twenty six

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the boys exited the stage, sweat dripping off their half bare bodies. except izzy, he always had a shirt on, even if it was basically unbuttoned all the way.

i gave steven a high five and went to hold out my arms for duff, but he didnt even acknowledge me. he just walked straight past, grabbed a bottle of vodka, and disappeared down the hallway.

"having problems?" jenny asked, watching everything unfold. yes, jenny and i were on good terms now. and she could tell something was up with duff.

"he barely even fucking looks at me anymore" i huffed, giving duff a death glare as he walked further and further away. "i'm sure it's nothing bad" she shrugged. 

i decided to just head back to the hotel before anyone. it wasnt a far walk, and i needed to release my anger somehow. slapping my boyfriend is not how i wanted this to go.

once at the hotel, i sat on the bed, lighting up cigarette after cigarette. and eventually, duff decided to make an appearance.

the room was pitch black, except for the slight orange lighting up the cancer stick. "dahlia? since when do you smoke?" duff spoke, closing the door behind him. i could hear the slur in his speech.

"since when did you care?" i lightly mumbled. "you alright?" he asked, flicking on the light. "no actually, i'm not okay" i huffed, standing up and stomping out the cigarette on the brown carpet.

"you think it's okay to just fucking ignore me?" i raised my voice. "i havent been ignoring you" he scoffed, rolling his eyes. "oh cmon, cut the shit. i hear how you talk about're probably fucking all of them except me" i yelled.

"i-" "or maybe you're too obsessed with your ex who happens to be fucking the lead singer of the band you're on tour with!" i interrupted. "wait, robins with ian?" he questioned.

"of course...pretty obvious you're still in love with her" i scoffed. "i'm not in love with her anymore! i love you" he argued. "then say it to my face...tell me you dont love her anymore" i whispered, nearing him.

i looked up at his face as he stared beyond me. not a single word came from his mouth. "right..." i trailed off, sniffling as tears began dropping from my eyes.

i swerved around his body and headed towards the door. "lia wait!" he called out. "i dont want to talk to you right now" i huffed, opening the door before slamming it shut.

i stomped all the way down the hallway, to room 409. i hesitated for a moment before i began knocking. izzy promptly answered the door, shirtless might i add.

"what are you doing here?" he questioned, noticing my puffy eyes. "can i come in?" i asked, to which he quickly opened the door wider for me. 

as i entered izzy's room, he picked up a shirt off the ground and slipped it on to his body. "so, what brings you here?" he asked, lighting up a cigarette.

"can i have one?" i quickly asked. "thought you quit?" he inquired. i just shrugged him off and allowed him to help light the cigarette.

"anyways, to answer your question, duff and i kinda got in a fight" i sighed, sitting on the chair beside the bed. "what was it about?"

"robin...but i didnt mean for it to be about her. it was more so supposed to be how he's been ignoring me for the past few weeks" i explained, fidgeting with my fingers.

"you think he's seeing her behind your back?" he chuckled. "well, yes, but no. i just know that he still loves her, so i guess in a way-" "you feel threatened?" he interrupted.

"yeah" i nodded, avoiding eye contact. "listen, i think you need to hear this" he began. "yeah?" i eagerly asked. "duff isnt going behind your back, i can promise you that" he began.

"so then whats the problem?" i asked. "you havent noticed?" "noticed what?" i raised my voice slightly. "dahlia, duff is never sober, and just like everyone in the band, he's always high off his ass on coke" he explained.

"i mean...i knew he did coke, but i didnt know the problem was so bad" i sighed, hitting my forehead. how dumb was i not to notice it? i could only tell that steven was using the most.

"i gotta give you props for not tearing duff apart for using"  izzy chuckled. "why?" "you're not the usual 'rockstar' girfriend" he spoke, using finger quotes.

"let me's because i dont excessively drink and do drugs?" i asked, raising a brow. izzy just nodded, bringing us to silence.

"would it be too much to ask if i could sleep here tonight?" i questioned. "of course not...i'll sleep on the couch so you can have my bed" he offered. "no no i'll take the couch."

after much insisiting, i ended up in the bed. i wasnt complaining too much though, since it was so cozy. i wondered if duff was wondering where i was, but i tried not to think about him too much.

after izzy and i's conversation, i felt better. because izzy promised me duff wasnt seeing anyone else. but i was also extremely worried about duff's health.

i did not want to lose another person, and especially not him. i dont even think he realized how much he means to me. he's my everything and i couldnt even think about losing him.

i was mad at myself for how i had made everything about robin. truth is, nothing was about her. and sure, duff might still have some love for her, but i could expect that.

after all, he was just married to her for a year or so. and i'm just the friends little sister who somehow got a chance with him. i didnt realize how lucky i was.

"thank you for everything tonight, iz" i spoke quietly in the dark room. "no worries, dahlia. i'm always here" he hummed through the darkness

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