twenty three

7 0 0

"got everything?" duff questioned, as i handed him my bags. "yep, that's it" i nodded. "okay, let's go" he smiled, offering me his hand, which i took.

he helped me into the tour bus we were gonna be calling home for the next while. now that i was in the situation, i had no clue how i was going to last on the road. 

one thing that made it better was that i was on good terms with everyone in the band now. except for jenny, who was joining us for a few months of the tour. 

"where's the first stop?" i questioned, sitting at a table with axl, steven, and slash. "portland" axl answered. i nodded in content and rested my elbows on the tables, out of boredom.

"dahlia, you wanna play cards?" steven asked, holding up a deck. "yeah, sure" i nodded. i watched as steven tried to shuffle the deck, but failing pretty miserably.

"here, i'll do it" i laughed, taking the deck away. i shuffled for about a minute until i thought it was good, since this was a brand new pack of cards.

"blackjack?" i asked, raising a brow. "count me in too" slash spoke, making me roll my eyes. "guys i don't have any money to gamble" i groaned. 

"it's okay, just gamble with your clothes" axl smirked. those words made me wanna throw up all over the place, and all over him too.

"hey! don't say that to my girlfriend....but i wouldn't mind either" duff jokingly warned before shrugging it off. "you guys are gross" i scoffed, rolling my eyes.

"anyways, can we just play? no money involved either" i added. "yeah, whatever" slash agreed, rolling his eyes. it was just steven, slash, and i playing.

axl was busy writing new song lyrics i assumed, izzy was in his own world, duff was passed out by now, and jenny was giving me daggers from across the bus. probably cause i was sitting beside slash.

this bitch really had a serious staring problem going on. every minute, i thought about connecting my fist with her face, but that would ruin slash and i's friendship.

"so dahlia, why'd you come on tour?" steven asked, drawing all attention to me. "oh uh, just wanted to come along" i shrugged, trying not to expose the truth.

"oh cool! i'm really happy to have you with us" steven smiled. "thanks stevie" i smiled, wanting to give him a bone crushing hug. he was the sweetest guy ever.

within a while, boredom got the best of me again. so, i decided to take the time to explore the bus. duff was still passed out on the couch, so i let a smile show and gave him a quick kiss on the forehead.

everyone else was too busy to notice i had left. i just wanted to know what the back of the bus looked like, and plus i kinda had to use the bathroom anyways.

there were a bunch of bunks, stuff thrown on top of them to claim them. i noticed my bags were on a top bunk, and duff's stuff was on the bottom. i wish we could be sleeping together though.

sometimes we'd get hotels though, so that meant duff and i could actually have some alone time. but, with the amount of people and things to do on tour, i bet i'd be spending a lot of time by myself.

the guns boys though, were on tour with the cult, which was super cool since i was a huge fan. i think if i ever came face to face with ian astbury i'd lose all abilities to speak.

it felt so weird that i was technically the girlfriend of a famous rockstar. i've known the boys for some time now, and i just cant wrap my head around them being famous.

"watcha up to?" a voice spoke, bringing me back to the real world. "oh, just looking around" i shrugged, turning around to face my beautiful boy.

"you like the bus?" he questioned. "it'll take some getting used to" i giggled. "yknow we could always break in our beds" he smirked. "in those tiny things?! how do you even fit in there?"

"eh most the time i'm too drunk to even care anyways" he shrugged. "sounds about right" i nodded. "we're gonna stop to get some food, you coming with?" he asked.

"yeah, of course" i nodded with a smile. "okay lets go" he spoke, holding out his hand for me, which i took. a few minutes later, the bus came to a halt so we all flooded out. 

we walked along the streets of oregon, in search for food. it also felt weird that other than jenny, i was the only girlfriend on tour with them. hopefully jenny would stop glaring at me sometime soon.

"right here looks good!" steven quickly commented before swerving to the left. the rest of us shrugged and followed the blonde inside. 

we sat down in two separate booths since there was too many of us to fit into one. i scanned the menu, but didn't even need to look to know what i wanted. chicken tenders. always my choice.

"you wanna share a milkshake?" duff questioned, throwing an arm over my shoulder. "i'd love to" i nodded, with a cheesy grin. duff couldn't help but smile back.

for the next hour, we ate our meals and then eventually headed back to the tour bus. the sun was starting to set, so as we drove down the country roads, i kept my eyes fixed on the sunset.

"it's pretty, huh?" duff questioned, sitting down beside me. "so pretty" i smiled, mesmerised by the perfect blend of orange, yellow, pink, and purple. 

"this is gonna sound so weird, but sunsets give off an acoustic vibe" i giggled, furrowing my brows as i tried to figure out how to say it. "i get what you mean" duff agreed, smiling down at me.

as my eyes peeled away from the sunset and onto duff, his gaze made me feel comforted. i already knew i'd be homesick on this tour, but duff made everything feel alright.

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