twenty eight

7 0 0

1 day ago

as dahlia slammed the door shut, duff sat there confused. why was she making everything about robin? she knew that duff loved her with his entire heart. and it had been like that since he saw her for the first time.

duff's head was spinning, he couldnt even think. the only thing that made him forget was the white line of powder, which quickly disappeared. the remains of it were sitting under his nose.

without even thinking, he left the room in search for an adventure. the only thing that came to his mind was banging on slash's hotel room door.

slash answered pretty quickly, just wearing boxers. "yo lets go to the bar...i got a lil something" duff smirked, revealing a little bag. "shit one second" slash nodded, running to put clothes on.

he exited the room with his jeans, cowboy boots, and a leather jacket with no shirt. and they both made their way to the first bar they could find along the street.

as slash was getting ready to leave, jenny was throwing a fit. she couldnt make sense of why they just had to go to a bar at this time. but at the same time, she was used to it.

the boys walked down the dark street, before finding a lit up sign displaying "bar." they veered to the left and entered the bar. it wasnt too busy, since it was getting late, and it was a weekday. 

duff ordered some vodka and slash ordered jack of course. they sat at the front counter, talking about anything and everything. half of it was shit talking of course.

but after a while, they ended up talking about dahlia. duff ranted about what had happened in the hotel earlier, while slash was nodding off, but would just mumble something to seem like he was listening. 

"wait...i gotta say something" slash interjected. "ok man" duff shrugged. "you cant tell anyone i said this, but sometimes i wish i was with dahlia instead of jenny" he confessed.

duff just about choked on his drink. "hey man dont say that about my girl!" duff yelled. "sorry man, just had to say it" slash shrugged. duff was speechless at what he had just heard. 

for the rest of the night, duff was silent, and slash noticed it. that made slash overthink slightly, but no one would be overthinking more than duff. what if slash tried to make a move on dahlia?

they ended up having a few more drinks before heading back to the hotel. duff, still being slightly pissed at slash, went into his room without saying anything to slash.

slash, being too drunk to care, just shrugged it off and went back to his own room. as soon as duff opened the door, disappointment set in as dahlia hadn't come back yet.

he wasnt quite sure where she was, but he had a suspicion she was with izzy. of course, he wanted to make things right with her, but he decided to give her some space for tonight.

as morning rolled around, duff packed all of his stuff and headed right out to the tour bus sitting in the front. he was the first in there, so he sat on the couch and pulled out his notebook.

he wrote some lyrics that came to mind, and tried to assemble it into a way axl might like. but, duff wanted his own song on the next album, with him singing it too. hopefully axl would agree.

it must've been about an hour before mostly everyone was on the bus. and dahlia and izzy got on together. that answered duff's question of where she was last night.

of course, inside he felt slightly jealous that she'd go to izzy, but he also knew she would never do anything behind his back. izzy was a best friend to her.

it didnt take dahlia long to sit beside duff and rest her head on his shoulder. duff felt quite relieved that she did that. he didnt want her to be mad at him.

back at home, this night was reinforcing duff and i's relationship. of course we had the most intimate moments physically, but also mentally as we talked about the things we did and didnt like.

i made it clear that his drug and alcohol use needed to change, and he promised he'd work on it. i wasnt expecting too much though, since i knew how he was by now.

i had the full plan on making sure the roadies kept an eye on him. i knew them by name now so hopefully they could do that one simple job for me. okay, i guess it wasnt that simple.

i knew how out of hand those boys could get, cause i witnessed it with my eyes, many many times. but out of all of them, slash and steven were probably the most rowdy.

party wise of course. axl was rowdy in the way he'd punch somebody if they looked at him wrong. and izzy? he didnt give a fuck about anything around there. and he was the observer of the group.

judging by all of their personalities, you wouldnt expect izzy to be the bestest of friends with them. but here they were, becoming one of the biggest bands in the whole world.

"yknow duff, i gotta say im so proud of you" i commented. "you are?" he questioned, not expecting that. "of course i am! you're the best person i know and i cant wait to be there for you all the time" i explained.

"awe you're so sweet" he cheesed. "duff im being serious" i sighed, looking into his eyes. judging by the way his eyes softened, he knew i was being genuine.

"thank you know i appreciate you so much as well...always keeping me in line and shit" he chuckled, making me hum in agreement. "i love you" he commented. "i love you" i smiled up at him.

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