Goblete of milk- i mean fire haha

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Chuuyas pov 

"Wake up wake up"the ginger could hear Ron and Harry over his bed screaming at him to wake up "what do you want it's too early in the morning, and plus, isn't it supposed to be a Friday?"chuuya asked 

"yeah well today is the day that the goblet of fire will choose who will be participating in the six wizard tournament" Ron cried  

"oh yeah, I totally remember that" chuuya lied it was obvious that he was lying Ron rolled his eyes 

"come on we don't have all day, Hermione's already in the common room waiting for us" Harry said 

"OK hold on let me just get dressed" Chuuya said 

Chuuya then quickly slipped on his robes and shoes not bothering to brush his hair and when he went down to the common room most of the Griffin doors were already there some looked as if they already finished breakfast.Hermione was the only one that didn't seem as hyped up as the rest of the Griffyndors  she did seem excited though she was in her favorite spot near the fire that always burnt the brightest orange reading a book.

When she saw the trio she smiled at them and ushered them to her.

"McGonagle told me that the goblet will choose the names at dinner" She said, her hazelnut eyes were sparkeling with anticipation

For the rest of the day it was just kids speed running classes again, their were bets being placed on who would be chosen from the goblete, but those were rare, due to the fact that their were so many students that were over the age of 15 at first their were many bets placed on Harry's head, but they were all cancelled when harry told them he wasn't of age, a couple kids placed a bet upon Chuuyas head for some reason? Many bets were placed upon Angelinas head witch made sense kind of, she was the first to put her name in the goblete.

The last thing they had was double potions with the slytheryns, he could sort of feel dazai touching the gingers hair, in reality, he really like the feeling, and Dazai knew it 

—————————————-——-Time skip to when the feast starts————————————————

Chuuyas pov;

For the feast there was a lot of food, there were mountains of mashed, potatoes French specialties again Bulgarian specialties again, there was crab, steak, red meat, pasta, rice pudding, purée, carrot, purée, chicken chicken masala, ratatouille, escargots, salad, chicken puprikach, and purée for dessert there was chocolate pudding, Paris Brest, chocolate cake, brownies and Jell-O citrus tart, cherry tart, blueberry tart, chocolate banana tarte and, Chuuyas personal favorite: Flan.

Once they all cleared our plates Dumbledore cleared his Throat and the dining hall grew silent

"Today is the day that the goblet of fire shall choose the names of the champions that for each school that shall compete in the six Wizard tournament this year but before we begin our choosing I would just like to applaud to everyone who has mustered up the amount of courage to put their name in the goblet of fire, If and when your name is chosen you shall head over the room mr filch is next to. we shall begin now"

As he spoke the goblet turned a bright red and then purple and then blue, a small parchment of paper flew into Dumbledore's hands "from dermstrang we have...Viktor Krum! the dermstrangs Cheered loudly as Victor hurried over to where Filch was 

Then, the goblet turned red again and then blue and then purple once more another name flew out of the goblet "Again from dermstrang we have Fyodor Doevesky!" The dermstrang's cheered once more as a tall male with black-purple Haier and bright pink eyes walked to where mr filch was.

Again the goblet turned bright Red then purple and then blue "from beau baton We have Fleur Delacour!" the beau batons cheered loudly as the pretty girl from the feast walked to were filch was to go with the other champions And again from beaubaton we have Jane Gossland! (A/N Yes thats a French last name, you pronounce it like go-s-lan)

And Lastly from hogwarts we have Chuuya Nakahara!" What!? Why was I called? I dont wanna do this? The fuck? The Gryffyndor cheered as the ginger walked over to where mr filch and the other champions were standing and "our last hogwarts champion will be Dazai Osamu!" The slytherys cheered half heartedly, but Griffyndors Cheered even louder, it was clear to Chuuya Dazai didnt want to be here either.

I hope you liked this chapter


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