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as i stepped into axl's big house, my jaw dropped. this was genuinely the biggest house i had ever been in, in my entire life.

only thing was though, now i had to find duff or at least someone i knew. so first thing i did, was try to navigate my way to the kitchen. i was sure to find someone there.

"oh shit, sorry" i apologized, bumping into someone. i turned around just to raise my eyebrows. "haden? what are you doing here?" i questioned, noticing my twin.

"parties hot, everyone's here" he yelled over the loud music. he held up a lit up cigarette in his right hand and a beer in his left hand. i just nodded in response.

"have you seen duff?" i asked. "he was showing carmen to the kitchen" he replied. "thanks" i nodded before wandering off towards the kitchen.

i found it pretty quickly, since people flooded in and out. but by how every girl in this house was dressed, i didn't feel so self conscious anymore. i was kinda feeling it.

i spotted the redhead with the tall blonde right away. i rolled my eyes and quickly made my way to them. carmen was leaning against the counter, smirking up at duff as he talked.

"duff" i called out, diverting his attention from carmen and over to me. "oh wow lia, you look really good" he spoke, his face turning into a surprised expression.

"thank you, duff" i smiled, nodding at him. i looked over at carmen and she looked completely unimpressed that i was here right now.

her eyes did a quick scan of my outfit as i took note of her outfit too. she was wearing a short black pencil skirt with a ripped up band shirt. 

"isn't it just so hot in here?" carmen asked, pulling her shirt off over her head. that left her with just a lacy black bra underneath. the bra was too small though, since her tits were barely in there.

duff's eyes though, never left me. it made me pretty happy, since there were half naked girls all over anyways. just shows he'd choose me over anyone else, well hopefully.

"you want a drink?" duff offered, holding out an unopened bottle of beer. "yeah, thanks" i smiled, taking the bottle from him. i cracked it open and took a large sip.

"hey duff? you think we could go somewhere and talk?" carmen interrupted. "uh maybe later, gotta spend some time with my favourite lia" duff smiled, slinging an arm around me.

carmen sighed and hurried out of the kitchen looking like she was about to cry. "what's up with her?" i asked, raising a brow. "no clue" he shrugged.

"this is a crazy party" i trailed off. "yeah, its what we do best" duff smirked. "yeah, there's just...so many people" i shivered, widening my eyes.

"i can introduce you to some people...motley crue is here" he shrugged like it was no big deal. "did you just say motley crue was here?" i gasped, placing a hand over my mouth.

"yeah, cmon-" "wait duff, i kinda just wanna stay away from everyone" i admitted. "whats going on?" "i just-" "yo whats up duff! who's this pretty lady?" a man smirked.

the man, being nikki sixx. i had to contain my excitement, which wasn't too hard. i just played it off with a polite smile, as i freaked the fuck out on the inside.

"this is dahlia, michael's sister" duff introduced. "oh shit, you must be haden's twin" nikki cheered, holding up a bottle of jack. no surprise.

"yeah" i groaned. you're telling me haden met nikki before i did? now that's not fair...haden's not even that big of a fan of motley. he says they look too much like girls.

"well you're very pretty, miss dahlia" nikki smirked, leaning against the counter as he looked my body up and down. any girl would be jumping on him, but me? i just wanted duff.

"thank you, nikki" i politely nodded. "ah you know me" he spoke, the smirk never leaving his face. "yeah, i'm a big fan of motley actually" i nodded, interesting him even more.

"oh, so i'm your favourite, right?" he questioned, leaning in closer to me. "actually its mick" i smirked before pushing myself off the counter and strutting away.

duff stood there the whole time, and i could hear him chuckle from behind me. honestly i didn't wanna leave the kitchen, but i didn't want to be around nikki much longer either.

i mean emma and michael gotta be around here somewhere, right? or at least haden or someone i know.

"watch it!" a girl yelped as a drink landed on the ground. "sorry" i apologized, making eye contact with the familiar girl. my biggest fear, jenny.

"what are you doing here?" she scoffed, rolling her eyes. "this ain't your house, jenny" i spoke, shaking my head. "yeah well, no one really likes you anymore, so i don't know why you still hang around."

my face dropped from those words and it took everything in me not to slap her face. i did it to jess once...whats stopping me from doing it to her?

"just go find your boyfriend" i snorted, beginning to walk away. "you bitch! go cheat on someone, like you always do" jenny yelled, bringing all the attention to us.

well, more me. all eyes were on me, making me nervous. sure, i did nothing wrong in this situation, but my brain was telling me i did.

it seemed like the entire party stopped so everyone could stare at me. i could feel my heart racing, and my palms beginning to sweat. i felt like i was heating up so much.

oh fuck, panic attack.

tears started clouding my vision, so i pushed a crowd of people away so i could run upstairs. i ran into the first unoccupied room i saw and collapsed on the bed.

my breathing was getting heavier and heavier, it felt like there was a thick cloud of smoke in the room. i couldn't get a deep enough breath, making me think i was gonna die.

"breathe dahlia" i tried to remind myself, but none of those words mattered right now. i couldn't calm myself down. i needed emma, or someone.

"oh fuck, lia are you okay?"

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