The meeting

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Since I know that there might be people who aren't a fan of 'Smut/fluff/lemon I decided to upload this chapter as soon as possible to make up for the previous chapter

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Since I know that there might be people who aren't a fan of 'Smut/fluff/lemon I decided to upload this chapter as soon as possible to make up for the previous chapter

He felt himself falling and he jolted up, sweating in the hospital wing bed he was assigned, he made a dash for the bathroom, and the second he closed the door, he unzipped his pants and started cumming in the toilet, large strings of semen started to leave his body as he grunted, not sure how to feel about the dream he had the previous night.(A/N I feel like I'm writing something that I shouldn't be writing... Probably because I am but it still feels disgusting, ah well, what ever it takes for the people)

When he finally finished he sighed and zipped up his pants before sitting on the toilet bearing his face in his hands

'Why the fuck did I just have a wet dream about Chuuya and why did I enjoy it? I knew I was bi but I didn't know I was that weird, I even cummed, Oh god I need holy water' he thought getting up to wash his hands 

'it is true that he's super cute, and his body, fuck I love him, I love him so damn much. I love how he sneaks glances at me as if to make sure I'm okay, I love how he comes straight to me when ever he's found some thing new about the wizarding world, I love how he remembers the little things like my favorite foods, I love how he tries to be decent yet is dangerous and feral, I love how he is rough and caring at the same time, I love how he is confident without being arrogant, I fucking love him so much, if god exits he sent me a most wonderful angel, what did I do to deserve him e̶x̶c̶e̶p̶t̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶c̶o̶u̶r̶s̶e̶ ̶s̶t̶o̶p̶p̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶m̶u̶r̶d̶e̶r̶s̶ ̶b̶y̶ ̶u̶s̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶a̶ ̶t̶e̶c̶h̶n̶i̶q̶u̶e̶ ̶c̶a̶l̶l̶e̶d̶ ̶s̶e̶l̶f̶ ̶r̶e̶s̶t̶r̶a̶i̶nt...'

(A/N Author is very funny haha)

he looked up to see his reflection staring back at him, he wore an expression that could be interpreted as love, obsession or just, plain creepiness, his eyes were half lidded, his face was red and sweaty and some of his hair was glued to his face making him look like a dog who was left in the rain for too long.He quickly undid the bandages that covered his hands before dousing some warm water on his face and rubbed his eyes slowly. He then dried his face and hands before rewrapping the gauze around his hands.

When he exited the washroom he stumbled upon Mme Pomefrey who was waiting for him outside with her arms crossed.

"Well Im glad that your finally out, I was beginning to ponder on whether you were trying to skip out on going to your meeting with Dumbledore or if you were dying in the bathroom"

"I wish it was the latter option but no" Dazai said calmly "I was simply cleaning my face"

"all right then, I guess it's time that you start heading to Dumbledore's office that's where the meeting will be from what I've been told" She said, handing Dazai his coat and tie before leading him outside of the hospital wing.

Dazai expected for Mme Pomefrey to lead him out side and let him go to Dumbledors office on his own but instead she stayed with him, walking down the stairs beside him.

"I am to escort you to Dumbledore's office" she said casually catching Dazai off guard "he hasn't got to get into his office and, as you're aware, you do not have a reputation of being where you're supposed to be when you're supposed to be there." she stated curtly 

"Didn't you say that I was to meet up with Snape and not Dumbledore?" Dazai asked 

"Yes but you are also to talk with Dumbledore and some others before hand, there are some matters that he wants to discuss with you"

'Oh great, Moris gonna kill me'

-Time skip-

Dazai entered a circular dome-like room, on the far side of the room, there was a large bookshelf with ancient chapter books, neatly shelved alphabetically, in front of that shelf, there was a desk with at least a tablecloth over it. everywhere you looked, you could spot a magical metal instrument, the room was cluttered, but its messiness gave a warm and welcoming air to it.

In the center of the room, there was a large, rectangular desk. On the near side sat professor Flitwick, head teacher of Ravenclaw, Proffessor Sprout, head teacher of Hufflepuff, professor, teacher of Slytherin, professor McGonagle, head teacher of Gryffindor, Professor Mad eye Moody, and Dumbledore, in between Professor Flitwick and Moody there was an empty space that was probably saved for Mme Pomefrey.

On the far side of the table sat a small, blonde Hufflepuff first year with freckles and hazel eyes, his eyes kept on darting from one side of the room to another, exited yet anxious for the meeting to begin. Next to him was a black haired boy in a Ravenclaw uniform, he was looking quite bored with his head resting in his arms on the table but was observing Dazai carefully nonetheless.Across from the blonde boy, there sat Chuuya. Dazai found it a little awkward looking at him after the dream he had experienced the night before but took his seat next to him anyways.

After everyone was seated the headmaster looked around the room and began his speech

"So, first and foremost I must address the fact that this meeting will not lead to expulsion, but there has been evidence found against you 4 in particular that you are what would call ability users"

OK, so I'm sorry that it's another cliffhanger. I wanted to post today because it was Chuuyas birthday...I'd expect the next chapter to be out in like two or three days, as always comment your thoughts is you want, I'm not sure what I think about adding Kenji and Rampo in, but you know; anything for content am I right or am I right? as always I hope you enjoyed this chapter and please don't be afraid to comment your thoughts down below. I always enjoy reading comments.thank you for reading.

-Sophie ♠️ 

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