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"so, what are you doing here?" i eventually asked. "just waiting for jenny to get off work" he shrugged. "ah" i nodded, before resting my head in my palm.

"did you drive here?" slash suddenly questioned. "yeah" i nodded. "you're not gonna drive home, right?" he confirmed, making me raise a brow.

"since when are you concerned about someone driving home under the influence? you do it all the time" i chuckled slightly while shaking my head.

"i mean i still care about ya yknow" he shrugged. i had to take a large deep breath just to contain myself. there's no way he just said that.

"nah, i don't think you ever did" i shook my head. i think the drunk thoughts are starting to come to life right now, fuck.

"dahlia-" "no, i don't wanna hear it...and i'm sick of arguments. i'm going home" i strictly spoke, slapping some money on the counter top before stumbling outside.

i was about to get into my car before slash shut the door. "you're not driving" he spoke. "yes. i. am...move" i sighed. "dahlia just come with me, please" he begged.

it took me a few minutes and a temper tantrum, before i finally gave in. i got into the passenger seat and kept my gaze locked out the window as slash drove towards my apartment.

once we arrived, i quickly opened the door to get out, but a hand lightly grabbed my wrist. "be safe, okay?" slash asked, looking at me with concern.

my eyes drifted down to slash's hand, and my eyes widened slightly once i noticed the ring on his left hand. "you're getting married" i plainly spoke.

"yeah" he nodded. "congrats" i weakly smiled. "dahlia, you sure you're over me?" he confirmed. "i may be drunk, but these are sober words" i started.

"i'm genuinely happy for you, but i don't want you anymore...i want duff" i confessed. he just nodded in content, but i could see behind the mask. he was upset! there's no way.

"i need to go now though...thanks for the ride" i sighed before his grip loosened. i slipped my arm away and got out of the vehicle. just before i slammed slash's door, his voice spoke again.

"do you need a ride to your car tomorrow?" "uh yeah, i'd appreciate that" i nodded. don't nod too much, the motion sickness is gonna make me throw up.

"cool, what time?" "like seven maybe?" i questioned. he nodded and i waved before entering the apartment doors. i unsteadily made my way upstairs and collapsed on my bed when i reached the safety of my home.

the next morning came quick, and i was holding my head in agony from the hangover. alcohol is the worst escape, cause all you do is feel like shit the next morning. 

it was six thirty, which gave me half an hour until slash would be here. i just needed to put on a little bit of makeup, and my work uniform. the work i was finally going back to.

i walked out into the kitchen and noticed benny's food dish was almost empty. i took a minute to fill it up, before stopping mid task. "you're not here anymore..." i spoke.

i grabbed the dish and poured the food out and set the dish under the sink. i also took a few minutes to clean up the various toys lying around. i didn't want to look at them.

from there, i had to quickly get ready, which was quite the struggle since i didn't know where half of my stuff was. but at seven, i was standing outside my apartment.

i saw slash come into view and hopped right into the passenger seat. "feeling better?" he asked. "not at all" i mumbled. "hungover?" "how'd you guess."

we made small talk until we reached the parking lot of the pub we were at last night. my beat up car sat there, waiting for me to grace it with my presence.

"thanks for the ride" i yawned, opening the door. "no problem" he nodded, pulling out a cigarette. "see ya" i waved, before slamming the car door shut.

i watched slash disappear, so i got into the car and started up the engine. it was slightly chilly this morning, so i shivered until the heat kicked in.

"now work" i grumbled, getting onto the main road and heading to hell itself. although, i hadn't been there for a few days. so hopefully it wouldn't be that bad.

i parked in the lot and headed inside the building. the first person i saw was debbie, and she just sent me a look. "hey debbie" i smiled with a small waved. 

"hi dahlia" she spoke, no emotion in her voice. "is there anything to do right-" "curt wants to see you" she cut me off. curt was my boss, and i was slightly nervous to see him.

i headed down the hallway and lightly knocked on the office door. a mans voice spoke "come in," so i obeyed and cracked open the door. curt sat there, doing paperwork i assumed.

"you wanted to see me?" i questioned, peeking my head in the door. "mhm, come sit down" he nodded, gesturing to the chair. i nodded in response and sat down.

"went on a trip?" he questioned. "yeah, seattle" i smiled. "hmm, did you ever think that maybe asking, or even telling me before you left would've been a good idea?" he asked.

my heartbeat quickened slightly. duff told me he had everything covered! "oh um, i thought my friend called on friday" i spoke. "we didn't hear anything, and besides that's your responsibility."

"i know, i'm sorry" i apologized. "i appreciate the apology, but this isn't a place where you can just disappear. i'm sorry dahlia, but you're fired" he spoke.

i had to process what i had just heard. i was fired...what the fuck. 

"no i-i cant lose this job-" "i'm sorry dahlia, but it was very unprofessional" he shrugged. the tears started to well up in my eyes, so i quickly got up and left the building right away.

with the fear of random people seeing me cry, i quickly got into my car and rested my head down. this was officially the worst 24 hours in my life ever.

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