Untitled Part 17

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Wait why did I get chosen, I drew a dick on my paper- shit dumbledore might have seen it ah well at least i get to annoy the hell out of chuuya He thought smirking a little and bounding into step next to chuuya.

"Okay so basically yall are going to have to compete to do dangerous stuff and really cool stunts and your going to use your sticks and stuff blah blah blah" Filch said in the most "enthusiastic" voice known to man, for Dazai however it all went in one ear in out the other, instead, he looked around the room, it was clean and their were shelves of books, the door was made of wood and the walls were white, their was a fire place in the center of all the book shelves. The door creaked open, Dazai was the first to notice this, chuuya presumably being the second, behind it revealed Harry Potter looking scared.

"Vat is he doing here?" Viktor asked, looking skeptically from Dumbledor to harry

"E is Much too young I believe" Fleur said, her accent was heavy

" didnt he say he was too young?" Fyodor asked Karkoraffe , twirling a cherry lollipop in his mouth

Karkaraffe and Madame Maxime were glaring at Dumbledore

"I see you've let 3 Howard's champions in" Karforoff growled, he titled his face down making eye contact with Dumbledore 

"Letting hogwarts have 3 bites of the apple?" Maxime spat

"Now, now" Dumbledore said "Im not sure why Harry was chosen, Harry, your too young to put your name in the goblet, no?"

"No, I didn't put my name in the goblet" Harry said looking scared

"He's obviously lying!" Maxime cried, pointing a shaking finger at the brunette

"No, I dont think he's lying" Moody said from the shadows, everyone in the room turned towards the man looks of putridity on the faces of Karkoraff and Madame Maxime 

"He could have told an elder student to put his name in!" Karkoroffe mentioned still glaring at Dumbledore and harry

"Harry, did you ask an older student to put your name in the goblet?" Dumbledore asked calmly, their wasn't an ounce of uncertainty in his voice, it was clear to Dazai that he genuinely believed that harry was a good student that didn't lie.

"No!" Harry cried, his pupils were expanding, a clear sign that he wasn't lying

"I dunno" Snape spat "Potter here has always managed to bend the rules"

At this point however, everything else that the adults said was going in one ear and out the other, he was still worrying about the dick picture. Harry however looked horrified.

When the meeting ended, the champions went back to their common rooms, when he arrived at his common room, a lot of the slytheryns gave him a pat on the back or something, they did it reluctantly however.When Dazai and Draco met up, Draco applauded him half heartedly, it was clear that the blonde did not want the brunette to ruin Slytheryns reputation and he believes that Dazai would fail. Dazai however is childish and doesn't like to lose so, their was no way he and Chuuya weren't going to win.Plus, the tournament just made the hogwarts experience a lot more fun and he was a child...right?

Okay sorry i have been gone for a while, I just returned to my home town for vacation and traveling was hell, I am also wrighting an other story at the moment and I plan on starting a third, this chapter was really short, Im so sorry, it might get better or worse, I dont have any ideas for the following chapter so if you could, please make suggestions in the comment section. 


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