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duff and i found ourselves in his living room. i sat on his couch and he joined me with some vodka too, of course. even though i had to drive home, i decided to take it anyways.

he invited me in so we could talk it out, about last night and make things clear again. all i wanted was my best friend and my favourite guy in the world back.

"what made you think you did something wrong?" he questioned, taking a puff from his newly lit cigarette. "cause you just kinda left right away without saying anything" i admitted.

"can i be honest with you?" "please do" i eagerly nodded. last thing i wanted him to do was lie to me. "i love you lia, but i don't know if i can move on from robin yet" he spoke.

my heart broke into tiny pieces from his sentence. i was selfish to think that after ghosting him for a year we'd just automatically get together. i needed to use my brain more.

"yknow when i met you, i only looked at you as a little sister. then, the more time we spent together, the more i found myself looking at you as something more" he explained.

"and let me guess...when all i'd talk about was slash, your feelings went away..." i spoke. "yeah kinda, but i never stopped loving you as something more or just a friend" he nodded.

i felt slightly more at ease but still disappointed to say the least. "i guess this is just better for us, huh?" i asked, referring to us only being friends.

"only if you look at it that way" he shrugged. "i guess" i nodded. "have you been in a relationship since you ghosted me?" he questioned.

"nope." "why not?" he asked before downing the vodka in his glass. every time i saw that horror came across me. that shit is nasty. i'd have to be already wasted to do that.

"i was convinced that one day we'd work out" i chuckled, slightly embarrassed. i didn't want to hold anything back though, i wanted the full truth out.

i'd never been vulnerable with duff like this before. it was a weird feeling. and it felt like i was in a movie confessing my love for my best friend. only, in movies it would actually go well.

"what about this" he started. i adjusted my position so i was facing him with my legs crossed. "we be friends again and see where it takes us" he offered. 

"being friends isn't gonna be the same though" i shrugged. "then fake it till you make it" he smiled. i nodded and sank into the couch with more disappointment, except there was slight hope.

that's only if everything went good though. random groupies tend to always get in the way.

"you're welcome to stay the night" he offered. "i gotta pick my dog up from haden's girlfriends so not tonight" i smiled. "that's alright" he nodded.

he stood up as well to walk me to the door, and my arms found themselves wrapping around his torso. i missed our hugs a lot. i just missed everything.

"give me a call, alright?" he spoke, looking down at me. "i will, thanks for the drink" i smiled before opening the front door. i turned to him and sent one more wave before hurrying to my car.

i turned on the engine and left the area quickly. haden's girlfriend lived about a twenty minute drive from duff. and i felt bad that i kept benny there longer than i said.

"hey sorry i took so long!" i apologised as soon as carmen opened the door. "its alright" she nodded. benny must have known i was here, cause he came bolting to the front door.

"how was the wedding?" carmen questioned, looking down at me who was now crouching. "it was really good" i nodded, sending her a smile.

"hey dahlia can i ask you something?" she questioned, walking back to the front door with benny's leash in hand. "yeah sure, whats up?" i smiled.

"you know that duff guy that used to live with you?" she asked. "yeah what about him?" i furrowed my brows. what does she want that has to do with him.

"do you still uhm talk to him?" "yeah, just started talking to him again, why?" i questioned, seemingly more confused on where this conversation was going. "yknow what never mind, its not important" she chuckled.

"alright...." i trailed off. "anyways uh here's $20 for watching him" i smiled, handing carmen the cash. "thanks, i appreciate it" she nodded, tucking the money into her pocket.

"yeah no problem...bye" i waved, turning around. as soon as the front door shut i looked back. carmen was being kinda suspicious. she is the same girl that duff fucked once so...maybe she's trying to get with him again?

guess i'm just gonna have to get him first. plus carmen has haden anyways! what the fuck. maybe i should tell haden what happened...or not. i don't actually know her intentions.

but i don't care, i'm gonna get him first.

a few days had gone by, and i had just gotten home from work. the phone sat in my hand, as i debated if i should call duff or not. of course i should! he told me to call him.

i knew the guns boys we're leaving to go on tour next month, so i needed to hangout with him as much as possible. i didn't want to regret not calling him. 

before i even knew what i was doing, the phone started trilling, waiting for duff to pick up on the other side. i was starting to lose hope until his voice spoke.

"hey its dahlia" i smiled. "hey lia, whats up?" he spoke, making my smile grow wider. "just wanted to see if you wanted to hangout" i shrugged, nerves eating at me.

"of course i do" he agreed. "oh um perfect! if you come over we could build a fort and watch a movie? with vodka of course" i suggested. fuck dahlia, you just suggested the most childish thing ever!

"yeah, i'll be there" he chuckled. i gave him my address before setting the phone down. "benny! duff's coming over" i squealed, jumping onto the couch.

this was weird, i was treating him more like a school crush rather than someone i had been best friends with for years. snap outta it! friends, nothing more.

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