Untitled Part 13

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Instead of sticking around the Slytheryns table, Dazai steered himself directly to where the Gryffyndors were at, he found Ron, harry, hermione and chuuya sitting together at the far side of the Gryffyndor table.

"Hello Chibi~" he said teasingly as he pocked Chuuyas cheek

Chuuya put down his cup "What is it" he asked voice stern as usual when talking to a certain suicidal brunette

"Welp" said Dazai tapping his chin with his index finger "I was bored and figured you would be fun to annoy~" he said slurring his words ever so slightly 

Ron gave a laugh "you remind me of my older siblings, Fred and Gorge"

"Your Ron right?" Dazai asked, face turning from playful to calm

"Yep" Ron said, setting his glass down with a clink "wanna take a seat?" He gestured to a spot in between him and Chuuya

"Fine with me but I thought you lot didnt like slytheryns" the brunette said, squishing in between the two redheads

"Yeah but they cant all be that bad" Hermione said "plus we've already meet you and can confirm that you a good natured guy, I wonder why the hat put you in slytheryn"

Dazai could tell by the looks on the trios faces were genuine, and plus, having more pawns is always better, plus they look easy to manipulate and kind, at least they looked better that Malfoy and the other slytheryns.

"Sure" Dazai agreed as he gave the trio the fake, sweet, smile.It was the same one that he spent hours practicing at home in front of Elises little mirror when he was taken in"

He stuck around for a while, talking about the food and the six wizard tournament when a Beaubaton girl approached the Gryffyndore table. Taking off her hood she revealed beautiful platinum blonde hair that reached her waist, her clear blue eyes sparkled Under her bangs that were feathered over her forehead and her lips shined in the light.

In conclusion: Dazai was going to ask her to do a double suicide.

Chuuya saw this coming and rolled his eyes. Many of the Gryffyndors were gaping at the beautiful girl, some out of jealousy and some out of...what you would call...attraction?.Dazai stared for a moment wanting to use her figure as a pawn, think of how useful it would be, outside beauty makes it so easy to have people's hearts wrapped around your finger. Ready to stop the beating at any moment.

The brunette quietly slipped out of the crowed of gryffyndores, searching for the cranberry juice that was filled to the top with red liquid, he waited for the girl to leave the gryffyndore table, steering himself to his own houses table, following her and taking his phone out of his pocket (he uses Nord VPN), he bumped her just as she was passing Goyle forcing her to momentarily bump his lip to avoid jetting cranberry sauce on her school uniform.Dazai appropriately caught them in 4K, taking a video and setting it to slow motion he successfully captured his dirt.The girl hastily pulled herself together, awkwardly apologizing to Goyle-Dazai assumed that Goyle didn't know what just happened nor how she felt about it because Dazai could see a clearly that her upper lip was twitching and that, as she turned away, she looked very emotional her face showing sadness, anger, disgust and stress, Dazai also though he saw tears threatening to spill.

"j'arrive pas à coir que mon premier baiser était avec quelqu'un aussi si moche que ça" he herd her say under her breath as she stormed away back to her table, abandoning her serving of ratatouille at the slytheryn table.

Dazai, however looked quite satisfied with himself, returning to the gryffyndore table with a grand smile of his face.

"You look quite pleasant" Harry acknowledged, setting his spoon down

"Yep" Dazai said, popping the P "I just though of a new way to kill my self, anyways, wanna see me chug this entire bottle in one gulp"

"No" Chuuya said, helping himself to his 4th serving of escargot (No but like if you haven't tried escargot it really good, go do that now, it's your homework)

"D-Dazai its not good to joke about things like that" Harry said, Chuuya appeared to be the only peson that wasnt too faced by his words

Dazai gave Harry a look that said Im not joking but in contrary said "Yeah yeah, I get that a lot"

Hermione also seemed conserned by the brunettes joke but was too busy elbowing Ron in the gut to say anything, but she still gave him a worried look that said: 'If you need help you should really talk to a professor, also, did you eat anything?. The two brunettes started having a conversation with their eyes but Dazai quickly ended it by muttering "Don't worry, I was just joking- And I already ate, dont worry about me." After that Hermione seemed convinced enough to not say anything more and just continued to clear her plate of the mash potatoes and Ratatouille (Ratatouille is really good by the way, its healthy and can be eaten with pasta, rice, potatoes or bread, now with this info, go do yourself a favor and beg your mom to make it) When everyone finally cleared their plates Dumbledore started his speech, Dazai zoned out after about three seconds of his speech.He's pretty sure that the man was talking about the Six wizard tournament and stuff.

OK part 13 done I hope you like this chapter and I'll see you in the next one. also the reason why I put it I didn't put Dumbledore speech in was because I forgot what he said lol By the way, what are your opinions on fluff? Please answer in the comments Thanks for sticking around.


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