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finally it was the day that duff was coming home. i was trying to kill time by finishing packing up everything in my room. and i ended up baking a batch of brownies as well.

it felt like time was going by so slow. i guess that happens when your boyfriends been gone for a while. i'm pretty sure the boys wanted to have an 'end of tour' party tonight.

i wasn't too opposed to party, but honestly i wanted to be alone with duff more than anything. "yknow pacing around the room isn't gonna make time go by faster" mom commented, smirking as she watched me.

"well its making me think otherwise" i groaned, eventually plopping down on the couch. "how much longer?" scott asked. "like two hours" i sighed. "why don't we go out for a bite to eat? that should kill time" scott suggested.

"yeah sure! let me get changed quickly" i spoke before running upstairs like a child. i changed out of my pyjamas, being a pair of sweatpants and one of duff's shirts.

i switched it out for a pair of jeans and a ratt shirt. it was signed by the band members as well so whenever i wore it, i tried my best not to get it dirty cause there was no way i was washing it.

after quickly styling my hair as well, i ran back downstairs, almost out of breath. "okay, i'm ready to go" i spoke. "you two go ahead, i'm gonna stay back" mom smiled.

"are you alright?" i asked. "i'm fine darling, just got a few things to do around the house" she nodded. "okay...lets go" i smiled, looking at scott. we left the house and drove around and eventually ended up at the rainbow.

"yknow motley crue hangs out here all the time?" i spoke. "i didn't know've met them before, right?" scott asked. "yeah just once...but i only really met nikki" i shrugged.

"and what was he like?" "exactly what i was expecting" i giggled. "also, who are your music obsessions?" i added. "the doors, ccr, fleetwood mac...that kinda stuff" he shrugged.

"now i know why you like my mom" i chuckled. "and why's that?" he asked, raising a brow. "its cause she kinda looks like stevie nicks" i chuckled. "oh shoot, you caught me...don't tell her" he joked.

"your secrets safe with me" i nodded. we ordered our food and then eventually talked about everything. "so where's you next job going to take you?" scott asked.

"i actually haven't thought about that...and i guess i should be" i sighed. "have you ever though about a veterinary assistant or something?" he questioned.

"i haven't actually...i feel like that would be something that could interest me" i shrugged. "i have a friend who's the owner of a clinic...i could get you an interview if you'd like" he proposed.

"actually? that would be amazing" i gasped. "just be a little more responsible this time, got it?" he asked. "i will don't worry...i feel stupid for being so irresponsible in the first place" i sighed. 

hearing the news of a possible job made me much more excited. i didn't want duff to be supporting me and being the only person bringing money in. 

once we finished lunch, we took a drive to the clinic, and scott introduced me to his friend, diana. scott made sure to put in a good word for me, and diana invited me for an interview right away.

so as scott went back to the car, i sat in diana's office answering all the questions she had. "i love the ratt shirt by the way! and the autographs! are those real?" she gasped.

"thank you! and yes, they're some of the nicest musicians i've ever met" i smiled. "wow...scott told me you know guns n roses too?" she asked. "yeah! i'm dating the bassist actually" i giggled.

"whats his name again?" "duff." "yes duff! my daughter is obsessed with him" she smiled. "how old is your daughter?" i smiled. "she's 16, turning 17 pretty soon!"

"maybe i can introduce her to the band sometime" i shrugged. "i like you miss dahlia" she nodded. "what do you say i'll call you in a few days and we can schedule your first day" she smiled.

"actually? thank you so much" i gasped, resisting the urge to get up and hug her. "of course darling! whats a number i can reach you at?" she asked, pulling out a pen.

i gave her duff's home phone number that i had remembered by heart. "perfect! i'll give you a call in the next few days" she nodded holding out her hand.

"sounds perfect...thank you so much" i smiled, gladly taking her hand. after she walked me out of her office, i excitedly ran outside and into the passenger seat of scott's car.

"so how did it go?" he asked. "amazing! she said she'd call me in a few days to schedule the first day" i squealed in excitement. "that's amazing! i'm proud of you" he nodded.

"thank you thank you" i sighed in relief. "do you need to go anywhere else?" "no we can head home now" i nodded. "sounds good m'lady" he nodded, revving the engine.

as we pulled up at the house, i got out quickly so i could go tell mom the amazing news. "mom, guess what!" i yelled as soon as i walked in the front door. "what?" she called out from the kitchen.

"i got a job!" i yelled. mom was sitting at the table, her sewing machine out. "where at?" she smirked, looking up at me. "some vet clinic" i shrugged.

"that's amazing hun" she smiled. before i could speak again, arms snaked around my body. i froze as i got a hint of the cologne from the person. i knew it was duff.

"duff?" i questioned, turning around to look up at him. "i missed you" i squealed, hugging him as tight as i possibly could. "i missed you too" he chuckled, planting a kiss on my head.

"is this why you didn't come along?" i asked, looking back at mom. she just aimlessly shrugged with a smirk. "i cant believe you" i chuckled, before turning back towards duff.

"can we go home now?" i asked to which he nodded, "of course." i quickly said my goodbyes to mom and scott and collected some of my stuff before duff and i headed to his house, and my house now too i guess.

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