Untitled Part 21

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Waking up the next day, chuckling to himself about last night and his friendly fight with chuuya he remembered 'Wait...I dont have a 3D printer... crap.' Finding Blaise and another syltheryn in the common room playing cards Dazai walked up to blaise

"Is their like a spell that can Like copy and paste objects?" Dazai asked

"Why do you care? But if you want to know I think theres something in the library- I change the color to green by the way" Blaise said as his opposing player glared at dazai then scoffed

"Mk thanks" Dazai said turning for the door 

Dazai sprinted towards the library as swiftly as he could colliding into Parvati pattle from gryffyndor on the way. once he arrived at the library he shuffled through the books. 

The brunette got exited every time he saw the word double or duplicate but instead it was always something like "double your wand movements adding a flick at the end of your second wave of the wand" or "Duplicates may come in handy if your planning on _______" he searched the books in the charm section for more than 2 hours before finally laying his eyes across page 69 (a/n haha, funny number) of "Tricks, spells and tips that may come in handy for your day-to-day life. His eyes examined the page line for line, not expecting to find what he was looking for until his eyes met the words: Geminino, the spell to duplicate items

Finally.... Now I need to find  another wand. Chibi can help me with that

"I gonna go look for him!" He said aloud, skipping towards the gryffyndore common room, hoping to find the ocean eyed ginger in the common room, walking up to the portrait of the fat lady he tapped it obnoxiously

"You gonna budge or what" he said teasingly, not stopping to tap the picture

"You got the password or what" the woman in the portrait replied, clearly irritated 

"Mmmmmm, why was it Neville longbottom wrote on his arm again~...?" He slurred, putting his index finger on his chin "Uhmmm..."

"Just say the password if you know it!" The fat lady snapped "And if you dont, quit wasting my time, Im a tired and busy woman"

"Ah yes, because of course, sitting around in a queen sized chair all day and letting people in a common room is definitely a buttload of work" he said sarcastically 

"Do you have the password?" The woman said, ignoring his last comment this time her voice was stern

"Okay okay, fine, Grata domum" he said

The fat lady scoffed before letting him in

Searching the common room that appeared deserted he looked for his favorite person to bug when he spotted a long haired ginger in the corner, face covered by a book, strolling over to the ginger he pocked his cheek with the tip of his wand

"Oi what was-" he broke off when he saw the brunette smirking playfully "THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE? HOW THE HELL DID YOU EVEN FIND THE GRYFFYNDORE COMMON ROOM, AND THE PASSWORD OH AND DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED ON LAST EVENING AT THE LIBRARY, DID YOU REALLY HAVE TO SET ME UP LIKE THAT!?" The ginger shouted while putting Dazai into a playful chokehold 

"I find it cute how my Chihuahua is so pissed but in reality I just need help with the tournament" Dazai said 

"What it it?" The ginger said sighing, as annoyed as chuuya was, he was interested on Dazais plans

"Mk so you're gonna need a cast the spell: Geminino on my wand using your wand" the brunette said plainly

"And why would I do that?"chuuya asked annoyed.

"Well, you know when I said that I stole a 3-D printer..." the brunette said, trailing off

"Yeah, and I was wondering where the hell did you even find a 3-D printer" the ginger said

"Yeah so I kind of lied"the brunette said, putting on a fake, guilty expression

"of course you did"Chuuya said, crossing his arms.

"Anyways, I need you to duplicate my wand so that I could you know, make the plan work"

"Fine" chuuya said, taking out his wand and pointing it at Dazai's, the brunette made sure that the inside of his wand was under the influence of 'no longer human'.

"Geminino" the ginger said, flicking his wand.A clear light purple beam was directed at Dazais wand and duplicated it almost instantly. The double was not exactly the same, it looked cleaner, and it was missing a couple of branch marks but other than that, their was no difference.

"Thanks chibi!~ I honestly didn't  think it would actually work", the brunette confessed casually, "I actually thought it could've been dangerous"

"Then why the hell didn't you look into it more?!" The ginger barked, "it might have been dangerous if corruption did something to cause an explosion" he said, landing a punch on Dazais shoulder

"Im inpatient, anyways, I gotta go! Toodaloo~" the brunette said waving at chuuya

"Wait hold on a minute I'm not done with you! I still have to yell at you about ditching me in the library!" The ginger shouted after the brunette whom apparently took no notice of the angry Chihuahua who was screaming at him

Chuuyas pov

After Dazai left, to return to his book, still cursing about the brunette when he heard someone enter the common room. Fuck, I forgot those three were outside when I was reading my book. Stupid Dazai, if he didn't show up these three could've went to the comon room along time ago, and wouldn't have overheard our conversation...but then again, he probably knew about them he either didn't care or wanted them to overhear our conversation so that it would be easier to communicate... that would explain why he avoided mentioning our abilities And suicide and steering conversation almost completely,he knows me too well...it's unsettling

"What was that convo about?" Ron asked chuuya, the golden trio where all seated around the ginger

OK that chapter was long, at first I didnt really know what to put so that's why I took million years to post, I have a clear view on what's the next chapter will be about, so it should be out sooner than this one at least I hope


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