Haha big brain time

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The next few weeks went by very quickly, it was all the same each and every day, Dazai not paying attention in class, hermione nagging him and ron about homework, snape being clearly frustrated at Dazai lack of due assignments and the slytherys glaring at Dazai ever so often because of his blood type. However, Chuuya didnt fail to notice Harrys stress twards the six wizard tournament, he never failed to notice those worried green eyes go from his bag to the book on dragons that he was reading, he was sure tHat ron and hermione where oblivious to their friends stress, he himself, already had a pretty good idea of what he was going to do and how he was going to make it look like magic.

Flipping through the pages of his potions protect he noticed a pair of brown siren eyes looking at him through the book shelves, knowing exactly who it was he put his assignment down and turned his attention twards dazai who was now completely visible.

"Waddya want" Chuuya asked, putting his most annoyed face on, still knowing that it no longer had effect on the brunette

"Nothing much.." the brunette purred "But..." his face turned serious "The first task starts in less that a week, Waddya gonna do about it?"

"Mmm, I figured I cant beat the shit out of a giant lizard so instead Im gonna do something similar to what potters doing" Chuuya said, Dazai beckoned him to continue his story "so I decided to summon my bullets once we meet the dragon and then use corruption to kind of make them fly towards the dragon. I'm going to make it look like the wand is doing the magic, not corruption so that still need to work..." 

"Sooo" Dazai started "Your gonna shoot the lizard down?"

"Yeah.. you?" Chuuya asked

"Mm something similar actually, so I stole a 3D printer so that I could make a fake model of my wand and then Im going to transfer no longer human into the wand, making it look like a beam of blue light is being extracted from the wand and transferred onto the dragon... after doing some research I figured out that dragons are made purely of magic so after its been pierced with corruption it will pass out, after that no longer human will hit it and it will disintegrate... what mattered now is what potter will do..." Dazai said

"Ill figure it out.. I think he's going to try summoning his broom and using that to manage the dragon" Chuuya said

"That could be a broiler if Im not able to control my beam on no longer human, if it hits potter while he's high in the air... It could be problematic to say the least and if he's a good player than..." he trailed off

"The teachers would definitely notice, especially professor McGonagall, and Dumbledore" Chuuya said, finishing the brunettes sentance

"Bingo" dazai said, his mouth curving into a sly grin does part of this bastard want to strike down potter? Oh wait never mind, he has an idea

"What's your idea?" The ginger asked, annoyed

"I dont have one" dazai said

"Liar" the ginger said "well you gonna tel me or what?"

"Aww chibi doesn't believe me? How sad" Dazai grinned before leaving the library

"Hey wait a minute! Our conversation isn't over-" but the ginger was stopped mid sentance by the librarian walking his head with a book

"It's high time you leave, its after hours you know? And also, who in the world where you talking to? Ten points from gryffyndor."

"What but-" 

"Hurry up and get outta here, and also, its a library, you should maybe learn to whisper"

"Yes ma'm" the ginger said, gritting his teeth shitty dazai totally set me up, im going to beat him up the next time I see him

"Hurry up and leave" the librarian snapped

The ginger than left without another word, rushing through the corridors heading back to gryffyndor common room. When he finally got there, he crashed into his bed, not bothering to change or shower falling asleep immediately. He knew he could sleep in the next day being Saturday.

Sorry for not posting in a while,Hope you like the chapter.


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