Another chapter

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(A/N isn't the fan art adorable it's the cutes thing I've ever seen in my life ❤️🥹😭)

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(A/N isn't the fan art adorable it's the cutes thing I've ever seen in my life ❤️🥹😭)

Dazai pov

Mme Pomfrey came in to check on him a couple minutes after Chuuya left to make sure that Dazai ate and to her surprise, Dazai did eat most of what Chuuya brought him.

She found Dazai sleeping with a distorted expression but, being the person she was, she decided not the pry about what he was dreaming about when he awoke

(A/N guess what he was dreaming about.)

Smut warning!⚠️ Dazai pov (I hate myself for writing this, this is your TW, also I might delete this part, who knows.) also this is a dream so it prob doesn't count as smut I think... this wont happen outside of Dazais dream cuz they're minors.

Chuuya moaned ( ah yes, here is where the self hate starts) as Dazai broke free of their kiss and trailed down to the smallers neck, leaving a trail of saliva. Chuuya  stroked through Dazais hair carefully while Dazai did the same to his partner as the two slid down the wall that Chuuya was pinned against.

"Can I kiss you?" Dazai asked calmly 

"You don't have to ask jackass" Chuuya said but was cut off by Dazais mouth on his own. Dazai tenderly bit the gingers lip before he let his tongue in the smaller's mouth exploring each and every corner of it until he broke the kiss once again, stringing their connected saliva and letting Chuuya breath.He stared into those beautiful ocean eyes, almost loosing himself before Chuuya kissed him again, massaging the brunets neck while Dazai roughly kissed him back.

Both of them wanted this, both of them wanted this so much.

"Ah~ Dazai~" Chuuya moaned 

"Chuuya do you think we're going to hell for doing this messed up shit?" Dazai said bitting Chuuyas neck and sucking the skin around it while he grabbed onto the smaller's waist, feeling it from under Chuuyas shirt

"I think we would have gone to hell either wa- way~" Chuuya said, trying to hold back a moan

"If that's true than we might as well do as many scandalous and illegal things to make the future torture worth it" Dazai said in a voice much deeper than his own 

"I don't think that's how it works but what do I know" Chuuya grunted 

"May I make love to you?" (A/N Roses are red, cacti are prickly, holy poorly packaged bag of horse shit that escalated quickly) Dazai asked casually. Chuuya didn't respond with words, instead, he responded by feeling under Dazais clothes and taking off the brunets shirt to reveal a bandaged chest. Dazai took his signal and started unbuttoning the gingers pants and then taking off his shirt.

Dazai stared in awe at the gingers body, slender arms, a small waist, thick and plump thighs that were fleshy but muscular at the same time. It was the first time he took the time to actually look and admire the elders body, he had a stab mark of his chest because of Shinrase, the outside of his thighs and shoulders where lightly freckled.

He started bitting Chuuyas things and waist looking up every once in a while to ensure that he wasn't hurting of making his partner uncomfortable. Chuuyas hands were wrapped around the younger neck, kneeding and massaging it. His eyes were glassy and desperate, wanting Dazai to put in in so badly but not ready to ask in case the younger wasn't ready and not ready for Dazai to stop what he was doing only if for a brief second. Dazai started biting his way up from Chuuyas thighs to his chest area, biting tenderly at his nipples. 

Chuuya let out a moan of ecstasy as Dazai bit harder and harder until they were sensitive to the touch. Chuuyas hands wrapped around Dazais body his eyes begging, pleading for one and only one thing.

"Can I put it in, Chuuya?"

"Yeah" he replied, relieved and exited. 

Chuuya was Dazais, this experience was Dazais and Dazais only

"Are you sure? If you're not comfortable then I don't want to do this-" Dazai was interrupted by Chuuyas finger pressed against his lips "I want this, and I want it even more if it's you who's doing it to me especially if you're okay with it to the extent where you have to make sure with me first" Chuuya said (A/N oh wow look at that, it turned into someting wholesome)

Dazai spread out Chuuyas legs, rubbing the gingers thighs tenderly as he moved behind the smaller. Chuuya shivered as Dazai bit down on his nape, slowly entering and exiting the smaller.

Dazai slowly entered him almost half way, going in and out. Chuuyas moans made him greedy for more as the smaller clung onto him from the back for warmth and support. Dazai groaned softly, feeling the insides of Chuuya.

Dazai didnt hesitate to leave marks on the smaller, sucking, kissing and licking the ginger soft skin to ease him and his partner- god he turned him on a lot, he could feel him self wanting to cum soon, very soon "Chuuya" he grunted "I think Im going to cum" he said but Chuuya wasn't there anymore.(DUN DUN DUN!!!!! Nah jk I sad it was a dream in the beginning so that was expected, as I said earlier, I might delete this part but I'm not set on one idea just yet)

Okay well I'm glad that that's over, I feel like out of all the people reading this, I am the most traumatized but then again, I could be wrong, I hope that at least this chapter appealed to some people. This is my first time writing this sort of thing but I know that I've been starving you of soukoku content so I decided to post chapter with homosexual teenage boys doing homosexual teenage stuff in a hormonal (and homosexual) teenage dream.

⚠️ Also, be warned, there will be more 15+ content in the next chap but it wont last long ⚠️ 

Also, which house do you think kanji and Ranpo are in? Please comment your thoughts

-Sophie 🫶

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