Defence against the dark arts

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Ok so imma say that the slytherys already had their first defence against the dark arts class  with mad eye (so they all know about the unforgivable curses), so yeah- Anyways enjoy

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Ok so imma say that the slytherys already had their first defence against the dark arts class  with mad eye (so they all know about the unforgivable curses), so yeah- Anyways enjoy.

Dazai walked into the defence againce the dark arts class behind Draco and Pansy and beside Goyle, crab and Blaise. Draco always made sure that he was in front of everyone else

 when they entered the room Moody was sitting at his desk his magical eye surveying the room, when is eye laid upon Dazai he grunted. Dazai immediately knew that that eye couldent see through him, it wouldn't work on him no matter what, Dazai would use this to his advantage if he had to.

Today that had defence againce the dark arts with the Gryffyndors 

"Alright class so today Im going to preform the imperious curse on you, yes the ministry has given me promotion to do so, when you are under my spell I will tell you to jump on the table. The reason Im teaching you all this is because its better safe then sorry, you dont know what you'll be up against when your older so you better start cracking early.I will call you each one by one."

Every student sucked a defending themself until it was Harry's turn.He held up okay but he crashed himself on the desk most likely because his brain was confused, Moody said this was a good thing, it ment that if he practices enough, potter could hold up one of the unforgivable curses.

"Dazai Osamu, your up"

When Mad eyes curse was upon Dazai it felt wonderful at first but then after that Dazai assumed that the curse wore off because of no longer human and that Moody was still under the impression that the spell was still on Dazai.

 he can feel it when a spell is being cast upon or near him, he could feel every strand of magic being extracted from the wand, he knew when some one was placing a spell or a curse somewhere around him and he knew how to use information that comes for free well, he didnt spend nearly his entire life at the port mafia for nothing. Dazai could still hear the man whispering "Go on, jump on the table, jump on the wont be that hard" 

"Nah too much work to achieve nothing" He said putting his hands in his pocket

Moody grinned "Good job Dazai, ten points to slytheryn"

The brunette gave the man a false smile and walked back to the place he was sitting, next the Pansy, Balise and Malfoy. When Draco saw that dazai wouldn't be controlled over the imperious curse the look on his face was gold, but Dazai wouldn't let Draco know he was looking at him.

"Good job dazai" Blaise said, looking proud

"Wow it looks like being around Draco really did help" Goyle said looking stupid

"No, I dought it, maybe moody did the spell wrong" pansy said "It would take a muggle born like him much longer to be able to resist the imperious curse, even considering the fact that he has been with Draco it has only been 3 weeks" Pansy said

"Yeah." Draco said puffing out his chest once more "but good job anyways

After Dazai it was Chuuyas turn.

"Nakahara, your up"

Chuuya also was able to restrain the imperious curse.

 the Gryffyndors looked really proud, Ron and harry patted him on the back and Hermione smiled at him

huh, Dazai has never really smiled for that because they're are both different breeds?how do you clarify what a human is? Chuuya is the most human someone could be but  why are we forced to live in a body? is Dazai really the one in control by his actions?These are all questions that cloud his mind when lost in thought, he could feel his heart beating in his chest.As he watched every strand of magic being extracted from Moodys' wand.

He slowed his heartbeat and everything came into focus.The only one who realized the brunettes terrible state was Blaise. When Dazai noticed him he smiled and continues to watch the last two students fail at restraining the imperious curse.

Okay that was chapter 11, i hope you enjoyed, I will post the next chapter soon...I just want to tell everyone that I only have one week of school left until summer vacation so I will be posting more then.

-Sophie 🥮

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