... If we should tell a teacher... is it really our business?" If we did than dazai would have to go to madame pomfret who heals using magic and magic wont work on dazai

"The thing is though is that it is our business, were his friends therefore, we should tell the teacher for him, he could didnt it could get dangerous" Hermione said crossing her arms

"Hey..." harry said slowly "Your hiding something from us aren't you? Chuuya..."

Chuuya scoffed, crossing his arms "and why would you think that?"

Ron shifted his body a little to be behind Hermione

Hermione took a long breath "Well first you two show up at hogwarts in your 5th year, you have some weird relationship where you hate eachother but you have to be together for one reason or another and then Dazai keeps on disappearing into the library every chance that he's got without completing any of the homework, somehow cant do a spell wright after the first half of the day and now he's knowingly reveled self abuse plus the fact that you both had no knowlage about you know who nor harry... its almost like your knew to the wizarding world...." She took another deep breath, ron and harry looked flabbergasted "but then again, all of that wouldn't make sense because you're so good at magic, and I know for a fact that even I wasn't that good when I started school at Hogwarts."

"So now you dont trust me?" Chuuya said angrily "look, what you need to realize is that Dazai has real problems with his life that lead to suicidal thoughts and depression, you dont know him at all-"

Harry scouled at him "what do you mean? "Some people have real problems"Lord Voldemort is literally after me he wants to kill me and he killed my parents." He shouted

Hermione backed away "Im so sorry harry I didnt mean it like that"

"Guess what potter boy, I dont have parents either and when I found a group of people who took me in for a some time the leader stabbed me with a knife covered in poison because they thought I betrayed him, Dazai never met his real parents and last summer a man killed his best friend who posed as his legal gardien and then!-" He cut him self off, he was just about to spill information about the mafia 

The trio was looking at him with horror , he decided he didnt want the stand around all day asking all of their stupid questions so he just signed "Im heading to bed, its after hours and that Percy boy is probably going to give us detention if we stay here much longer."

Harry moved as aide to let chuuya go the the boys dorms and after a long pause followed the ginger

Hermione and ron stayed in their spot for a couple of minutes, their was an awkward silence that was finally broken by ron saying "You didnt know... Im sure he won't take it too hard" Hermione got the sense that he was just saying that to confort her, she nodded silently turning away so that he couldn't see her getting glassy eyed "Im going to go to bed now too... goodnight" she said in the clearest voice possible "And, Tell chuuya that... Im sorry" 

"I will" 

Ok.. Im sorry that that was a little bit dramatic and that I left in on a cliffhanger but life is hard and I had school so please dont beat me up in the comments, hope you liked it 

-Sophie 🪭

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