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after a few days, duff and i headed back home. unfortunately i didn't get to meet any of his siblings, but being around his mom wasn't bad at all. she kept conversation.

"thank god we're back" i sighed as we got off the plane. i pretty much sped walk backed to duff's car. i just wanted to go home and collapse on my bed. and see benny too.

"hurry up duff" i groaned, turning back and seeing he hadn't completely caught up to me. "why so antsy" he chuckled. "i just wanna go home" i shrugged.

he just nodded in agreement as we reached his car. he unlocked the doors and i threw my stuff in the back before getting into the passenger side.

from there, duff started driving towards my apartment as i nodded my head to the music playing in the background. it was a nice sunny day today with minimal wind.

once we pulled up, excitement ran through me. i was so excited to see benny again! "well uhm, thanks for kidnapping me, but i'm gonna go see my dog now" i cheesily smiled.

"yeah, yeah, you love that dog more than me, huh?" he joked. "i do" i nod, reaching for my bag in the backseat. "see ya" i waved, exiting the car and beginning to walk to the building.

once i got inside, i looked back and duff was long gone. i shrugged it off and walked up the flight of stairs and eventually neared my apartment door.

when i opened the door, benny was nowhere to be seen. "benny baby!" i called out, waiting for his paws to scatter across the floor. nothing happened though.

"benny?" i questioned, concern growing through my body as the seconds passed. i shut the door behind me and set down my bag before looking around the apartment.

i found him on the living room floor, sprawled out. "benny? are you okay baby?" i gasped, quickly dropping down to my knees. it seemed like he couldn't move.

"shit" i cursed, beginning to freak out. he did not look okay at all! "okay uhm, cmon, i'm gonna bring you to the vet" i sniffled, as my eyes started to water.

i picked up the big dog and grabbed my car keys before exiting the apartment once again. i didn't even care to lock the door, i just wanted to get benny to my car fast.

once i ran down the stairs, i placed him in the back seat and hopped into the front. as soon as the engine roared to life, i drove off, leaving a dust trail behind.

it took me about ten minutes to reach the vet, and by now i was a crying mess. "he's gonna be okay" i whispered to myself, but it wasn't helping much.

i grabbed his weak body from the backseat and brought him into the cool building. "hi there darling, what's the matter?" a woman asked, standing up from her chair with her eyebrows furrowed.

"i-i came home and my dog wasn't moving and he looks really sick, and i think he needs help" i ranted, the tears non stop pouring down my face.

"okay one second honey! bring him into this room" she spoke, ushering me into a free room with a bed in the middle. i set him down and continued to pet him.

the nurse came in with what i was assuming the vet. i stood back as the nurse and doctor began checking out benny. all they could probably hear was my sniffles every few seconds.

"is he gonna be okay?" i asked. "come out here with me for a second" the doctor smiled, leading me into the hallway. "well your dog-" "benny" i interrupted.

"right, benny. from our exam, seems like there's some sort of condition affecting his heart" the vet explained. "okay, so are you guys gonna fix it?" i impatiently asked.

i'm sure i was being kind of rude right now, but i was just super stressed. "we can bring him into emergency surgery right now, if you'd like" she nodded.

"yes please" i quickly nodded. sure, this would cost me a fortune, but i would do anything for benny. he was and always will be my baby. "i need you to know though, there isn't a one hundred percent chance it's going to work" she confessed.

"i know" i quietly nodded. "alright, you can take a seat in the waiting room if you'd like" she nodded. "yeah" i spoke, turning to the left and walking down the hallway and sitting in one of the chairs.

as the minutes passed, my leg bounced up and down from stress. i couldn't sit still, as i waited to see if everything would be okay. i really hope all of this was worth it. i didn't wanna go home without him.

seemed like ten hours later, the vet finally appeared. i tried to read the expression on her face, but it was hard to tell. just from the hesitation when she began to speak, i knew it wasn't good.

"so?" i quickly asked, standing up. "im sorry hun, he didnt make it" she confessed, making my stomach drop as my hear rate quickened. "i-, can i see him?" i sniffled as my eyes began to water.

"of course" she nodded, encouraging me to follow. i trailed behind her as we walked into the surgery room where benny's body laid lifeless. the only thing covering him was a small blanket.

"oh benny" i sighed, walking up to him. the tears were now pouring down my face. i bent down to benny's face and gently caressed his cheek as i tried to smile.

"uh would i be able to get a cremation for him?" i spoke, turning around. "yes of course!" the vet nodded. "okay" i sniffled, turning back around to face the boy i loved.

"i love you benny, so much, and i'm really gonna miss you" i cried, holding onto his body as my tears dripped down onto his fur. "be a good boy for me" i whispered.

after a few minutes, i hesitantly backed away from the dog. "when can i get his ashes?" i sniffled. "in about two days, you can come pick out an urn for him if you'd like" the woman gently smiled.

"yeah, i'll do that."

(crying irl rn haha)

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