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the ceiling was white and boring. it's all there was to look at. everything else reminded me of something going wrong in my life.

by now, i was hiding away in my little apartment. i got no muse out of anything, it's like a wave of depression just crept over. no, not crept. it hit like a huge wave all at once.

i had several phone calls come in, but i didn't answer any. i was alive, and that's good enough. i didn't need a bunch of people coming over and asking if i was okay.

i decided today was the day to actually get out of bed. the first thing i did was head to the answering machine. i skimmed through the messages until duff's voice made me stop.

"hey lia are you okay? no one's heard from you in a few days. if you don't respond by today, the 29th, i'm coming to check up on you."

i just rolled my eyes and looked the calendar beside the phone. well, it was the 29th. and i had no plans on responding. he could come over if he wants, but i wont open the door.

duff is the last person i want to see right now.

my thoughts were interrupted by knocking on my door. "lia?" a voice called. duff. "go away" i mumbled, eyeing the door to make sure it was locked.

"lia cmon open the door" he groaned, banging harder. "nope" i responded, turning on my heels and heading back towards my bedroom.

before i could shut the door, i heard the locks switch on the front door, making my eyes widen. my eyes met duff's, and he looked hurt. i had never seen him look like that before.

duff wasn't alone though. slash was there too. "not you too" i scoffed, rolling my eyes at the curly haired guitarist. "yeah, no offense dahlia, but you look like shit" slash laughed.

"can you guys get out? i don't wanna talk right now" i mumbled, sitting down on the couch. "lia, what's wrong?" duff asked, making me completely break down.

" dog died, i lost my job, and you're an asshole" i cried, looking at duff. "what did i do?" duff asked, raising a brow as if he had no clue of what was going on.'

"you know what you get out please" i sighed. "no, i'm not leaving" he shook his head. i looked towards slash, hoping he would get the memo to leave and take duff with him.

"i'm gonna head out...this is something you two need to figure out" slash shrugged, quickly fleeing the scene. that just left me alone with the tall blonde. 

the apartment went silent, except for my sniffles and heavy breathing. "slash told me everything..." duff suddenly spoke, making me look up.

"what do you mean?" i questioned. "slash told me that you were upset cause supposedly i dot like you as much as you thought" he spoke, a slight chuckle.

"well you don't. it's obvious" i shrugged, playing with the sleeves of my hoodie. "that's not true" he spoke, sitting beside me. "then prove it" i scoffed.

i could only partly roll my eyes before duff's soft lips were on mine. they stayed there for a good few seconds until he pulled back and looked at me with a smirk.

"does that prove it?" he asked. "i mean not really" i sighed, trying to hide the slight smile that was forming. "do i need to do it again?" he asked.

"no, no, it's just...i need to hear it" i nervously answered. he just nodded and pursed his lips as he looked away. "i was can't say it" i whispered.

"dahlia no-" "no its okay, i understand." without another word, i stood up and went to walk away. duff's hand lightly gripped my wrist, making me look back. 

"duff-" "i love you lia...i really do. and i want to be with you, but i'm scared" he confessed. "what are you scared of?" "i'm scared to hurt you...and i'd never want to do that to you."

"i'm not worried...i trust you" i whispered, tracing my fingertips along his face. "you mean it?" he confirmed. "more than anything" i agreed.

"there's a get together tonight with the band, and michael and emma will be to be my date?" he asked, raising a brow with a cheesy smile.

"i'd love to...i need a shower though" i giggled. "i stink" he nodded, pinching his nose. "okay cmon i don't stink that bad" i scoffed, rolling my eyes.

"yeah, yeah, whatever, go hop in the shower. i'll pick out an outfit for you" he winked. i raised my eyebrows in interest and nodded before walking down the hallway.

i shut the bathroom door behind me and started up the water. now, the dirty water that filled the bottom of the tub was actually disgusting. i didn't even know that was possible.

while i showered, i made sure to shave basically every part of my body. the amount of body hair i was growing was also disgusting, i don't know how duff didn't lose all interest in me. 

at last, i was clean and tightly wrapped up in my towel, as i headed down the hallway and towards my room. when i peered in, duff was laying on my bed and browsing through my magazines.

"having fun?" i asked, making him jump slightly. "mhm" he nodded. i noticed a few articles of clothing sitting at the end of the bed. "is this my outfit?" i asked.

"yeah, put it on" he spoke. "okay, i'll be back" i spoke, grabbing the clothes and heading back into the bathroom. most of the steam had subsided so i could actually see myself in the mirror.

once i was changed, i styled my wet hair and applied a tiny bit of makeup before going back to my room. right as i got back, duff looked up and his jaw dropped.

"oh dahlia, you look beautiful" he smiled. "thank you" i giggled. at this moment, it felt like not all hope was lost. i had duff, and to be honest, he was the only thing i needed.

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