Note - Welcome

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Hello dear reader,

nice that you decided to give my story "Babydoll" a try. It means a lot to me :)

This is the second story that I've finished on Wattpad and I'm pretty excited about that.

Before you start reading, a few short notes/disclaimers from my side:

- I'm in no way a professional writer. This is my hobby. I try to keep my stories and characters consistent but don't expect perfection.

- While I speak English pretty well, it's not my native language. If you notice mistakes (that kind that makes sense to correct), please comment or send me a message. I'm happy to learn :) Sometimes they might also just be typos that my tired brain didn't catch :D

- My stories are usually longer (this one is close to 200 000 words) and a lot of stuff tends to happen in a short amount of time. Don't get confused.

- This story takes place in a fictive location but can be probably imagined to be set somewhere in a high-income country. I think it's pretty easy to notice where my inspiration for the general location has come from ;)

- I also use the metric system to describe stuff, because that's what I normally use. While I understand other systems, it just doesn't come naturally to me to use them. 

- This is a MC romance story with some smut first, but also a story about finding a place that you belong.

- My characters are flawed but so are we all. This is done on purpose, but if you notice something that just seems odd to you, please let me know. 

- This story is part of a series, which I will continue to write as I have time.

Have fun reading.

Daisy <3

(In June 2023)

Ps: If you see this chapter at the end of the story, then it's probably because you added the story to your reading list/library before I wrote this. Adding the story again, should solve this (if it bothers you :D)

Pps: In case someone is interested in editing/giving some constructive feedback, please let me know. I'm happy to work on this story and make it better.

Babydoll (Steel Rebels MC #1) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now