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"hey whats up?" slash questioned, swinging the door open. his demeanor immediately changed when he noticed me. he let duff walk past but quickly stopped me.

"what are you doing here?" "duff invited me- listen cant we just forget about the past?" i sighed. "why?" he asked, leaning on the door frame.

"cause i'm sick of you only giving me daggers when i see you" i explained. "those are the consequences" he shrugged, lighting a cigarette.

"listen i'm sorry about all the shit i can i come in? its pouring?" i asked, practically covered from the rain. he slowly nodded his head and let me in.

"thank you" i smiled, taking my shoes off. i'd never been to this house before so i wasn't sure where to go. i quickly found duff from his voice in the distance.

"did you get lost?" he laughed, noticing me come into the kitchen. "yeah kinda...can i have some?" i asked, motioning to the vodka he was pouring in a glass. 

"yea of course" he nodded, pulling out a second glass for me. i watched him fill both the glasses to the brim before handing one off to me.

"thank you" i nodded, scrunching my face in disgust before attempting to down the glass. i got about halfway, before i pulled back, gagging.

i looked over at duff and he drank the entire thing, leaving me to roll my eyes. "how can you chug that? its gross" i shuddered. "been doing it for so long" he shrugged.

"where's jenny by the way?" i whispered, noticing there was no annoying presence around. "not here i think" duff shrugged just as slash entered the room.

"hey slash, where's jenny?" duff asked. "work" slash spoke, going over to the liquor cabinet. i nodded in content, slightly happy that i wouldn't have to deal with her.

as the night went on, i observed slash and duff as they jammed out on their instruments. they were both super drunk, which just made them even more obnoxious. 

i was starting to fall asleep on the couch, as i was tired and bored. their conversations didn't really include me whatsoever, so i was dying to go home. 

"i think i'm gonna get going man" duff spoke, putting his bass away. "sure" slash nodded, lighting up the millionth cigarette of the night.

"ready to go, lia?" duff asked, looking towards me. "i've been ready for a while" i slightly chuckled, standing up. "peace out" duff waved as we left slash's house.

"keys" i sternly spoke, holding out my hand. "i don't get why i cant drive, lia...i'm not that drunk" he slurred, before eventually giving in. "yeah definitely" i snorted, helping him into the passenger seat. 

once he was in there, i shut the door and walked around to the drivers side. when i got in, i fired up the engine and headed right back to my place.

"where are we going?" duff spoke, his eyes following every tree we passed. "my place" i spoke, keeping my eyes on the road to make sure i wouldn't crash.

"but i wanna go home" he whined. i couldn't help but chuckle slightly at how much he sounded like a kid. "i don't care, you're drunk, so i'm taking care of you" i shrugged.

"you know how to make a man feel loved" he chuckled. just in the way he said that, i could tell he still wasn't over from the whole robin situation. he still sounded heartbroken.

it made me slightly jealous, but i shook it off. she wasn't in the picture anymore, and i was gonna try my hardest to make him forget about her. at least for tonight.

when we got back to my apartment, i helped him into the building and up the stairs. as soon as we walked through my front door, he laid down on the couch and groaned.

"you doing okay over there?" i smirked, raising a brow. "i need more vodka" he spoke. staring up at the ceiling. "no you don't...what you need is some sleep, and maybe some water" i nodded.

"but i wanna talk to you" he spoke. "well i'm going to bed soon, so talk to yourself" i shrugged, getting a glass of water for duff and one for me too.

"that's boring" he mumbled. "mhm" i hummed, placing his glass on the coffee table. "drink up" i spoke, already downing my glass. he just groaned in response as he peeled himself off the couch.

"water tastes gross" duff gagged. "it tastes like nothing, dummy" i laughed, shaking my head. "anyways, i'm off to bed, so get yourself situated on the couch, or my beds free too" i explained.

without a response, i turned on my heels and headed off down the hallway. i went into the bathroom and washed my face and brushed my teeth before going into my room.

to my surprise, duff was already there, under the covers and passed out. taking up my whole bed too, might i add. "just great" i huffed out. 

"duff move over" i groaned, trying to shove his body. he laid asleep, not even stirring at me pushing and yelling at him. oh how i wish i could sleep like that.

"yknow what, fine" i sighed, grabbing a pillow and heading off to the living room. "hey benny boy" i smiled, watching him follow me around as i grabbed a blanket. 

once i placed the blanket down, i laid down and let benny jump up on the couch for some cuddles. "wish you could sleep up here with me, but there's no room" i whispered, holding his head in my hands.

he left one big lick on my face, making me pull back in disgust. "not the mouth!" i scolded, gagging. after a few moments, i told benny to get off the couch so i could lay down.

benny was so betrayed by what i had asked, that i heard his paws pattering down the hallways until i could gradually hear them less and less. must've went to sleep with duff.

as i got comfortable, all i could hear was duff's snores from my bedroom. him being drunk always made his snoring worse. and now, i kinda wished i had brought him home.

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