twenty nine

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"hey mom" i waved, walking into the kitchen before going right to the fridge for a drink. "hi hon, how was work?" mom commented, looking up from her magazine.

"pretty good, wasnt too busy" i shrugged, before downing the glass of orange juice. "oh by the way this came in the mail for you" mom smiled, handing me an envelope.

i took it into my hands and opened it quickly. when i slid the card out, i saw that it was jenny and slash's wedding invitation. "what is it?" mom asked, curiosity taking over.

"slash and jenny's wedding invite" i shrugged, sitting down at the table. "awe that's're gonna go, right?" she asked. "of course i am...and if i didn't, duff would drag me there" i giggled.

"when do the boys come back from tour?" mom questioned. "in about two weeks" i smiled. i hadn't seen duff in so long and i was so excited to see him.

"i bet you're excited to see duff" she smiled. "of course i am...i miss him so much" i excitedly nodded. "that's great. are you still planning on staying here?"

"no. as soon as duff's back i'll be moving in with him" i explained. "well i'm not complaining about that" she joked. "cmon you're gonna miss me" i smiled.

"oh i definitely will" she nodded. "but you do talk a lot so i wont miss that part" she added. "you're so mean" i chuckled.  she just smirked in response.

"you heard that haden is moving to europe, right?" mom mentioned after a few moments of silence. "what, no? i barely talk to him anymore" i gasped. 

"yeah, him and carmen wanted to do some traveling" mom shrugged. "carmen's leaving too?" i questioned, raising my brow slightly as a smirk played on my face.

"are you happy about her leaving?" she chuckled. "well carmen loves to try to get with my boyfriend, so i'm not complaining" i innocently shrugged.

"yeah, i always suspected carmen really liked duff" she chuckled. "seems like everyone knows except for haden himself" i nodded in return.

"and your other sibling has been asking about you a lot" mom raised her brow. "right, michael" i sighed. i hadn't talked to him since we had that whole falling out and everything.

of course, i kept contact with emma, but seeing michael was not on my to do list right now. "well next time he asks just tell him i'm not interested in talking to him right now" i shrugged.

"what happened between you two? he wont tell me." "he just isn't happy about me being with duff, or when i went on tour with the boys" i sighed. 

"don't you think you two are being a bit petty?" she asked, before taking a sip of coffee. "not at all...he upset me a lot" i explained, biting my lip to resist the urge to cry.

"can i give you some advice?" she asked. "your advice is gonna be 'get over it and talk to him'" i giggled. "you're damn right" she nodded. "i'll think about it."

mom left that conversation alone, and i went up to my room to do my own thing.  which meant climbing into my bed to get comfortable for my after work nap.

i woke up a while later to chatter downstairs. i sat up and rubbed my eyes before listening carefully. there was definitely female and male voices but it was too mumbled to tell who.

a knock on my door made me jump slightly. "come in" i yawned. the door opened and emma's smile was the first thing i saw. next thing was daisy jumping on my bed and licking me.

"what are you doing here?" i asked, giving daisy some belly rubs. "your mom invited us over for dinner" she smiled. "is mike here too?" i asked, raising a brow.

"yeah, and haden and carmen as well" she nodded. "why wasn't i told we were having a family dinner" i groaned. "michael and i wanted to have a dinner with you guys" emma shrugged.

"alright..i'm gonna change and then i'll be down" i nodded. "sounds good" emma smiled before exiting the room with daisy in tow. once they were gone, i got up and changed out of my work uniform.

i then cracked open my door and slowly made my way downstairs. "wassup sis" haden commented when he saw me. "hi" i waved, before dodging michael's stares and heading into the kitchen.

"so, when was i gonna find out we were having a dinner?" i commented, making mom turn around. "michael only brought up the idea when you were upstairs napping" she shrugged.

"i cant believe you" i groaned. "would you mind setting the table?" she asked. "yeah" i nodded, going to the cupboards. i got out seven plates, and utensils and set them at the table. 

"do we have any wine?" i asked. "yeah, scott just bought some" mom nodded. "scott, you mind if i have some wine?" i asked, peering into the living room. "go ahead" he nodded.

"whats for dinner?" i asked, appearing back in the kitchen. "why don't you go socialize with your siblings while i finish dinner?" she spoke, not making eye contact with me. "ok" i hummed.

i grabbed my glass of wine and headed out to the living room. "there's the life of the party" scott joked, making me crack a small smile. unfortunately though, the only open seat was a spot beside mike.

with a big sigh, i took the spot and rested my elbows on my legs. "so miss dahlia, i hear that duff's gonna be back soon" scott mentioned. "yeah, two weeks" i smiled with a nod.

"is he going to rehab when he's back?" michael commented, making me roll my eyes. i decided to stay silent and continue to drink my wine. in style of course.

not long later, we got called to the table for dinner. most of the conversation revolved around everyone's individual lives, but i tried my best to stay out of it.

"oh actually there's something i wanted to add" michael spoke. my eyes stayed on him as him and emma announced they were expecting a baby. of course i was mad at michael, but hearing that news made me happy for him.

maybe mom was right, and maybe i am being petty.

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