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i just shook my head in response to duff's question. he quickly shut the bedroom door and kneeled down in front of me. "i feel like i cant breathe" i gasped.

"hey, hey, you're okay, just focus on me. i'm right here" he lightly spoke, grabbing on to both of my hands. "i'm not gonna leave you, i promise" he smiled.

now that was enough to calm me down. not entirely, but within a few minutes, he was helping me take deep breaths, until i eventually returned back to normal.

"i'm really sorry" i sighed, a tear slipping from my eyes. "hey, what are you apologizing for?" he spoke, sitting beside me and bringing me into his warm embrace.

"sorry for pulling you away from the party cause of my freak out" i explained. "dahlia, i wanted to" he sincerely spoke, rubbing circles on my back.

"i never used to have anxiety, and now it's gotten so bad" i confessed. "i know how you feel...i've got bad anxiety too" he nodded, making me look up at him with furrowed brows.

"you're so good at hiding it" i spoke. "i know, i've gotten used to it" he shrugged. that kinda made me sad. i didn't want him to feel like that ever.

"i'm sorry about that" i frowned. "you need to stop apologizing...but you know what helps with anxiety?" duff smirked. "what?" i asked.

"weed" he proudly spoke. "not gonna lie, i think that's what caused it in the first place" i laughed. while it might've been true, there were other reasons too.

i think the biggest reason is when duff and i didn't talk anymore. i kinda lost a piece of me when i was without him. and he was always my comfort person in the first place, so i lost all sense of comfort and security.

"you never fail to calm me down and make me comfortable, yknow?" i mumbled. "oh yeah?" he confirmed. "yeah, like no one else can make me feel like you can" i shrugged.

"how much have you had to drink?" he asked, changing topics. "like half a bottle of beer" i shrugged. "it's still on the counter downstairs" i added.

"not feeling the alcohol tonight?" he laughed. "nah, i think cutting that stuff out completely would be good for me too" i nodded. "you're my drinking buddy, you cant leave me" he joked.

"you can still drink while i chill with you, cause i didn't really plan on leaving you" i cheekily smiled up at him. "good, cause i think i'd lose myself" he whispered.

i don't know why, but every time he whispered, goosebumps arose on my skin. no matter what he was saying, it always turned me on, like crazy.

"i'd lose myself too" i agreed, never breaking eye contact with him. "dahlia?" he questioned. "duff?" i smirked back. "can i take you somewhere?" he asked.

"like where?" i asked. "that's a secret, cmon" he nodded, standing up and holding out his hand. i took it with furrowed brows and stood up. "are we going right now?"


i followed duff, and got into his truck. he started driving off, to god knows where. i'd always try to figure out where we were, but i couldn't tell.

"duff, what are we doing at the airport?" i scowled, as he parked his truck. "trust me" he spoke, beckoning me to follow him. i just rolled my eyes before obeying.

we went up to the front desk where a woman sat. "can i get two tickets to seattle?" he asked, making my eyes widen. "duff no! i cant leave" i begged, tugging on his arm.

"yeah, of course. there's a flight in about an hour, is that okay?" the woman asked, turning back to duff. "that's perfect" he nodded in content.

he pulled out some cash and swapped that for the tickets. duff started walking away, but i didn't move an inch. there was no way i was going to seattle! especially tonight.

"duff i cant just go...i have a dog i need to take care of and a job!" i argued, catching up to the giraffe. "i'll handle it, it's okay" he shrugged, looking down at me.

i sighed and put a palm to my forehead. "i don't even have any clothes or anything!" i argued again. "we can buy some, don't worry" he smiled, throwing an arm around me.

"want some food while we wait?" he asked, noticing a few food stands. "no, i'm okay" i nodded. "suit yourself" he shrugged, wandering off towards the food.

i just giggled and ran to catch up with him. "actually, i want fries" i spoke from behind duff. "i already ordered some for you, since i knew you'd want some" he laughed, looking down at me.

"you're the best" i smiled, wrapping my arms around him. "i know" he dramatically sighed, adding a hair flip to it. i scoffed in return as i jokingly rolled my eyes.

we waited a bit until we could board the plane. i hesitantly followed suit. i didn't want to leave. cause no one except for duff of course, knows where i am.

"lia? you coming?" duff questioned, noticing my movement pause. "i don't know duff" i sighed. "'re not a kid anymore. have some fun" he teased.

duff was kinda right. he said he'd handle everything back home so i had no reason to worry, right?

"fine" i sighed, giving in and taking his hand. he led us to our seats and i got as comfortable as i could. i got the window seat, so i rested my head in my palm and looked out into the abyss.

after a while, the plane took off so we were finally in the sky. all my worries started to fade away when duff's hand lightly squeezed my hand, as he sent me a reassuring smile.

i sent a smile back and directed my attention back out the window. it was pretty much pitch black out so there was nothing to see, which was unfortunate.

"hey duff?" i questioned, looking to the right. "yeah?" "where are we staying?" i asked. "my mom's house" he shrugged. funny enough, i had never met his mom before.

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