twenty four

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"you're gonna do amazing out there baby" i smiled up at duff before planting a loving kiss on his lips. "you're gonna be okay?" duff confirmed, making me smile and nod.

"i'm not going anywhere. i'll be right here the whole time" i promised. "alright, i'll see you in a bit" duff smiled, before walking away towards the stage. 

as they went on stage, i got comfortable on one of the boxes full of gear. well technically empty now. the loud screaming from the fans almost made me regret not wearing earplugs.

but i was so happy to be here for duff. i had never been to a guns show where all of my attention was on duff. it was always about slash. not anymore though.

as i watched them perform, i couldn't help but let a smile show. their chemistry had gotten ten times better than when i last saw them perform.

halfway through the show, duff was shirtless, and my god i couldn't keep my eyes off of him. of course, he was attractive with a shirt on, but when he was shirtless with sweat dripping down his torso? that was my weakness.

after quite a while, the show was done. so they all left the stage, and i was quick to greet duff. he tried to lean in for a kiss, but once i realized he was absolutely drenched in sweat i pulled back.

"you're gonna need to shower first" i giggled. "then have a shower with me" he suggested. my eyebrow arched up pretty high, bringing a cheeky smirk to duff's face.

that wasn't a bad idea at all, especially since we were staying in a hotel tonight. "we're going out for drinks tonight, you coming?" duff asked, looking down at me.

"yeah, for sure" i smiled, taking his hand. the boys grabbed all they needed too and we walked down the portland streets. i had never been to portland before so everything was so different.

there was this bar the boys had heard about from one of the roadies, so they decided to check it out. we got inside and immediately invaded a booth in the corner of the bar.

axl left the table to get some drinks for everyone. when he returned, there was a slight smirk playing on his face. "what's so funny?" izzy questioned, also noticing his face.

"hey duffy, your ex wife is here" axl chuckled, nodding his head to the bar. i peered behind him, and surely enough, robin was standing there, sipping on a drink.

it seemed like she was alone, but it was hard to tell with the amount of people in the bar. i immediately felt sick to my stomach after hearing that.

cmon, duff was finally mine, and now his ex wife was here? the same one he told me he was still in love with not too long ago. i hoped there were no problems.

when i looked over at duff, he was looking in robins direction with a blank stare. i felt pretty uncomfortable, so i slid out of the booth and announced i was going to the bathroom.

duff didn't even say anything, making me feel even more self conscious. when i got to the oddly empty bathroom, i had to remind myself not to cry. this wasn't a big deal, right?

the bathroom door creaked open, and my heart almost dropped as i saw robin and two other girls enter. robin recognized me almost immediately, as a smile showed.

"dahlia is that you?" she smiled, tilting her head slightly. "yeah" i slowly nodded. "i missed you" she smiled, bringing me in for a hug. ugh she smelt so good.

"i missed you too" i quietly mumbled back. "so what are you doing here?" she questioned, the smile never leaving her face. "i uhm-" "you're with the guns boys aren't ya? i saw you talking to duff" one of her friends chirped.

"oh, i thought you stopped talking to them?" robin inquired with an eyebrow raised. "oh well i did, but i started talking to them again at michael and emma's wedding" i briefly explained.

"ah" she nodded. the room went silent, and i felt extremely awkward. "so you still got the hots for slash?" robin asked, downing the rest of her drink before setting the glass on the counter.

"no, not anymore" i quietly answered. "so who's it now?" she asked. i was taken back slightly at that questioned. that was kinda rude for her to assume i was only here if i was with one of them.

i mean obviously i am, but i did not want robin to know i was with duff. she seemed slightly aggressive in her drunken state and i didn't want a fight to start.

"no one" i shrugged. "right.." she trailed off. "so what are you doing here?" i asked, changing topics. "just tagging along with the cult" she smiled. "girl please, everyone knows you're dating ian" her one friend chuckled.

"oh you're with ian?" i asked. "yeah" she shrugged. "oh, anyways nice seeing you but i should probably get back" i spoke, before going to leave the bathroom.

robin put out her one leg in front of me, preventing me from leaving. "you know you can tell me if there's anything going on between you and duff, right?" she slurred, making me gulp.

i just quickly nodded and almost ran out of the bathroom. "there you are! where did you go?" steven asked, beaming as soon as he saw me.

"bathroom" i quickly answered before sliding back into the booth and downing a shot. it burned like a motherfucker, but i picked up another shot and downed that one too.

i took a few more before duff had a very concerned look on his face. "you should slow down" he urged, grabbing my hand. "its fine" i shook him off.

my head was spinning already, and i knew i'd be fucked in the morning. i just learnt a lot of information today, and i didn't know what to think.

so the only way to help me forget it all was alcohol. vodka specifically, but i had a few tequila shots, and a few beers as well. even though i was drinking so much, there was no way to out drink the boys.

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