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The moment that Harry was released from the hospital wing by Madame Pomfrey, he sprinted towards the gryffyndor common room in a hurry to search for Ron

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The moment that Harry was released from the hospital wing by Madame Pomfrey, he sprinted towards the gryffyndor common room in a hurry to search for Ron.he knew that there could be a chance that Ron saw the Mangas or even read it one of them before Hermione collapsed, and maybe if he was lucky and if fate was on the side, he would know how or why Hermione collapsed or at least have a couple guesses.

He turned a corner, sped straight through the hallway onto the left, screaming the password to the fat lady in the portrait who reluctantly let him in because of his eagerness, telling him that no matter what he wants and badly he shouldn't put his anger out on others.He didn't care he wanted to know what Dazai and Chuuya were hiding from him.

But then he realized all of the quarter is that he ran through were empty, and even when he climbed through the portrait all to the Gryffindor common roomit was deserted.

Beginning to panic, he quickly threw on his coat, his first thought being: hagrid

He ran back towards the portrait, whole aggressively climbing through it, earning more classes from the fat lady in the portrait who he noticed also looks panicked.

He ran towards the exit of Hogwarts to where he could go to Hagrids hut. But then he heard voices and footsteps and chattering and drawing closer. He stopped, circulated in a crescent shape around a brick wall there was a huge crowd, worried that something like Tom Riddle what happen once again he push through as many people as possible boys girls, small, tall.He pushed through so many people he couldn't even count.Not bothering to excuse himself, even when he heard the surprise cry from a petite French girl as he roughly pushed her against the wall, or when he elbowed Shamus in the ribs or even when he shoved Mme Maxime aside, trying to make space for himself.

What he saw shocked him, a sense of déjà vu washed over him, written on the wall, in bold letters and in three languages was written:

𝕳𝖚𝖘𝖍 𝖔𝖗 𝖞𝖔𝖚'𝖑𝖑 𝖇𝖊 𝖓𝖊𝖝𝖙

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𝕮𝖍𝖚𝖙 𝖔𝖚 𝖙𝖚 𝖘𝖊𝖗𝖆𝖘 𝖑𝖊 𝖕𝖗𝖔𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖎𝖓

Over the dead body of none other than Lee Jordan

A cold rush of what felt like burnt wind blew over him, making his entire body seem like ice. He felt paralyzed, isolated the background the background noise disappeared, and all that he could see was the dead body and the writing on the walls, and all that he could hear was the painful, stinging sound of dreadful and morbid silence

He turned to the side, broken free from his train of thoughts, George Weasley, the best friends of lee Jordan were being comforted by Professor McGonagle, whilst Fred fought angrily, being held down by Snape. Angry hot tears were streaming down his freckled face as he cried stuff like "his not dead he can't be he's not dead, let me go!" He shrieked 

Harry turned his head to the right, a first year girl from Hufflepuff puff had fainted and was being nursed by professeur sprout.the rest of the teachers, including professor Dumbledore were trying to push away as many students as possible. At the sight of Dumbledore, Harry let out a breath of relief that he had not known he was holding in before registering, but shamus was still dead, and there was still that morbid sign on the wall.

"Professor" he called, trying to get his attention by waving his arm in the air.He kept on calling out the elders name, and eventually the two made eye contact, Harry didn't know what Dumbledore said, the room was filled with too much noise but from what Harry could make out, he said something like "Go back to your common room" which was not the response that he was hoping for but was the response that he had been expecting. He obeyed, and followed the small group of students that had gone back to their dorms.

Okay so, If there are any holes, spelling errors or anything like that please tell me, I am aware that I suck at spelling and that I edit every chapter every two minutes if I think that the story line is cringe or it doesn't make sense,I won't take offense to it at all (unless you're mean to me about it. I have a below average sized brain that gets intimidated and self-conscious, very easily)

Also, how many of you like romance, soukoku? tell me in the comments on a scale of 1-100

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed this chapter.


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