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Chuuyas pov

As the pair of boys went over to the gryffyndor common room the ginger relived that the boy was worried, his hangs made a tight fist and the ginger could see cold sweat forming on the back of his neck he decided it wouldn't do any good to strike a conversation so he kept his mouth shut, however his mind was racing

What kind of tests are they going to make us do? Why do I have to work with shitty dazai? If the tasks will start the 25 of October than that means that we would only have a few months to work on it, they said that there will be safety precautions and that there is a very slim chance on acctually Dying however if I accidentally let corruption take control of my body... No, Dazai wouldn't let that happen... but If corruption did take control over my body then it would be able to destroy Hogwarts and it would also be clearly visible to the human eye and of course if Dazai were to use no longer human than that would also be visible, it would be a one-way ticket to being expelled from Hogwarts.and then there is the rat, he looked very similar to Fyodor Dovesky and if my suspicions are correct then we have another ability user to deal with.

When They finally arrived at the Gryffindor common room There was a huge party set up for the two of them, people kept on congratulating chuuya and harry, Harry looked like he wasn't in the mood for a party, it was understandable due to the fact that he was unwillingly chosen to be the third champion Hogwarts the pair of them somehow managed to get to the dorms the ginger plopped onto the bed, from what he heard after that Ron and Harry were arguing, it seemed as if ron was jealous About Harry's victory in being chosen as a Hogwarts champion however, Chuuya didn't really care so he just fell asleep without changing into his normal sleeping clothes.

The next day is the tension between Ron and Harry was strong Hermione and Chuuya we're both incredibly annoyed by this it was clear to Chuuya that Hermione knew that Harry didn't put his name in the goblet she suspected that Moody was correct in saying that someone else put his name in the goblet, a part of Chuuya thought it was Moody an other part thought it was someone outside of the school. He didn't  share his thoughts with the other three partly because he didnt trust 3 dumb teenagers with this information and partly because Hermione was too busy to listen because she was too busy running from boy to boy trying to make them become friends again, chuuya didn't  participate withe the female brunette, he used the excuse of 'I dont think I should get involve with their affaires, I believe they can figure it out on their own'

but in reality, he didn't really care and he had other problem's to deal with; first of all, their is a spy at hogwarts, if he noticed that Chuuya and Dazai had abilities, he would tell his superior, or if he was the superior he could try to get Chuuya and Dazai to work for him and Chuuya would hate to get his hands dirty this early.And second there could potentially be a Russian rat with an ability that could be a threat to hogwarts. What are his intentions is the question.And are the imposter and ability user the same person or do they have completely different  

These questions kept him thinking a lot, and he knew that Dazai was thinking the same thing.

Okay chapter 18 is done, sorry for not uploading sooner


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