thirty one

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"and here's guns n fucking roses back home from their tour!" riki rachtman yelled into the microphone. the lights turned on and slash's guitar made the screams even louder.

the boys decided to do a little performance and party at the cathouse. it was packed in here, and it seemed like every rockstar to ever exist was in here.

even david fucking bowie was here! and me? i was way too scared to talk to him. i was chilling by the bar though, talking it up with tom kiefer. he was actually a pretty cool and genuine person as well.

i loved cinderella's music so we talked about it, meanwhile i tried not to sound like a crazy fan. after a few minutes, fred coury pulled him away so i sent a little wave as he quickly disappeared.

i turned around to face the bar and waited for a bartender to approach. "can i get a vodka" i smiled, pulling out some money before sliding it over. "sure thing" he nodded.

"i could've bought that for you" a voice spoke, coming up beside me. "no need to" i spoke, shaking my head. "maybe i could buy you your next one?" he offered again.

"i'm alright, thanks" i spoke, before looking who was beside me. "you look familiar" nikki smirked. "yeah i'm duff's girlfriend" i kissed my teeth before grabbing my drink off the bar top.

i turned around and started walking away when nikki yelled at tommy, "i knew she was hot!" my face filled full of disgust so i quickly made my way towards the front of the stage, on duff's side.

after a few songs, the boys came off stage and everyone started partying it up. i don't know what it was, but partying just wasn't my thing anymore.

of course i was here for duff, but if he wasn't here, hell knows i wouldn't be here either. plus, it seemed like nikki was always around here, and i couldn't stand that guy.

for the night, i stayed around duff basically the entire time. his arm would be slung around my waist as he conversed with people. and anytime a guy would try to flirt with me, his grip would tighten slightly.

i thought it was really cute of how protective he was. but for some weird reason, his grip was the tightest when slash was around. i wasn't about to bring any of that up though, so i left it alone.

as the night went on, the party starting dying, so duff and i decided to head out. we drove home with the windows down while blasting some motorhead.

once we got home, i collapsed in bed and sighed out. "when's slash and jenny's wedding again?" duff yawned. "in like two weeks" i shrugged, trying to think.

"that soon? holy fuck i need to get a suit" he spoke. "chill out baby, we've still got time" i chuckled, rolling over to face him. "you're right" he nodded, beckoning me to come closer to him.

i crawled over to him and rested my head against his chest. i could hear his heart beating very fast, leaving me to think he wasn't just intoxicated by alcohol, but coke too.

"duff?" i asked. "hmm?" he hummed. "have you still been using?" i asked, looking at him. he sighed before hesitantly nodding. "i have...but not as much as i was before" he confessed.

"you promise?" i asked, holding my pinky out for his. "i promise...and my buddies got this rehab program for me to go to" he nodded, linking his finger with mine. "i'm glad to hear that" i smiled, inhaling his scent as my head rested back down.

"so, what's new job?" he questioned. "oh! scott is friends with some woman who owns a vet clinic so i got hired there" i smiled. "what are you gonna be doing?" "i'm not quite sure yet...but she'll be calling in a few days" i shrugged.

"oh and get this! her daughter is a huge fan of you" i giggled. "oh yeah?" he chuckled. "mhm" i nodded. "i don't think anyone is a bigger fan than me though" i aimlessly shrugged.

"i think you're right about that" he whispered, leaning into my lips. i quickly kissed back and our hands started exploring each others bodies. not long later, all of our clothes were discarded onto the floor around us.

two weeks later

"please tell me i look good" jenny sighed, looking into the mirror. "jen, you look absolutely amazing, no need to worry" i smiled, standing behind her as i finished up her hair.

"don't you think my makeup is too orange?" she rambled. "jenny everything is alright, just take some deep breaths" her mom, suzi chuckled, holding onto her daughters hand.

"i'm getting married! what the fuck" she gasped. "and you're getting married to slash too, keep that in mind" her sister, jade commented. "i'm gonna throw up" jenny spoke.

"no no don't do that!" suzi sighed. jade grabbed a trash bin and placed it in front of her just in case. "there! your hair is done" i smiled. suzi and jade came over to look at the finished product.

"wow dahlia, you're good at hair" her mom nodded in content. "thanks suzi" i smiled. "alright...i'm gonna go make sure those boys are ready" i smiled, dusting my dress off.

"wait dahlia- thank you, for everything" jenny smiled up at me. "its no worries...i'll see you soon" i winked, before leaving the room and walking down the hallway.

as i walked up to the other room, i could hear the boys in there. i lightly knocked before axl swung the door open. "who is it?" izzy commented, as i popped my head in.

"uh madam, this is the boys room...what are you doing here" duff joked, making me roll my eyes. "making sure you guys are looking proper...cant have any of yall ruining the wedding because of a bowtie.

i inspected all of their outfits carefully before rolling my eyes at axl. "ax your tie is not done properly" i sighed, redoing it until it was good. "and iz, the buttons are uneven."

these men were children i swear. but after some fussing, all of them looked perfect. "ok uhm...oh! we gotta go now" i commented, looking at the clock.

all the the groomsmen and bridesmaids met up, as well as the bride of course. we had already sent slash out into the chapel. all of us got into our pairs and started walking down the aisle.

it was izzy and jade, me and duff of course, steven and one of jenny's friends, and lastly was axl and a cousin of jenny's. once everyone was in place, the music started as jenny and her dad walked down the aisle.

i was sure i would shed a few tears. crazy how i went from hating these people, to absolutely adoring them. maybe i'm just bipolar haha.

the ceremony started and it went smoothly as ever. and soon enough, we found ourselves at the after ceremony. i had met up with the siblings and hung out with them for a while, before drifting back to duff.

"how much you wanna bet that slash accidentally steps on jenny's foot in the first dance?" i whispered to duff, as jenny and slash got ready to do the first dance.

"oh i'll bet you a hundred bucks baby" he smirked, pulling out a hundred before stuffing it into my cleavage. "you men" chuckled, hoping no one saw what happened.

the music started, and surely enough, not even thirty seconds into the song, jenny's foot was stepped on. duff and i had to quickly contain our laughter than was bound to come out.

i was so happy to be here, and it was amazing seeing our best friends get married. and as i looked up at the man i loved with everything in me, i hoped we were next.

the end.

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