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"dinner was very good, thank you" i spoke as marie and i finished up cleaning the dishes. "its what i do best" she winked with a friendly nudge to my side.

"and thank you for helping clean up" marie added. "its no worries, but i think i may have a shower now" i mentioned. "go ahead...ask duff if you need anything" marie smiled.

i nodded in content and headed upstairs to the room i'd be staying. i grabbed a pair of pajama's i bought and then headed down the hallway and into the bathroom.

i opened the small closet and grabbed a towel and set it down on the counter. from there, i turned on the water and let the steam occupy the room.

once the water was comparable to the burning heat of hell, i stripped down from my clothes and stepped into the tub. i let out a soft sigh as the water touched me.

i used some of the hair products i had bought at the mall, and then finished up by scrubbing my entire body down with the body wash.

once i felt fully clean, i turned off the water and got out, wrapping the towel around me. i stood around for a few minutes, air drying, before i wrapped the towel around my hair. 

from there, i changed into my pajamas and took my hair down last. i let out a huge yawn, signaling i needed some rest, or at least to relax.

i went back down the hallway and entered my room that i'd be staying in for the next few days. it was comfortable, and looked like every typical '80s bedroom. i think this used to be one of his sisters rooms.

the only source of light was a small lamp on the nightstand. i didn't mind was just enough light to be able to read the book i had bought.

after sitting down and reading for a few minutes, i set the book down and sighed out. i was bored, and i didn't have a benny to cuddle with.

i let out a sigh and cracked open the bedroom door. i could tell duff was still awake, since i could see the light on from under the door. i didnt' care if he was awake or asleep though, i was gonna bother him no matter what.

i lightly knocked on the door and peered in. duff sat on the bed, writing things down on a piece of paper. "oh hey lia" duff spoke, noticing my presence. 

"hey duff" i smiled, closing the door behind me before sitting cross legged on the bed. "you okay?" he asked, putting the papers away.

"yeah, just kinda bored" i shrugged. "mm" he hummed, laying back. "...cuddles?" i proposed, raising my brows. "yeah, come here" he laughed, rolling his eyes as his arms opened.

i set myself down on him and got comfortable as his arms comfortingly wrapped around me. i smiled as the warmth engulfed me, and i just wanted to fall asleep right here.

"your mom is really sweet" i suddenly spoke. "yeah" duff hummed in agreement. i looked up to face him and stared at him for a few seconds until he caught on.

"watcha looking at?" he teased. "your big ass forehead" i smirked. "fine then" he spoke before pushing me off the bed. i landed on the floor with a loud thud.

"ouch" i spoke, sitting up to the eye the blonde. "you're an asshole" i scowled, raising my middle finger. "come here" he chuckled, opening his arms again.

i sighed and hesitantly returned back to the position, just to look back up at him again. "is there a problem?" the blonde questioned, squinting his eyes wearily.

"i don't's just that...huge ass forehead of yours" i smirked. he raised his eyebrows, and suddenly in a few seconds, he was on top of me, and pinning my arms above my head.

"oh fuck, i'm wet" i thought to myself. our faces were pretty close, leaving me to consider on closing the gap. i couldn't even think straight right now.

"i have to confess something" i blurted out. "and that is?" he questioned, raising a brow. "i may be slightly- no, majorly turned on right now" i awkwardly chuckled.

"is it cause of this?" he laughed, motioning to my arms pinned above my head. "yep" i confirmed. "hmm" he hummed, tightening the grip on my wrists.

i let out a small moan before cringing inside. "you like that?" he confirmed. "mhm" i slowly nodded, still embarrassed from letting out that moan.

"you're freaky, lia" duff laughed, slightly ruining the moment. "is that a problem?" i seductively asked, as i bit my lip subtly.

"not at all" he shook his head. i wasn't sure to do next. should i make the first move? or should i let him? or maybe i should ask, just in case he doesn't wanna do anything.

"duff?" i nervously questioned. "mhm?" he hummed. "i wanna have sex with you" i confessed, feeling the nerves building up everywhere in my body.

"are you sure?" he confirmed, making me eagerly nod. "i don't wanna sound stupid or anything, but i need you, like right now" i nodded, my heartbeat growing faster.

"that's sweet" he smirked. i drifted my attention down to his lips and back up to his eyes a few times. eventually, he caught the hint and our lips connected.

i was surprised at how fast tongue was involved in our kiss. i felt myself getting more turned on as time went by. and eventually, duff took his hands off my wrists and traced my body.

i couldn't help but moan slightly. his touch was the most amazing feeling ever, and i never wanted this moment to end. i wanted him so badly.

his fingertips moved my shirt up until we pulled it off over my head. i was left with nothing on under, since who the fuck wears a bra to bed?

i felt pretty exposed in the moment. duff had never seen me like this before. and although i felt nervous, i didn't feel the need to cover up.

his fingertips traced my body again and moved down to my shorts. he looked to me for permission before slipping them off.

my underwear stayed on though, but that was until he pulled them to the side. from there, his head went down leaving my eyes to roll back in my head.

"oh fuck" i moaned, gripping the bed sheets. duff never stopped, which just made my moans even more persistent. "please fuck me."

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