twenty five

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when the next day rolled around, my head was pounding. "fuck" i groaned, holding my head. when i cracked my eyes open slightly, duff was nowhere in sight.

not even a few moments later, i had to bolt to the bathroom. i got the toilet just in time to throw up all the contents from last night. after i was done, i flushed the toilet and leaned against the wall.

i felt slightly better, so eh at least some progress was made. i was almost certain i had brought some tylenol with me, so i scavenged my bag to find that.

almost five minutes later, i let out a happy sigh as soon as i found it. i used the bathroom sink to get some water before downing two of the pills.

from there, i looked at the clock and observed the time. nine in the morning? why the fuck did i wake up so early? and where the hell is duff?

speaking of the devil, not even a minute later duff entered the room. "morning pretty girl" duff greeted, with his signature smile showing.

even though i was plastered, i still remembered everything that happened last night. so, i was still slightly angry at duff, but i wasnt gonna ruin our relationship over it.

so far, he had given me no reason not to trust him. so of course, i was gonna continue to trust him with my entire life, while still being cautious of robin.

"morning" i smiled. "why are you on the floor?" he asked, before taking off his shirt. "hungover" i groaned. "are you alright? did you take some tylenol?" he quickly asked.

"yes" i nodded. duff held out his hand for me and helped me get into bed when i stopped him. "wait one second" i spoke before going to the bathroom.

i got out my toothbrush and toothpaste before viciously brushing my teeth. i did not want to lay in bed with him and have puke breath. that right there could end a relationship.

after that and mouthwash, i decided it was good enough, so i exited the bathroom and laid beside him. his long arms protectively wrapped around me as my head rested against his chest.

"where did you go?" i mumbled, not looking up at him. "i went out for a smoke cause i didnt want to bother you" he spoke. "you know i used to smoke too, right?" i giggled, making eye contact.

"yeah, i wasnt really thinking about that" he shrugged. i didnt say anything else, and instead rested in the moment. i felt so peaceful here, like nothing could ever stop me as long as i had duff by my side.

as the tour had continued on, i had noticed that duff wasnt his regular self much anymore. and when the boys went out for after show drinks, duff never invited me.

and of course, i wasnt gonna push my way into coming along. it was pretty clear he didnt want me there, so who was i to be there uninvited.

while the boys went out for drinks, i went back to the hotel or tour bus and curled up in bed. being honest, pretty much everytime this happened i ended up crying.

the one night, i went back to the tour bus and my sniffles were heard by jenny. "can you like shut up?" i heard her ask from her bunk. why she didnt go with the boys? i dont know.

"can you like stop being a bitch" i responded. "listen girl, if your sad cause your little boyfriend left you here, get over it. he's a rockstar, they've got hoes" she scoffed, leaving me even more stressed.

"so then why arent you stressing?" i questioned. "ive just accepted that there's always a chance he's gonna cheat on me. we've both probably been cheated on and dont even know" she explained.

i didnt want to believe her, but i knew she was probably right. duff had cheated on robin before..why was i any different?

"i need to ask you something" i spoke up after a few moments of silence. "yeah?" "why do you hate me so much?" i asked. "why? cause you used to be fuck buddies with my fiance" she chuckled.

"okay, but i dont give a fuck about slash anymore...i have duff" i shrugged. "people change, and it's not you im worried about" she spoke quietly.

wow, she seems to have a lot of trust issues with him huh? why is she taking everything out on me then? "listen, i know we're not on great terms, but i need to ask a favor" i sighed.

"what is it?" "robin is on tour with the cult, she's dating the lead singer. but if you ever see duff talking to her, i need to know right away, okay?" i asked. "yeah, i got you" she agreed.

part of me was so confused as to why she agreed. i did not expect that all. honestly, i was expecting her to tell me to fuck off and then just ignoring me. but no, that conversation went much better than expected.

"thank you" i spoke before turning over and closing my eyes. i heard noises, so i had assumed the boys had gotten back from their bar adventure from tonight.

the bus door creaked open, making my eyes shut even tighter as i involuntarily listened in on their conversation. "yo man but her ass was huge!" someone spoke.

i knew that was slash's voice, and in a way, i felt bad for jenny. i knew she could hear everything that was happening out there as well. "i wish i could've motor boated those knockers!" another voice chuckled.

really duff? my eyes could not stop rolling. "i was just happy to get laid!" steven shouted a little too loud. "shh, the girls are sleeping" izzy spoke, hushing the crowd.

it seemed to work, cause i didnt hear them anymore, other than when they came into the back and got into their respective bunks.

i wanted to sleep, cause god was i tired, but i couldnt. my head was spinning like crazy. i waited for a few minutes until i heard snoring, so i got down from the bunk and reached around.

i found a pair of pants. i didnt know who they belonged to, but they had cigarettes and a lighter, which was the goal. from there, i headed outside and lit up the cancer stick.

just one inhale from this got me addicted again. why did i even stop in the first place? it always made my life significantly better, and i never needed it more than now.

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