twenty seven

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the next morning, i rolled my suitcase out to the tour bus. i walked up the steps and put my suitcase on my bed before going back out to the front. we were just waiting for axl, and then we'd be on our way.

duff was sitting on the couch, a notebook on his lap and a pen in his hand. i took a deep breath before sitting beside him and resting my head on his shoulder.

he jumped slightly at my touch, before sighing. "i'm sorry duff" i quietly spoke. "it's okay" he replied. "no, i was a huge asshole and i shouldn't have said anything i did" i explained.

"but you're right...i've been ignoring you" he spoke, looking down at me. i lifted my head off his shoulder to look up at him. "i know why...izzy told me" i frowned.

"i'm sorry lia, i shouldve told you, or at least not ignore you" he apologized. "it's okay, we're gonna get through this together" i nodded with a hopeful smile.

i laced my fingers with duff's and instantly felt better. i'm so glad this was one of those stupid little fights, and not a big fight. i was so glad that duff was understanding as well.

last stop for the first leg of tour was new orleans. after that, i was going home for a month, since the boys were going to europe. i decided not to go with, so i was gonna stay with mom.

it didnt take long for me to fall asleep. i hadnt gotten much sleep last night, since i was overthinking everything. it also felt really weird for me to not be with duff.

when i was awoken, we were at the arena already. the boys had to do soundcheck, so jenny and i decided to sit front row and watch them practice.

something wasnt going right, so axl got all pissed off and threw the microphone stand into the pit, almost hitting both jenny and i. "cmon man you almost hit them. chill out!" slash commented.

"dont you tell me to fucking chill!" axl growled before stomping off stage like a toddler. the band, and even i were pretty used to it at this point. we all knew axl had a bad temper.

and there was even some shows where he wouldnt show up on stage for quite a while. i couldnt imagine the stress on the boys while they had to try to entertain the crowd while axl threw a temper tantrum backstage.

"fuckin' great" duff sighed, shaking his head. steven looked around awkwardly as izzy continued to practice, not giving a fuck what was going on around him.

im sure izzy was more used to it than anyone else in the band, since they went to highschool together. but still, hanging around them, it didnt seem like they were that close anymore.

as the boys finally sorted everything out and finished up, the cult came out to do their soundcheck. and while they did that, we headed to the dressing room.

the boys immediately started drinking, while a few of them did lines right in front of me too. watching them high on coke was slightly entertaining i couldnt even lie.

but nonetheless, i was disappointed. but like always, i ignored it and just played along. i decided to drink tonight, so i downed a few beers before the concert.

and when it was time, i sat on the side of the stage, admiring duff in everything he did. i'd go crazy when he'd be playing and he'd look over at me and wink or something. it definitely made me wet.

once the boys got off stage, they headed right back to the dressing room to get their stuff together. from there, we headed to the airport and got right onto the plane.

"im actually so happy to be going home" i giggled, sitting beside duff. "you dont like tour?" he questioned. "well no, i love seeing you guys perform, but i'm kinda homesick ya know?"

"yeah, i get that..." he smiled along. "and also poor emma has been stuck with mike for all this time" i chuckled. "that's the same thing as you being stuck with me though" duff pointed out.

"that's very true...i didnt get any alone time with you" i smirked. "i bet you're gonna be happy when i go to europe then" he joked. "not at all, you know im always gonna be worried about you."

"there's no reason to be worried about all yours" he shrugged. "that's not what im talking about, and you know it" i whispered slightly.

"there's no need to worry about that not gonna kill myself, i promise" he smiled, kissing my hand. "you better cause if i find out anything bad happens to you, i will go there and beat you myself" i threatened.

"okay shorty" he snorted. "oh come on! i'm not that short" i sighed. "are you sure about that?" he smirked. "i'm done with this conversation" i spoke, turning towards the window.

it was pitch black out so i couldnt see anything at all, except when we passed over cities. all the lights were beautiful, and it was impossible not to admire them.

"i can stay with you tonight, right?" i confirmed, looking at duff. "yeah of course" he nodded, before going back to playing on his gameboy. i just smiled and shook my head.

i was excited to be staying with duff tonight. partly cause sex has been kinda hard on this tour. but we both live for the risk, so there's been many risky times if you know what i mean.

a few hours later, we landed back in l.a, so we all said our goodbyes and went our separate ways from there. private jets were so cool, i couldnt get over feeling like royalty.

on the way home, i teased duff by sliding my panties off in the backseat while our driver was in the front, unaware of what was going on back here. "oh fuck" duff whispered, watching everything unfold in front of his eyes.

"you like?" i smirked, placing my red lace underwear into his hands. "i love" he heavily breathed. i loved having this effect on him, and his reactions never failed.

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