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wonderhall: someone you find yourself thinking about all the time; a person you are completely infatuated with.


"hey debbie, i'm so sorry for being late! i got caught up with some stuff" dahlia apologized, bursting through the white doctors office doors. "no worries...although, you did miss the meeting this morning" the woman smiled.

"oh i did? i'm sorry, i completely forgot it was today" she sighed, slapping her forehead. "it wasn't too important, just some reminders, but please be here next time" debbie sweetly smiled.

dahlia nodded her head before hurrying off to the staff change room. she changed into her light pink scrubs before returning to the front desk. "any work for me right now?" she asked, peering at the clipboards.

"nothing right now. there is some cleaning you could do though" debbie spoke, paying more attention to the computer than she did to dahlia. "of course, i'm on it."

dahlia entered the janitorial room and retrieved a broom. she had been working at a doctors office as an assistant. she had dropped out of law school and decided to follow more in her moms footsteps.

from the law program, she switched over to medicine, where she did a year before getting hired here. dahlia didn't mind it, but she wished she could be doing more than just being an assistant.

it paid pretty good though which was the most important thing in dahlia's mind. she had her own apartment now, so she had to support herself some way or another.

"hey dahlia! are you coming to the party tomorrow?" her coworker, timothy questioned. "oh um its actually my brothers wedding tomorrow" she sadly smiled.

"oh, michael's getting married huh?" he questioned, waving his brows. "yeah...i get to see some family i haven't seen in a while...i'm excited" she confidently spoke.

"well its just a boring ol party tomorrow anyways...enjoy the wedding! and show me some pictures" timothy waved, before walking off and entering one of the rooms with a client.

she sighed out and continued sweeping and mopping the entire building floor. good thing it took up a good amount of her shift. all she wanted to do was go home and relax.

tonight was the big dinner before the wedding tomorrow. from all the happiness that was radiating from her, everyone could tell she was kind of stressed too.

it was all because of one specific person. duff mckagan. he was gonna be there, and dahlia didn't talk to him anymore. when she realized her feelings for him, she separated herself from him.

she needed the space to truly figure out her feelings for him, and she was convinced they were mostly gone. she also didn't want to risk him and robin's marriage falling apart.

"i'm heading out now" dahlia smiled, waving to debbie who still sat at the front desk. "have a good time at the wedding hun" she smiled, looking up from the papers she was organizing.

"i will, thank you" dahlia politely smiled before heading out to her car. as she got in, she almost broke a sweat from how much heat had accumulated in the vehicle.

she rolled down the windows as quick as possible and backed out of her spot. as she started driving off, she turned on the radio and nodded her head to the sweet tunes.

twenty minutes later, she was back in her safe space at home. as she climbed in the front door, claws pattered across the tiled floor. "hey benny!" dahlia exclaimed, crouching down for her dog.

"i missed you baby" she sighed, petting his body until he was on his back begging for belly rubs. "okay, okay" she giggled, obeying the dog and giving him a minute long pet.

"cmon get up, i gotta shower" she chuckled, standing up. as she walked through the hallway and into the bathroom, benny followed every step behind her.

"listen, i don't think you want to shower with me" she giggled, as benny wagged his tail. she politely pushed him out of the bathroom and shut the door.

from there, she turned on the water and stripped down from her clothes. once the heat was a suitable temperature, she stepped in and melted into the heat.

the second she stepped out, the phone just happened to ring. "shit" she cursed, quickly wrapping her body in the towel so she could make a run for the phone.

"benny move" she shouted, trying to dodge the big dog. she successfully made it to the phone in time and held it up to her ear. "hello?" she asked, panting.

"hey lia, you okay?" emma questioned. "yeah, just got out of the shower and heard the phone ring" she laughed. "oh okay! just wanted to remind you that dinner is at 6:30" emma mentioned.

"yeah sounds good, i'm just gonna get ready and then head out" she nodded, internally cursing at all the water pooling on the floor below her. eh, benny would lick it all up.

"okay, see you soon!" emma smiled before hanging up. dahlia let out a sigh and headed back to the bathroom to completely dry herself off- including her hair.

as time went on, her makeup and hair was done. all she needed now was an outfit. "emma said to dress fancy" she mumbled to herself as she browsed the tiny closet with way too many articles of clothes.

dahlia had an off the shoulder tight black dress that she had never really gotten the chance to wear. she didn't have too many opportunities to dress up nice for.

once her outfit was selected and tightly hugging her body, she quickly observed herself in the mirror. "i look damn good" she smirked, posing in all sorts of embarrassing ways.

"fuck, i gotta go" she cursed, looking at the time. quickly, she said her farewells to benny and bolted out the door. well, walked in a fashionably manner so she wouldn't trip from her heels.

she gunned it all the way to the restaurant and sighed in relief when she noticed she got there in time. from her peripheral vision, she saw emma and michael arriving.

"perfect time" she mumbled, closing the windows and stepping out of the car. "michael!" dahlia smiled, walking up to the couple who was not even twenty four hours away from tying the knot.

"hey dahlia" michael smiled. "are mom and haden here yet?" she questioned. "yeah, mostly everyone's here already" emma mentioned. "oh, perfect" she smiled.

as she followed michael and emma, her breath hitched in her throat when she saw duff. michael and emma took two seats that were together at the head of the table.

that left one seat, which was beside duff.

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