A bunch of stuff happends

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"So you and Dazai are friends ?" Ron asked

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"So you and Dazai are friends ?" Ron asked

"Acquaintances" Chuuya corrected "anyways, I was cursed of working with him at my summer job ever since I was 15 years old, we went to the same magic school (Lie) never really got along (Truth)...our manager would always say "only a diamond can polish another diamond" but then again, our boss was an idiot an a pedo- ass hole so yeah.. I dunno when we acctually became 'friends' I think it was when Dazai burned his appartement down trying to commit souicide by jumping into an oven.. anyways he moved in with me because he has no friends ever since then he just lived with me"

"WHY THE HELL DID HE BURN THE APARTEMENT" hermione shouted, slamming her hands on the table 

"is anyone going to acknowledge the fact that he tried to commit suicide?"harry asked worried, looking at the floor as if he were wondering why he was the only one with common sense in the room

"I don't know if I should laugh or be concerned" Ron said, hiding his smile with his hands

"Are all Slytherin's that dumb?"Parvati asked.

"I don't know crab and Goyal are pretty stupid"Ron said

"I miss living alone, it was so quiet" Chuuya sighed wistfully

"Why did you change school anyways?" Lavander asked, trying to not acknowledge the fact that she just lost at chess against Parvati

"Personal reasons" Chuya said simply

"Oh, we understand" Hermione said, stepping on Ron's foot to prevent him from asking any further questions

"Ight, well Imma crash.. see you later i guess" Chuuya said to prevent the gryffyndors  from asking any further questions"


Dazais pov 

He was out and about exploring the hogwarts grounds with Blaise when he walked past the goblete of fire, he then took out a piece of parchement and scribbled Dazai Oasmu Hogwarts then he then dropped the parchement into the fire.

"Hey Blaise, are you going to put your name in the goblete?" Dazai asked the other brunette

"Eh I already did" Blaise replied

"Im goin to head to the owlery now, I have a letter I have to send, want to come with me" Dazai asked slurring his words ever so slightly.

"Sure, I have nothing better to do, I already finished my homework" Blaise said walking next to Dazai.

The two boys made in up to the owlery in about 10min, after that Dazai wrote a letter to Mori San saying: Hey you piece of shit, just a reminder that nobody likes you and you suck, good luck finding that dead rat i ordered my owl to hide in your office.Anyways magic is ok and whatever, I dont miss you and neither does chuuya, you suck - Dazai

When Dazai finished his letter he tied the letter to a delicious looking barn owl and instructed it to hide a dead rat in Morris office. He had no clue how the owls at hogwarts knew how to get to their location without google maps but he decided not to question it.

"Oh OK, well i think we should head to the common room now, hours are almost over" blaise said

"Good idea"Dazai replied

The duo made it to the slythery common room where Draco was blabbing on about how he was definitely going to be the hogwarts champion blah blah blah and Pansy was holding Draco's hand as she eagerly listened to Dracos speech. When Pansy noticed Dazai she sent a glare towards him.

"Draco, I saw the mud blood talking with a gryffyndor" She said an ugly smirk plastered on her face

"Dazai, Gryffyndors are muggle loving idiots with no pride and no brains, never hang out with them, they are below us slytheryns" Draco stated puffing out his chest a little bit

"Yeah yeah I was using him for home work" Dazai lied

"Oh, that's understandable, but cant you just do it on your own. Im not letting you breath the same air for nothing" Draco asked

"Nah, Ive already given up on even trying to get good grades in class"

"Of course you have" Draco said rolling his eyes

Sorry for not posting in am million years, I will start writing chap 11 now also im making up a lot of stuff in this fic, I think i kinda gave canon the middle finger

-Sophie 🌺 

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