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well, duff had invited me to go out with him and the rest of the band. i was hella nervous to go. sure, i had seen everyone at the wedding, but i had never actually had a long interaction with any of them.

i tugged the bar doors open and scouted the area. the smoke clouded the room, making it hard to see anything. i eventually saw slash's ball of curls though.

i took a deep breath and approached the table. axl was the first to notice me, since i could hear him asking what i was doing here. duff quickly dismissed him and let me slide into the booth.

"hey guys" i waved, trying to remain as friendly as possible. this time, it was just slash. no jenny in sight, which kinda made me relieved. still, the last time i talked to slash was when he yelled at me last year.

"glad you made it lia" duff smiled, throwing an arm over my shoulder. "yeah, me too" i smiled with a nod. i sent izzy and steven a quick nod to say hello. i completely ignored slash and axl's existence though. 

the night started as we all drank and talked. "are you still in school, dahlia?" steven questioned, making me cringe as all attention went on me. "nope, she left" slash spoke, before continuing to down his bottle of jack.

"what happened?" izzy inquired. "moved to a different program" i shrugged. "so whats the deal between you and duff?" axl spoke up, eyeing the blonde and i.

"what do you mean?" i laughed. "seems like you two are banging" axl shrugged. "we're not" duff spoke, joining the conversation. "yeah right" axl mumbled under his breath.

i decided to ignore his comment and order another drink. i decided i would have three drinks and then stop after. i didn't want to be too fucked up. 

as a few hours went by, i was starting to get annoyed with the group. "hey duff?" i whispered, tapping his arm. "yeah?" he questioned, a cigarette hanging from his lips.

"i think i'm gonna head home" i smiled. "i'll go with" he offered. "are you sure? you can stay, i'll be fine" i confirmed. he only nodded his head and finished his drinks.

i slid out of my seat and stood up. duff followed suit, capturing everyone's attention. "where you guys going?" steven energetically asked. "home" i smiled.

"right" axl mumbled, eyeing me the entire time. like goddamn, stop looking at me like that. "what?" he asked, making me gasp slightly. i was thinking out loud again.

"you heard me, i said stop looking at me like that" i shrugged. without another word, i turned around and began strutting out of the bar, with duff following suit. 

"why'd you wanna leave?" duff asked, looking down at me as we walked. "tired" i shrugged. i was half lying, half not. i mostly didn't wanna be around them anymore.

duff hummed in response and we walked in silence until we got to my apartment building. as i went to unlock the door, duff stopped in his tracks, making me stop too.

"are you coming up or?" i questioned, furrowing my brows. "if you want me to" he shrugged. "of course i want you to" i giggled, moving over to him and grabbing his hand. 

i dragged him over to the door and held him until i unlocked it. from there, we made our way upstairs and eventually inside my apartment. "benny!" i called out.

within seconds, he was running over to me. except, he ran past me and right to duff. "that's rude" i huffed, jokingly frowning as i kicked off my heels.

i left duff stranded while i headed to the kitchen to find something to eat. it seemed like all i had in this house was junk food. kinda ironic that i worked at a doctors office huh.

i was brought out of my thoughts by a knock on the front door. duff was still over there, so he answered it. i heard a conversation, so i walked up beside duff.

"carmen? what are you doing here?" i questioned. "i wanted to talk to you but uh never mind" she smiled. i just discreetly rolled my eyes as i crossed my arms.

"hey duff, its been a while" carmen smiled. i squinted my eyes ever so slightly in anger. "yeah" he nodded. "we should yknow catch up someday" she smirked.

"if you needed to talk to me, you can come back tomorrow" i interrupted. "right" she trailed off. "is that all?" i asked, noticing she hadn't moved. "oh yeah, sorry to bother you guys" she smiled.

within seconds, she turned on her heels and walked down the hallway. "fucking bitch" i muttered, after closing the door and walking away.

"is someone jealous?" duff smirked. "jealous of what?" i chuckled, shaking my head. "we both know" he shrugged. i just ignored his comment and sliced up an apple.

"i think i'm gonna have a shower" i suddenly spoke. "you can watch tv or whatever" i smiled to the giraffe. "sure" he nodded. i sent him a nod before going to the bathroom.

i took a shower and did some quick aftercare, like applying lotion and washing my face and stuff. once i changed into some comfortable pj's, being shorts and a tank top, i left the steamy room.

i furrowed my brows when i noticed duff wasn't in the living room or kitchen. nor my bedroom. "where is that fucker" i mumbled. suddenly, i felt a cool breeze on my back.

oh, he's on the balcony. i peeked my head out, and he had a bass in hand as he sung some lyrics while playing notes. i stayed quiet for a few moments before revealing myself.

"watcha doing" i smiled, sitting on the patio chair across from him. "writing some music" he shrugged, setting his bass back into the case. "for a new album?"

"yeah something like that" he nodded, throwing his almost finished cigarette off the balcony. hopefully no one was walking by. 

silence fell upon us, leaving me speechless. i didn't know what to say genuinely. so without a word, i moved onto the bench he was sitting on, and rested my head on his shoulder.

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