The unforgivable curses

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Chuuyas pov

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Chuuyas pov

As I was walking towards potions with Ron Hermione and a couple other gryffyndors I saw Dazai talking with a boy with platinum blonde hair that was pulled back by gel. Behind him their were to big, ugly guys with a few missing teeth, they stayed in the blonds shadow. When the blonde noticed me walking with Ron and hermione he smiled smugly and said:

"Hey freckles is that another long lost Weasley you got there, you could use a tip or two from him, his robes look much nicer."

Dazai then tapped in morse code: Don't get overwhelmed, Im using him for the time being and Ill make him stop

I nodded

"Draco, class starts in 2 minutes " Dazai said with an innocent smile

"saved by the bell Weasley"Draco scoffed as he walked into potions with the two big guys, dazai, and a slytheryn boy and girl at his heel.

Dazai took a seat next to me, threw his bag next to him and began to not pay attention in class.Snape found this irritating but went on with the lesson. 

The next class we had that day was Defence against the dark arts, Chuuya didnt know what to think about professeur Moody at first but as he walked in he took a seat by the window, as always because he figured that if he was bored, he could just concentrate on whatever was going on outside.When he sat down Ron and hermione came to sit at the same table as him before the class started.

"Okay class so most of you know my name already, but if you dont Im professor moody, I will be taking attendance now-  Ronald Weasley, Neville Longbottom, Dean Thomas and Seamus Finigan,Hermione Granger, Calì Patil, Lavander Brown and lastly Chuuya Nakahara  when his name was called he raised his hand and said: 'here' just as the rest of the kids did. ''

"Okay kids" Moody said in a rough voice as usual "Im going to teach you guys about the three unforgivable curses." To this comment there where many raised hands, Moody gestured to the shocked kids to lower their hands "Questions at the end, but for now does anyone know about the unforgivable curses" Hermiones hand immediately went up as per usual, Moody ignored her and called on Lavander "yes?" "The Imperious curse" Moody smiled "Yes, the Imperius curse allows wizards to control other people or animals, casting the curse on a fellow human could land you in Akzaban , in the 1900 dark wizards would use it on other humans, at first is was really hard for the Ministry to tell if the person was doing stuff on his or her own or it he/she was under the Imperius curse." As he finished his sentence he pulled ou a spider from a nearby jar pointed his want at it and said inperio, the spider started tap dancing on the table he demonstrated the curse for a couple minuits before putting the spide back in its jar and said "Anyone else?" 

To the surprise of many people Neville raised his hand. "Yes?" Moody said Neville gulped "the cruciatus curse." "yes, casting the crusiatus curse upon an other human is a life sentence to Askaban, It tortured many people to insane levels, you cant die from the curse but it will make you wish that you were dead." As he said that he took another spider from the jar tapped his want and said :Impirio! The spider started twitching horribly Ron whimpered and Neville covered his eyes Parvati and Lavander looked horrified but then a horrible thought creeped over him: What if he and dazai used that curse on Mori?. But he quickly shook that thought away, that was Dazais battle, not his.

"And anyone know the last unforgivable curse?" Hermione was the only one to raise her hand "yes Granger?" "Avada Kadavra" "Yes, Avada Kadavra, the killing curse It can also get you a life time sentance in Askaban if you put the curse on a fellow human." He then took the last spider out of the jar, the spider tried to run but Moody easily caught it then he tapped his wand on the spider and said "Avada Kadavra" there was a flash of green light and then the spider died in a millisecond as he threw the spider's corpses in the bin he dismissed the class.

Just a reminder that none of the characters in this fic are mine they all belong to JKRowling and Kafka Asigiri and Sango Harukawa (the creators of bsd)


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