twenty two

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"lia i know you and duff are close and whatever, but cmon! going on tour with them? it's gonna get you killed" michael explained, pacing back and forth as i sat on my couch.

"mike what's your problem? let me make my own choices!" i spoke, beginning to raise my voice slightly. "dahlia you don't even know them that well! how can you trust them to take care of you?"

"i don't need anyone to take care of me...besides its my only option left" i sighed. "what do you mean?" he questioned, stopping in his tracks and looking at me.

"i lost my job michael...and i don't have any money saved up. i'm gonna lose my apartment soon so i have to go" i explained. "no! come live with emma and i!" he quickly argued.

"no mike...this isn't your choice...i'm going on tour with them and duff and i are together now anyways" i aimlessly shrugged. "you and duff huh?" he scoffed.

"oh cmon! why are you acting like he's a bad guy?" i yelled. "because i know him! i've watched him break hearts of girls that are just like you. you're no different, and he's just gonna abandon you in the end" he explained.

"no, you don't mean that. you act like you two are the closest friends in the world. most of the time he was my friend cause you were too busy with emma!"

"he felt abandoned by YOU, so he made friends with me" i added. michael tried to speak but shut his mouth. it seemed like the realization had set in.

"maybe i was a shitty person" he mumbled. "but that doesn't're going on tour with a bunch of druggies who fuck every girl they see" michael argued.

"they're not like that!" "yes they are." "no they're not!" i yelled.

"just get out" i sighed, pointing to the door. "dahlia cmon" he sighed. "no i mean it...get out, i don't want you here right now" i spoke, gritting my teeth by this point.

michael just scoffed and turned around. within a few seconds, the door slammed shut, making me sigh out. last thing i wanted to do was ruin my relationship with him.

my apartment grew silent, and i looked around at all my furniture. what was i gonna do with all that stuff? obviously i could bring clothes and such but i couldn't bring a whole couch with me.

i picked up the phone and dialled mom's number. it took a few rings, but she finally answered. "yo its your favourite daughter" i spoke, hearing a slight chuckle from the other end.

"what can i do for you, miss dahlia?" she asked. "was just making sure you're home. i wanted to come visit" i explained. "i never go anywhere hun, you know that" she laughed.

"was hoping you had gained some hobbies or something, but i'll be there soon" i spoke. "sounds good" she spoke from the other end before i hung up.

"benny! let's go visit m- fuck" i sighed, slapping my forehead. i tried not to bring myself to tears, so i tried to get out of the apartment as quick as possible. 

it didn't take me long to arrive back at my old house. i knocked on the door once before walking in and finding mom in the kitchen, baking of course.

"don't you ever get lonely being in this house all alone?" i asked, sitting down on a bar stool. "of course not" she chuckled, shaking her head. 

"just saying, you need to find a worthy husband" i added. "and you need to find a worthy boyfriend" she glared, making me put my arms up in surrender.

"about that actually" i smirked. "oh don't hold back, please tell me" she warned. "okay well duff and i are kinda together now" i shrugged. "kinda?" she asked.

"we're together" i shyly smiled. "so you and michael's friend are dating?" she confirmed. "correct" i nodded. "and how'd that happen?" she asked, raising a brow.

"just asked me...only took forever but we made it" i smiled. "i thought you were hung up on duff's friend...oh whats his name again?" she spoke, putting a hand to her head as she thought.

"slash." "right! what happened with you two?" she questioned. "he had a girlfriend so it didn't work out...they're actually getting married soon" i added.

"married? oh god i'm getting old..." she chuckled. "you've been old forever" i smirked. "dahlia...." she warned, glaring. "i'll feel super old when you get married" she added.

"damn i hope duff proposes soon then" i giggled. "dahlia murdock i will not let that least a year please" she spoke, raising her brows.

"yeah fine" i jokingly rolled my eyes. "so why are you here?" she asked, changing topics. "what? i cant visit my favourite mom?" i asked. "you mean your only mom" she corrected.

"well i don't know...i met duff's mom and she was a strong contender" i smirked. "isn't he from seattle?" "yeah" i nodded. "so you went to seattle?" she questioned.

"yep" i nodded. "huh" she nodded, looking away. "okay moving on to real business...i have a big favour to ask" i nervously spoke. "the answer is no" she joked.

i just rolled my eyes. "alright fine, what's going on?" she chuckled. "so i might have gotten fired and i might be losing my apartment and i might be going on tour with the boys so i might need to move all my furniture here" i quickly spoke.

"slow down, i did not understand a single thing you said" she spoke. "okay, so uh i just got fired from my job-" "you what?" she screamed, causing my heartbeat to quicken.

"anyways...i don't have any money so i'm gonna lose my apartment, so i'm gonna need to store my stuff here" i explained. "where are you living then?"

"i'm going on tour with the guns boys" i shrugged. "you think that's a good idea?" she asked. " can i?" i smiled hopefully. "where's benny going?"

"oh uh benny died" i frowned. "seriously?" she questioned. "mhm...i don't really wanna talk about it though, otherwise i'll start crying" i added. "that's fine, i'm sorry though, baby" she sighed, wrapping me in a hug.

"thanks" i nodded. "and yes, you can store your stuff here" she suddenly spoke after a few moments silence. "thank you, you're saving my life."

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