"Im so glad I came"

307 11 17

Warnings: Soukoku angst 🏳️‍🌈♠️ at the end of the chapter...................

Fukuzawa pov

Fukuzawa entered Dumbledore office through a door held by Professor Sprout. And sat at the head of the table closest to the door while Dumbledore sat on the opposite side. Kenji and Ranpo said facing eachother on the long side of the table.

His eyes lingered around the headmasters office, from the bookshelves packed with books to magical instruments cluttering a the room the room felt comfortable yet still.

"Welcome" Dumbledore greeted the table "I assume you know what I'd like to discuss with you?" He asked Fukuzawa. His voice rang with confirmed authority, Fukuzawa knew that Dumbledore was important but wasn't aware that he was so prudent.

"Im very much aware" Fukuzawa said "Ranpo and Kenji are studying abroad at Hogwarts, as I thought it would be good for their development and education, and also so that they could spread this information to others at my agency."

"Is that the only reason?" Dumbledore inquired

"They serve good foods at dinner" Kenji pointed out "the beef is very good"

"Yes it it" Fukuzawa confirmed, ignoring Kenji "I originally only wanted to send Ranpo for I though that he could understand magic material the quickest but he insisted that Kenji came with him" 

"Why do you want to spread knowledge of magic to others who aren't wizards?" Dumbledore asked, resting his head on his hands

"For justice, there are kids whom are apart of the Port Mafia who need saving from the cruel world that they are put in at such a young and flexible age, it messes with their heads" he responded instantly

"You mention the port Mafia... and kids" he quickly thought of Dazai and Chuuya  "...Are you not aware that there are members of the Port Mafia whom are also at my school?" He mentioned cautiously 

"No, I wasn't informed of this" Fukuzawa said in surprise, but he quickly became more worried than shocked "are they safe and healthy?"

"They are under my care" Dumbledore answered vaguely, not wanting to get distracted by Dazai "You seem tense" he noted "Do you have any idea why he could have sent some of his members to my school? I know that they are looking for a certain book but they didn't elaborate"

"Not that I can think of other than for power, although..." He paused, choosing his words carefully "I know Mori better than most and I still can't get a hold on his intentions and I know nothing of the book you mentioned. You don't think he could be planning something, using your school?"

"The book" Ranpo mentioned "If you know anything about it than you need to keep it out of the port mafias reach"

Dumbledore raised an eyebrow "Is it dangerous?"

"Why else would they want it" Ranpo retorted "It must be if they are so keen to get a hold of it, you should be sure to be the first one to find it"

Dumbledore pursed his lips "Do you know where it is?"

"Your asking the wrong question, it's not where it is but rather who has it" he said as he took a packet of matcha pokis out of his pocket 

"Do you know who has it?" He asked, starting to get annoyed To this Ranpo shrugged.

Dumbledore sighed "Anyways" he said, now focusing on Fukuzawa "Why do you think that he would be using my school?"

"It is merely a theory, I have little to no actual proof but I do have a few guesses, though none very good. One of the Port Mafia's goals is to become a global superpower after all, they might be looking to use your school as a base to expand from. Or they could be trying to look for someone there" Fukuzawa guessed

Dumbledore sat up straight "Someone of power, or even better, of potential" his mind went straight to Harry Potter. 

"Potentially, yes. They could be looking for someone powerful. Or perhaps someone of use. It's also possible that Mori is trying to expand his influence around the area, and your school is just the only one in close enough proximity"

"Is that all you can guess?" Dumbledore asked 

"Unless there is a person in your school that either Mori or the Port Mafia is after, those are the only scenarios I can come up with." He admitted

"Alright then" Dumbledore said "thank you for coming here and I will see you again the XX of XXXXXX with Mori"

"You're welcome" Fukuzawa said "and I will see you then" and with that everyone escorted Dumbledores' office.

||| Gay, Angst, 🏳️‍🌈♠️

Chuuya ran dawn the corridors still under Bacchus impression. He bumped into several corners and walls, thankfully, the corridors were mostly empty because it was a nice cool autum day and many of the students were outside taking a morning stroll. Chuuya raced to the Slytheryn common room, chocked out the pass word, and then stumbled into the dorm. It had been a while since he'd been in the slytheryn common room. He looked around for any sign of people, there were none. 

Chuuya ran up to where Dazais bedroom was, his room was, as expected, very cluttered. His suitcase was sprawled open on the floor, a mountain of clothes was on his bed and a drawer full of paper was open. Dazai was flopped onto his bed and looked as if he used to be sitting but fell backwards but among Dazai and his possessions something caught his eye. There was a stain of blood on Dazais bed sheet. And that stain made him forget why he came to Dazai in the first place.

Chuuya ran up to him, his eyes scanning his body frantically, he noticed a razor in the drawer on top of drawing that he made a metal note to look at later. He lightly held his hand up to Dazai neck and let out a relieved sigh when he realized that he was okay but his work wasn't done, he looked around the room for his bandages and hopefully even some cream and eventually found some in his suitcase. 

He did an okay performance on bandaging his wrist. And when he was finished he fell to his knees on the floor and held Dazais wrist to his forehead. He felt a lump forming in his throat but refused to cry. Dazai might wake up any minute now and he would have to be the one supporting him, the one who would serve as a listener and a shoulder to cry on but still, a single tear rolled down his face and a part of his heart shattered.

"Im so glad I came"

Hello~! Thank you for reading this chapter, next one will be about soukoku and then the one after that will be the second task so stay tuned~! 


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07 ⏰

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