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"of course, whats up?" "i feel like i need to explain why i just kinda disappeared..." i started. "you remember that day when slash had just lashed out on me so i came over?" 

"mhm" he hummed. "okay well uhm...this is probably a bad time to say this but yknow-" "what is it?" he cut me off. "i kinda realized that i was never really in love with slash, and i was more in love" i spoke.

i could feel the surprise radiating off the blonde. "so i was kinda scared of that feeling, and i didn't want to ruin our friendship or anything so i just kinda left" i shrugged.

"you kinda did more harm by leaving" he chuckled. "yeah i realized that later" i nodded. i couldn't tell what duff was thinking, his facial expressions never changed or anything. 

"what made you tell me?" "it's been eating at me for so long and i couldn't keep it a secret anymore. seeing you made me fall all over again."

he nodded as he broke to eye contact to look at the sky. "oh fuck dahlia, why would you say that" i thought to myself. surely this would ruin our friendship again.

"i think im gonna call it a night" he spoke, going to get up. "oh uhm okay" i fake smiled. "goodnight, lia" he spoke, gently kissing my forehead before walking away.

as soon as he was gone, a frown took over. i shouldn't have said that. "you ruin everything" i mumbled, putting my head down. now i probably just lost him again.

i quickly stood up and went back to the hotel room. when i got in, i climbed into bed and curled up on the bed in a fetal position. i let out a quiet sob, hoping no one next door would hear.

what dahlia didn't know though, was that duff's feelings for her never actually went away. he'd still loved her even when she left. but duff wasn't sure if he was ready to move on from robin yet.

the next morning rolled around, and i started packing up my room. checkout was 11, and then i'd head back home to l.a. thank god haden's girlfriend was able to watch benny for me.

i slung my bag over my shoulder and opened the door. i wasn't looking when i walked out, and ran straight into duff. "sorry" i apologized, looking up at him.

"its alright" he chuckled, grabbing my bag that had fallen off my shoulder. i nodded at him as my bag returned to my hands. "you heading back to l.a soon?" i asked.

"yeah right away...i'm gonna ride with slash and jenny." "you're welcome to come with me if you want?" i offered. i cursed at myself slightly for the offer, knowing it'll probably be awkward.

"yeah, sure" he agreed. i smiled quickly and nodded. "i just gotta check out then i'm good to go" i smiled. "okay" he nodded, following my lead downstairs.

"i would like to check out of room 404" i spoke to the woman at the front desk. "sure, i'll just take the key card" she smiled, holding out her hand. i placed it in her palm and she sent a nod.

as we left the hotel, i slid my glasses on to my face and headed to the car. "holy shit, duff! can i get an autograph" a guy yelled, making my head whip around.

"yeah sure" he nodded, getting handed a sharpie from the fan. "i'll be in the car" i smiled to him before leaving the scene. i put my bags in the backseat and got into the front.

i watched duff interact with the fan. the guy walked away and two girls came up to him. i rested my chin on the steering wheel as i watched their every move.

their body language showed they wanted to fuck him. a slight amount of jealousy built up inside of me, so i reverted my attention to something else.

something else being slash and jenny walking out from the front doors. the girls that were talking to duff scrunched their faces when they saw jenny with slash.

i just chuckled to myself and rolled my eyes. while i waited, i touched up the red lipstick i had put on this morning. it had basically faded away.

the car door opened up, making me jump slightly. it was just duff though, not some random stranger. "what did those girls want?" i asked, raising a brow.

"the usual...hookups" he shrugged. "right..." i trailed off, turning on the engine. it roared to life and i nodded in content. "need to stop anywhere?" i asked.

"liquor store?" he questioned. "yeah, sure" i hesitantly agreed. i drove down just a few blocks until we arrived at the store. "you want anything?" "no i'm good, thanks" i nodded.

he nodded and walked out and into the building. i let out another sigh, which was probably the millionth sigh of the day. i was just stressed and confused from the night before.

i wish he could've said something about last night. i didn't even know if he felt the same way. i know he did back in '85, but i wasn't sure about now.

after all, he was going through a divorce with one of the sweetest girls i had ever met. it made me at ease though, that i wasn't the reason for their divorce. i wasn't even around.

duff returned a few minutes later with a few bottles of vodka. it was no surprise that all the guns boys spent their money on alcohol and drugs- probably strippers too.

"good to go now?" i confirmed. he nodded so i stepped on the gas pedal and sped down the highway and all the way home. 

"do you still live in the same place?" i mumbled, avoiding his eye contact. "yeah" he nodded, lighting a cigarette. the whole ride home had been awkward and filled with silence.

when i pulled up in front of his house, and kept my hands on the wheel. "thanks for the ride" he smiled. "yeah, no problem" i mumbled looking away from him.

"are you okay?" he questioned, noticing the change. "did i say or do something wrong?" i asked, turning towards him. "no, of course not lia" he shook his head.

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