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as the violinists began, emma walked down the isle with dale linking her arm. the smile on my face was so bright, and i was sure i'd cry at least once.

haden sat beside me, showing zero emotion. "at least smile" i groaned, elbowing him in the rib cage. "ouch" he spoke, giving me a death stare.

the wedding went by with ease, and soon enough we were making our way to the venue for the after party. i had yet to run into duff, but i had been so busy, i didn't have a chance to look for him.

mary and i got there and went into the building. everyone stood around talking and whatever, awaiting the newly married couple to walk into the building.

i spotted duff quickly and a smile took over my face. "i'm gonna go talk to my friend" i said to mary before wandering to duff. "hey duff!" i called out, catching up with him.

"hey lia" he smiled, noticing me. "you look beautiful" he spoke, looking me up and down leaving me with a blush on my face. "thank you, you look very handsome" i smiled.

"yo duff" a mans voice called out. i turned around and it was none other than axl rose. it wasn't just him though, it was all of the other guns boys too.

as soon as i saw slash, my breath hitched in my throat. jenny stood beside him too. that made me almost want to throw up. i hoped i didn't get left alone with either of them.

"oh hey dahlia" axl smirked, coming up to us. "hi axl" i spoke. "you look really filled out too" he spoke, looking down at my tits before returning to my face.

ew ew ew. "thanks?" i questioned, unsure of what to think. slash and i caught eye contact but i quickly broke it to look up at duff who stood beside me.

all of the guys had their girlfriends- even though axl was just flirting with me right in front of her. i felt kind of bad. robin though, she was nowhere to be seen.

seconds later, the building erupted in cheers and claps. i realized that emma and michael must've just gotten here. eh i'd catch up with them later.

dinner time passed, and it was time for michael and emma's first dance. everyone stood in a circle, which i stood beside duff. i hadn't really left his side tonight.

as the music started and they began dancing, a tear slipped out of my eye. "are you crying?" duff laughed, looking down at me. "don't know what you're talking about" i mumbled, avoiding eye contact.

"here" he spoke, putting his one hand under my chin so i'd look up at him. from there, he used his other hand to gently wipe away the tears that had dropped.

"thank you" i smiled, blushing slightly. "no worries, lia" he smiled, returning his attention back to the two in front of him.

when they finished dancing, emma and dale had a quick dance before everyone broke onto the dance floor. "would you like to dance?" duff asked, holding his hand out. "i'd love to" i smiled, taking his hand.

my arms wrapped around his shoulders the best they could. i mean he was really tall. his hands wrapped around my waist and i became flustered for no reason.

as we gently swayed back and forth to the music, a smile took over my face. i had missed duff so much i couldnt even explain. emma was pretty much my only friend over the last year.

"hey duff?" i questioned. "yeah?" he questioned, looking down at me. "where's robin?" i asked. "oh we're divorcing" he spoke, making my jaw drop internally.

"oh i'm sorry about that" i apologized. "its fine, it just didn't work out" he shrugged. i nodded with an awkward smile and looked at all the couples around me.

they had something i longed for. they had someone they loved, and they had a cute relationship and a family to go with it. why did i have to be so unlucky.

"you doing alright, lia?" duff questioned, making me snap out of the daze i was in. "yeah i'm doing amazing" i nodded, turning my attention back to his handsome face.

"are you staying at the hotel tonight?" i asked. " 507" he nodded. "i'm in 404" i smiled. "hmm i'll keep that in mind" he smiled, sending me a playful wink.

once the reception was over, i hitched a ride back to the hotel with mom and haden. "goodnight" i spoke, splitting with them to go into my room.

i changed out of the slightly uncomfortable dress and threw on some shorts and a bralette. the second i collapsed on my bed, someone knocked on the door.

i groaned and quickly stood up. the door opened and duff was standing there, with a bottle of vodka in hand. "you wanna join?" he asked, holding the alcohol out.

"yeah, one second" i smiled, throwing a shirt on and leaving the room. i wasn't sure where he was bringing me, but we found ourselves at the outdoor pool.

we sat on the edge and dipped our feet in as we took turns taking swigs from the vodka bottle. "so, hows the band doing?" i asked. "its really good...our album is finally charting" he nodded.

"that's amazing. i'm assuming you guys are gonna tour soon?" i questioned. "yeah" he nodded. "are you still in school?" "nah, i transferred over to medicine and did that for a year, and now i work at a doctors office" i explained.

"you like it?" he asked, looking down at me. "eh, its alright" i shrugged, looking down into the water. "why'd you leave crime?" he asked. "it just got to be too much i guess, and jenny wasn't gonna leave the class, so i decided to."

"you still have it out for jenny, huh?" he teased. "no not anymore...i don't care for her or slash anymore" i spoke. "i'm proud of you for moving on" he nodded.

"there was no point in being miserable because of them" i shrugged. i looked up at duff who sat there, staring at me. "is there something on my face?" i asked, furrowing my brows. "no, just admiring your beauty" he laughed.

the smile on my face grew slightly wider than it was before. ugh i still loved duff. and sure, he wasn't with robin anymore, but i'm sure he wasn't over her yet.

"can i tell you something?" i questioned nervously, beginning to bite the loose skin off my lips.

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